The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1749: Let the dragon king be a sword boy?

"If you are polite as a buyer to come to this king to buy the emperor seed, this king may consider selling the emperor seed to you, but since you are here in a rage, then, sorry, this king is really good. There is no habit of selling the emperor seed to evil guests."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, not paying attention to the Jiang clan chief.

"No, no, I think you have misunderstood the deity."

At this moment, the patriarch of the Jiang clan shook his head with a calm expression on his face, "Junior, you are too naive, do you think this deity will speak to a junior like you?"

"It's up to you, if you're good, let the deity play a few obediently, the deity can consider taking away the emperor's seed instead of your life, oh, forget, this island is pretty good, and the deity will take it too."

He fell in love with Dragon King Island.

I knew in my heart that if the Dragon King Island were moved back, it would definitely become any holy place for cultivation in the clan, and the new and most perfect holy place for cultivation of the other Jiang clan.


Emperor Xiao Qing chuckled softly. He had seen too much about the arrogance of the patriarch of the Jiang clan, but he didn't feel angry. He just shook his head and sighed, "A long life will not only bring you stronger strength, but also give you stronger IQ. It didn't grow at all."

"Junior, do you dare to insult the deity?" An incredulous expression appeared on the face of the Jiang clan chief.

"I think you don't know the cultivation base of the deity, right?"

He felt that Emperor Xiao Qing must be too weak. He didn't know that he was in the second stage of the longevity realm. So, accompanied by the roar, a large vision bloomed on his head.

First, the world of nine-layered souls emerged, and a longevity bridge traverses the nine-layered sky. On the other side of the longevity bridge, there is a long life wheel rotating. On the top, a sea of ​​bitterness is exuding terrible power in it, his soul, Floating in that bitter sea.

The sea of ​​bitterness is up and down, the light is dazzling, and the invincible power blooms.

Obviously, at this moment, the strength of his breath exploded, truly reaching the pinnacle of the second stage of the sea of ​​suffering.

"Congratulations to my father, I am about to leave the sea of ​​suffering, and my achievements will be immortal."

On the contrary, it was Jiang Zhan, seeing his father's strength for the first time, his face was excited, and he kept congratulating the Jiang clan chief.

The patriarch of the Jiang clan looked indifferent. He didn't put his compliments on his son in his eyes, but just smiled faintly, "It won't take a hundred years for the father to condense the immortal source."

As he said, he raised his head and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, "Junior, don't talk nonsense, it's up to you to decide whether you live or die."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, "You mean, can this king choose his own life and death?"

"Of course, but it depends on how interesting you are."

The patriarch of the Jiang clan seemed to be frightened when he saw Emperor Xiao Qing's rampage from the beginning, and now he saw his cultivation of the second realm of longevity, he was very satisfied.

Even looking at the appearance of Emperor Xiao Qing, he suddenly had an idea in his heart and said proudly, "Well, the deity can not hit you with three moves, but you need to do one thing."

"What's the matter?" Emperor Xiao Qing looked at him curiously.

"You and my son are also destined. It is better for you to follow my son from now on. When a sword boy next to my son, the deity can give you a promise to help you step into the realm of longevity in the future." Jiang clan chief said proudly.

"Be your son's sword boy, hahaha..."

Emperor Xiao Qing laughed, no longer a reserved smile, but a big laugh, the voice shook the mother star, and even spread far away into the outer starry sky.

"What are you laughing at?" The patriarch of the Jiang clan said coldly, "Junior, you should understand that as a sword boy, you should abide by the rules and not laugh so wildly in front of your master."

"I don't know what to do, there is a price to pay."


He directly slapped Xiao Qingdi with a palm.

It was light and fluttering, but there was unparalleled power to suppress Emperor Xiao Qing.

This is the suppression of the longevity realm powerhouses on the Yuanshen realm cultivators, and it is easy to smash and kill the Nine Heavens Yuanshen realm juniors like Emperor Xiao Qing.

Even, there is no resistance.

Of course, the patriarch of the Jiang clan will not kill Emperor Xiao Qing. All he has to do is to teach Emperor Xiao Qing to be his son’s sword boy'obediently', and to breed the emperor. The Dragon King Island is all offered.

"It's not a disadvantage to come to the home planet this time." At this moment, the patriarch of the Jiang clan muttered to himself.

Seeing Emperor Xiao Qing, being able to get the emperor seed, Dragon King Island, and the sword boy Xiao Qing, is also a very good harvest for the patriarch of the Jiang clan.

He never thought he would fail.

Because what stood in front of him was only a junior in the Primordial Spirit Realm. Although his son was not an opponent, he was an immortal. How about Tianjiao?

He doesn't need to worry if he has not reached the immortal state.

However, at this moment, what he did not expect was that when his palm was slapped towards Emperor Xiao Qing, he heard a roar, and on the top of Emperor Xiao Qing's head, a tens of thousands of miles of Yuanshen heaven and earth suddenly appeared. Out.

Yuanshen heaven and earth revolved, an unmatched force burst out suddenly.


A beam of nine-color sword light cut out from within this tens of thousands of miles in the size of the Primordial God Heaven and Earth, directly slicing the energy condensed by the Jiang clan chief into two halves.

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, "The strength is not very good, but his tone is quite mad."

He stepped out, and the layers of the void shattered, and an immense force burst out, with a sneer on his face, "Today, this king wants to see, you are a fellow of the second stage of the longevity realm. What skills do you dare to say that you want this king to be this trash sword boy."

"Jiang, ha ha...\"


At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing broke out.

A terrifying aura rushed into the sky, even if he was not in the longevity realm, there was a rich and incomparable long business realm flowing, which made the face of the Jiang clan chief who had reached the second realm of the longevity realm changed drastically.

"The Yuanshen heaven and earth with a wide range of thousands of miles, you have completely integrated the nine layers of Yuanshen heaven and earth into one."

He took a breath, with a look of horror in his eyes, "Too enchanting, in the heavens and in the world, there are countless people who have tried to bring the Nine Layers of Origin God Heaven and Earth into one, but you did it, amazing, amazing. ."

Immediately, he trembled with excitement, "Well, you are indeed more enchanting than my son. You don't need to be his sword boy, you can be his younger brother. Haha, I have decided that the patriarch wants to accept you as an upright son. Let you inherit everything from the Jiang family."

In the blink of an eye, his attitude towards Emperor Xiao Qing changed.

From the beginning, Emperor Xiao Qing should be Jiang Zhan's sword boy, and now Emperor Xiao Qing should be his adoptive son.

The change is so fast that even Jiang Zhan was stunned, "This...Father, you, how can you do this?"

This clearly meant to abandon his own son, and instead cultivate the so-called ‘righteous son’ of Emperor Xiao Qing.

"To shut up."

The patriarch of the Jiang clan screamed and ignored Jiang Zhan. Instead, he looked at Emperor Xiao Qing and said with a smile, "Little friend, disregard, boy, my Jiang clan controls a big world, and the strong are unparalleled. , The ancestors of the clan are the invincible existence of the third stage of the longevity realm. If you join our Jiang clan, you can definitely become an invincible strong."

"With the cultivation of my Jiang clan, it will not be difficult for you in the future to even surpass that emperor, how about?"

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