The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1731: Whose purpose is impure?

"Brother Xiao, I will call you Brother Xiao from now on, okay? You are so amazing."

"People really envy you, can you teach me how to integrate the nine-layered soul of heaven and earth into one, and I also want to be like you, able to suppress the immortal with one layer of soul."

On Dragon King Island, Okura Linglong, who came to the island, surrounded him like a worm, begging pitifully.

This girl still looks like a woman disguised as a man, and she doesn't feel how uncomfortable it is to act like a baby like this.

She wanted to hold Emperor Xiao Qing's arm, but after being glared by Emperor Xiao Qing, she didn't dare to step forward.


Suddenly, a retching sound came from a distance.

But it was Atari, who just ran out of the entanglement between his wife and the beauty of the blood race. At a glance, he saw a ‘man’ haunting Emperor Xiao Qing, and couldn’t help but throw up...

"Boss, it turns out that hello...I admire it."

Atali looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a shocked look, "Should I just say, why did you get Miss Su and the others to retreat somewhere, it turned out to be to prevent them from discovering your secret."

This kid spoke unscrupulously, but didn't see, Xiao Qingdi's face gradually cooled.

He still said cheerfully, "But it's okay, I don't mind. If you really like men and have that need, I can change my voice anytime and perform well with you..."


Before he finished speaking, a roar suddenly rang.

Immediately afterwards, a monstrous force exploded, directly suppressing his whole body straight on the ground, his mouth opened wide, and he took a big mouthful of sand.

"Deserve it, dare to talk nonsense, and pluck your tongue."

Xiao Wu and Li Yuanji came together, and they all sneered when they saw Atari lying on his stomach eating dirt.

"Is it me embarrassing you?"

Okura Linglong looked at Emperor Xiao Qing cautiously, and then suddenly gritted his teeth, made a decision, and suddenly disappeared in place.


At this moment, even if Emperor Xiao Qing was surprised, he couldn't feel where Okura Linglong went.

"Enter the void secret realm, or go inside the space treasure."

Emperor Xiao Qing raised his eyebrows, looked at Li Yuanji and Xiaowu, congratulated Li Yuanji first, "Congratulations, Yuanji's cultivation has reached the peak of the eighth heaven, and his body has also reached the sixth heaven."

"Compared with you, it's still too weak."

Li Yuanji shook his head and sighed, "I have worked very hard to squeeze my potential to improve my cultivation. However, in the short term, I can only reach this level. It is too difficult to catch up with you."

"Sister Li, you are already very powerful, but people are weak." Xiao Wu's face was filled with resentment.

"You are all great, but I am the weakest."

On one side Atari finally got up, while spitting out the sand in his mouth, while looking at a few people bitterly, "My strength is already very strong, but I'm still bullied by you like this. No, I want to run away from home. I want to leave Dragon King Island."

"Kong Shuai, go and go out to play."

He greeted, and saw an invisible spatial fluctuation flashing across the void, and Atari disappeared in place.

Obviously, it was taken away by Kong Shuai.

"These two guys are about to start restless again."

It doesn't matter how many people are. Atari and Kong Shuai are the life treasures on the island. They play around all day, but they have improved their cultivation faster than anyone else.

However, after their wives came from the Xuanyuan clan, they probably couldn't leave so easily.

For example, when Emperor Xiao Qing saw Atari and Kong Shuai's wife not long ago, he politely gave the two beauties something to each, so that they could locate Atari and Kong Shuai at any time.


"Wow, you guys, you want to run to the flowers again, you are too much."

"This time, I must fix you guys well."

Sure enough, it didn't take long to hear two angry shouts. It was two women of the Xuanyuan clan who dragged back towards the island with Atari and Kong Shuai by the ears.

When passing by Emperor Xiao Qing, the two people looked at Emperor Xiao Qing in their eyes, filled with endless grievances, like a woman who was abandoned by Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Big Brother Xiao."

At this time, Luo Jing and Ji Xinyao strolled together. They talked and laughed, but they became friends in this short period of time.

"Why do you guys get together?" Xiao Qingdi was surprised.

The moment Li Yuanji saw Ji Xinyao, he even coldly snorted, showing an unhappy expression.

Ji Xinyao smiled and made a big move, "Big Brother Xiao, Sister Li, Little Fifth Sister."

"We met, and only after we chatted did we realize that we have so much in common."

Luo Jing's beautiful little face showed a happy expression, "It's so comfortable to chat with Sister Ji."

"Where is it, Xiaojing is so considerate and beautiful." Ji Xinyao also smiled.

The two women seem to have become the best sisters. Emperor Xiao Qing couldn’t help but smiled and said softly, “Being sisters is a good thing. On the island, everyone is a family. Remember not to have any bad ideas, otherwise, this king The punishment is very serious."

Although the words were light, they were shocked in Ji Xinmao's ears.

Ji Xinyao's heart was shaken, and on the surface, she agreed with a smile, "Don't worry, how come we have any bad thoughts."

"That is, Big Brother Xiao, you think too much." Luo Jing also said with a smile.

"Xiao Jing, let's go to other places to play."

"Okay, Big Brother Xiao, let's go first."

Then, the two women joined hands and left together.

With his hands on his back, Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't help sighing as he watched the two women become good sisters.

Li Yuanji next to him started to speak, "A long time ago, when I was in the East China Sea, I suspected that Ji Xinyao's purpose of approaching you was impure. It seems that she has already started to act, but her pattern is too small. But I only know how to draw people around you, but I don't know that this kind of behavior is prematurely exposed."

"Ah, Sister Li, is this true?" Xiao Wu was surprised, "I think there is nothing wrong with her."

Li Yuanji smiled softly, stroked her hair, and turned to look at Emperor Xiao Qing, "Your prince also sees something wrong."

"Master, what is going on?" Xiao Wu looked over in confusion.

"There is something wrong, I doubt..."

When Emperor Xiao Qing was about to speak, suddenly, the void in front of her broke open, and a woman in a beautiful pink skirt walked out of the void with a smile.

"you are..."

Xiao Wu couldn't help but widen his eyes, "What a beautiful girl, just like a porcelain doll. Unexpectedly, there really is such a woman."

"Master, where did this come from?" She turned to look at Emperor Xiao Qing, completely forgot to ask Emperor Xiao Qing about Ji Xinyao.

"Ocang Linglong." Emperor Xiao Qing raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at this beautiful girl who looked like a porcelain doll in surprise.

She sighed in her heart. No wonder, this girl is going to pretend to be a man. If she shows her true face, she might be captured by Jiang Zhan directly as Mrs.

"It's me, Big Brother Xiao is so smart, he knows them all at once."

Okura Linglong blinked and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a smile, "Big Brother Xiao, am I good-looking?"

With anticipation in his eyes, his figure suddenly came closer, breathed out his scent, and said playfully, "As long as you are willing to allow others to teach me how to return to the nine heavens, you can do whatever you want me to do."

As he said, the whole person leaned towards Emperor Xiao Qing.


However, when she leaned over, Xiao Qingdi not only turned slightly sideways, but even gave out a force to directly give her a push, causing her to lie on the ground like this.

In a blink of an eye, Okura Linglong followed Atari's footsteps, eating sand on her stomach without an image.

Xiaowu and Li Yuanji, "..."

Okura Linglong, "..."

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