The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1724: Who has done the most


As his voice fell, a sigh fell in the void, and Holy Master Lin Tian and another old man walked out in the air.

The old man looked at Emperor Xiao Qing’s eyes with a strange color, while Lin Tian was helpless, sighing in a low voice, "Little friend, although I know this thing is wrong with Yi'er, I still think Please be merciful."

"In my line, he has only one descendant left."

Lin Tian was very helpless. As the holy master of the human sacred land, let alone the home planet human sacred land, even the longevity of the eight hundred realms of the human race outside the territories, many will give him face.

For example, the old man next to him is a good friend he knows, and he is also a true immortal.

It was when Lin Yi followed Jiang Zhan and others to make trouble for Emperor Xiao Qing.

It seems that Emperor Xiao Qing would not give him face anyway this time.

"He is the last descendant of your line, so you can let him find someone to deal with this king?" Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Saint Lord Lin Tian with a smile.

"No, it's not."

Saint Lord Lin Tian's expression changed and he said solemnly, "Little friend, this matter is indeed Yi'er's fault, but his longevity bridge was destroyed by you. After all, he has resentment in his heart, so he brought people to trouble you. , If you let him go this time, I will watch him carefully and will never let him have a chance to deal with you again."

"In that case, it's the king's not."

Emperor Xiao Qing sighed, "Do you think this king made a mistake in ruining his longevity bridge?"


Before Lin Tian spoke, the old man in the longevity realm next to him sneered and said, "Boy, do you know that the act of ruining a person's longevity bridge is even worse than killing him?"

"Don't say that Lin Yi didn't hurt you, even if he really hurt you? Just for Lin Tian as the Holy Master of the Human Race, he made so much contribution to the Human Race, you can't hurt you. Lin Yi."

"Who are you?" Emperor Xiao Qing raised his eyebrows, showing a smile.

"The immortal Qiao Yixian." The old man said with his hands on his back, with a calm expression on his face, "In the eight hundred realms of the human race, there are not many who can be called immortals."

"It turns out to be Immortal Qiao Yi. You are old but the one who is rare in my human race, cough cough, no, old senior."

Before Emperor Xiao Qing could speak, Okura Linglong, who was dressed as a man in the back, saluted respectfully, "The junior Okura Linglong has seen the fairy Qiao Yi."

"It turned out to be a descendant of the Okura clan." The old guy waved his hand casually, with a calm look on his face, a look of high above.

I feel a little proud in my heart. Fortunately, someone knows me. Otherwise, I have to introduce myself to my identity. Then I can't show my identity as an old god.

It's just that when he turned to look at Emperor Xiao Qing, he saw that Emperor Xiao Qing looked at himself like a fool, which made him suddenly embarrassed, "This kid, after knowing the identity of the old man, is he still rude? "

There are many immortals in the heavens and worlds, but those who can be named immortals have a high status and status.

Emperor Xiao Qing didn't even put him in his eyes.

The old guy snorted and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing proudly, "The junior is ignorant, and the old man doesn't care about you, but what you should understand is that no matter what Lin Yi does, you will be the Lord Lin Tian. Can't care about him."

"Don't be reconciled, Lin Tian, ​​as the saint lord, with his contributions to the home planet human race is enough to protect Lin Yi's growth."

He looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with slanted eyes, thinking that Emperor Xiao Qing would be unwilling, and continued, "What contribution Lin Tian, ​​the holy lord, has made to the home planet human race world, I don't need the old man to tell you?"

I thought that Emperor Xiao Qing would definitely say no with a horrified expression.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Xiao Qing had a smile on his face, "I was about to ask."


Old Immortal Qiao Yi snorted, "Since Lin Tian has served as the Holy Lord for thousands of years, first of all, he has performed the task of this position tremblingly, guarding the secular world and the seal of the wild, so that the barbarians of the wild can not enter the world. This is One of the credits."

"Secondly, there are thousands of devil caves. He is maintaining the seal of every devil cave. If it weren't for his existence, those passages would be forced to enter the mother star, and the creatures would be destroyed. As far as I know, Tianyi not long ago Protoss broke through the seal and came to the home planet. It must be Lin Tian's reason to kill it and seal the passage again, right?"

He slanted his eyes and glanced at Emperor Xiao Qing, "The other contributions are so much, your strength is not weak, but compared with him, do you feel guilty?"

"The savage seal is about to be broken, and the invasion of the savage aliens, where are you?"

"The strong men of the Tianyi Protoss invaded and slaughtered mankind, where are you?"

Several voices with questions in succession can be said to be righteous and powerful.

Even if this old man is a strong one among the longevity, he is very proud, he feels that his aura is too strong, Xiao Qing emperor this junior, after hearing this, he must feel guilty and dare not look at him.

But I didn't see that Lin Tian, ​​the Holy Master, suddenly fell silent after hearing his questioning.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing showed a smile but a smile.

"Why are you laughing? You are hopeless."

Old Immortal Qiao Yi shouted angrily, "Even when you heard that Lin Tian possesses such a great event that is beneficial to the world, you didn't show the slightest expression. You are numb and ruthless, and you have a cultivating ability. You are also a scum of my human race."

"shut up."

However, as soon as his voice fell, he heard an angry shout suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by a phoenix roar, a golden phoenix flew up in the sky, turning into Li Yuanji in front of the fairy Qiao Yi.

She wore the crown of the Li imperial clan, and her body erupted with immense imperial might. A terrifying breath burst out, and she coldly shouted, "Old guy, you are extraordinary in strength, and you are even more immortal, but you can't say a word. Human words."


The old fairy Qiao Yi was stunned, "What do you mean? And, who are you? Is it the emperor who masters the secular world?"

"This emperor Li Yuanji, the queen of the wild Li royal family."

With a sneer on Li Yuanji's face, she opened her eyes sharply and said, "This emperor, as the empress of the Li royal family, knows more things than you."

"The wild aliens invaded the secular world, who is fighting for life and death? He is the strong man in the secular world."

"The Inhuman race led the strong to break the seal and enter the secular world. Who killed them? It was him, Dragon King Xiao Qingdi."

"When the wild seal was on the verge of breaking, where was this holy lord? Only the Dragon King Xiao Qingdi walked through the entire seal and reinforced all the seals. What's more, his strength was only the fifth or sixth level of the Primordial God Realm. At the time of the sky, he will enter the alien race, subdue the nine great alien kings, and conquer all the alien races, so that the hidden dangers of the wild alien race are completely eliminated."

Old fairy Qiao Yi, "..."

Li Yuanji continued to shout, "The Demon Cave Tianyi God Clan rushed out of the secular world. When the cultivation base was still weak, he was alone against those strong Tianyi God Clan, and captured all the strong Tianyi God Clan?"

"It's the Dragon King Xiao Qingdi."

"The powerhouse of the blood clan world opened a channel to come to this world, who sealed that channel? It is Emperor Xiao Qing."

Old fairy Qiao Yi, "..."

Holy Lord Lin Tian, ​​"..."

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