The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1722: That clean begging for mercy


At this moment, when a sword aura rose in Jiang Zhan's body, in the endless void, as if an eternal sword aura also awakened, it burst out with unparalleled power, and slammed towards Emperor Xiao Qing in a sudden. Come.

Although the two sword auras came from different places, the power they burst out echoed each other, terrifying.

At this moment, even Emperor Xiao Qing showed a look of surprise, "This blow is a bit interesting."

One blow stayed in Jiang Zhan's body, but he was afraid that Jiang Zhan could not withstand too strong power. It only served as a fuse. Another sword aura remained in the sky. This was the real most earth-shaking power.

This sword from the eternal void truly achieved a full blow from the longevity strong, I am afraid that even if the real longevity comes, it may not be able to follow.

"You asked for it, go to hell."

Jiang Zhan roared, his figure quickly retreated to the rear.

Even if it was him, he didn't dare to imagine that after these two sword auras collided, while tearing the Emperor Xiao Qing apart, it would destroy the entire mother star.

"Who allowed you to retreat?"

However, as soon as he moved, he heard Emperor Xiao Qing's indifferent voice coming.

The nine-color energy that had originally enveloped him suddenly exploded, turning into a terrible breath, and directly shocked his whole person, even if Jiang Zhan, unless he exploded with all his strength, he would not dare to say that he could break through Xiao Qingdi’s The shock left.

"You didn't stop or avoid it, you are looking for death by yourself."

He didn't worry about being crushed by Emperor Xiao Qing, but looked at Emperor Xiao Qing in horror and found that he really couldn't see through Emperor Xiao Qing.

Emperor Xiao Qing, faced with these extremely terrifying swords, couldn't even block them.


At this moment, the two sword auras, one up and down, had already been cut within three feet of Emperor Xiao Qing's body at the same time, and immediately they were about to split Emperor Xiao Qing.

Lin Yi's eyes were filled with surprise. It was unexpected that Jiang Zhan could deal with Emperor Xiao Qing by such means.

At the same time, while the others gave in, they all watched this scene in shock. Originally, they had despised Jiang Zhan because he was not Xiao Qingdi’s opponent, but at this moment, the endless worship of Jiang Zhan has risen again. .

This blow was terrifying.


However, when he saw that Emperor Xiao Qing was about to be killed by these two swords.

As the person involved, Emperor Xiao Qing actually shook his head with a disappointed expression, "There is invincible kendo power, but there is no invincibility. After all, it is still too weak."

In the face of these two swords, his approach is very simple, just stretch out his right hand, grab it in the air, "Ning!"

There was a soft chick, and immediately, invisible power flashed through. Those two sword qi that could tear everything apart and even destroy a starry sky world, it was just that, and stopped in front of Emperor Xiao Qing without warning. .

All the momentum disappeared at this moment, everything was calm and calm.

Emperor Xiao Qing held his back with one hand, and still held the state of grasping with the other hand. The two sword auras just hovered in front of him like this, motionless.


A series of voices sucking in cold air sounded.

The faces of these people all showed incredible colors.

What they didn't expect in any way was that Emperor Xiao Qing was so terrifying, even Jiang Zhan was full of confidence, and even feared that a sword would destroy the entire mother star's sword aura.

Moreover, it seemed that it didn't take much effort.

"you you..."

Jiang Zhan was stunned.

He even thought that he was wrong, stretched out his hand, rubbed his eyes, and found that the scene before him was still the same. The two sword qi given to him by his ancestors were used to deal with the terrifying power of the immortal. Blocked easily.

The key is, if you block it, you can block it. Why is it so easy? It's like a strong crushing of these two swords.

"who are you?"

Jiang Zhan can't calm down.

Everyone around him also looked at Emperor Xiao Qing like a ghost.

To be able to confine the two sword qi in the void like this, the only possibility is that Emperor Xiao Qing's strength surpasses the two sword qi too much, and he can easily shake the two sword qi.

Such a gap cannot be achieved by a single star.


He trembled, with a look of horror on his face, thinking for a long time but didn't understand why Emperor Xiao Qing possessed such terrifying power.

"Is this the so-called back hand?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Jiang Zhan with disappointment, "It's really too weak."

Then, a sheathed divine sword appeared in his hand, which was the Holy Emperor Sword.

He gently waved his hand and directly incorporated these two sword auras into the divine sword. It turned out that he planned to use these two sword auras to warm his own divine sword.


At this moment, Jiang Zhan could no longer help but spit out a mouthful of old blood. He trembled and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing in despair, "Why, why is this happening? Who are you? Ah..."

I thought that although Emperor Xiao Qing was stronger than himself, he was only a half-step immortal, but now he understands that the person he encountered may already be an immortal, and he has not just become an immortal. It's a more terrifying existence than our ancestors.

"Lin Yi, you hurt me."

Jiang Zhan suddenly turned his head and shouted at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi on one side was equally stunned. He looked at Jiang Zhan cautiously and said softly, "Brother Jiang Zhan, could it be that you made a mistake with your backhand?"

"Why don't you do it again?"

He also felt that this was impossible. Although Emperor Xiao Qing's strength was very powerful, if Jiang Zhan's backhand was really so powerful and could really deal with the immortal, how could it be so easily broken by Emperor Xiao Qing Up?


Jiang Zhan was furious and wanted to kill Lin Yi.

This bastard, if it weren't for him to spread information, how could he act on such a real longevity for no reason?

"Big Brother Jiang Zhan, why are you cruel to me?" Lin Yi frowned, "I didn't break your trick."

"Lin Yi, do you want to die?"

If Jiang Zhan hadn't been sealed by Emperor Xiao Qing's power, he would have rushed over and beat Lin Yi violently.

"That's it."

Lin Yi quickly closed his mouth and stopped talking.

He knows very well that Jiang Zhan at this moment is truly on the verge of an explosion. If he stimulates the other party like this, I am afraid that something will happen.

After giving Lin Yi a stern look, Jiang Zhan turned his head to look at Emperor Xiao Qing, with a look of helplessness on his face, and bowed his hand to Emperor Xiao Qing, "Junior Jiang Zhan, descendant of the Jiang ethnic group, meet the senior ."

"Previously everything was rude to the juniors, and I asked the seniors not to remember the villains and spare the juniors."

"Senior please forgive me."

He, an outstanding descendant of the Tangtang Jiang clan, a strong man who has made it into the top 100, actually worshiped Emperor Xiao Qing in this way, and, with the void as the ground, just kneeled like this.

The face is extremely respectful.

In the depths of my eyes, there was a hint of fear.

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