The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1751: Can't be more powerful than a sword!


In the outer starry sky, it was only about three days since Emperor Xiao Qing had fought with Okura Dragon.

Emperor Xiao Qing is here again.

Moreover, the patriarch of the Jiang clan brought this time is definitely not a talkative person like Okura Long.

The battle between the two cannot be as simple as a reconciliation in a simple fight.

In this battle, Emperor Xiao Qing wants to cut the second stage of longevity!

"Boy, you are really strong."

The patriarch of the Jiang clan walked out with Jiang Zhan. His hands had grown out. Although he was a bit uncomfortable, he didn't quite agree with him. He just felt that the new hand did not match the original hand.

He still sighed, "There are really not many people who can make the deity look upright like this. Even if the longevity who are also in the sea of ​​suffering, there are few who can make the deity look so seriously. Today, no matter what the result is, you It's proud enough."

"Your nonsense is really a lot."

Emperor Xiao Qing said with emotion, "The dignified immortal, but a lot of nonsense, no wonder it's such a waste."

"Very well, since you are looking for death, don't blame the deity."

Emperor Xiao Qing's words completely angered the patriarch of the Jiang clan, he snorted coldly, and the longevity vision still burst out of unparalleled power above his head, and amidst the roar, he pointed directly at Emperor Xiao Qing.

In an instant, a huge golden finger traversing hundreds of thousands of miles volleyed towards Emperor Xiao Qing. In the entire outer starry sky, countless stars all exploded at this moment.

Boom boom boom!

In the starry sky, the situation appeared like fireworks, which made Jiang Zhan's eyes widened, "So strong, is this the terrifying power brought by the full blow of the powerful man like father?"

If this blow were to hit him head-on, he would not have any courage to fight it. Even if he was just watching and standing behind his father, he felt his heart trembling and did not dare to fight it.

"too frightening."

He kept muttering, and when he raised his head to look at Emperor Xiao Qing, he saw that Emperor Xiao Qing, a man who had not even stepped into the half-step immortality, faced the blow and smiled disdainfully.

Then, he also pointed out.

"He's crazy."

Jiang Zhan kept shaking his head, "Dare to point out and fight his father like this, this guy must be dead."

The patriarch of the Jiang clan also had the same idea. At this moment, seeing Emperor Xiao Qing unexpectedly touch him with a finger, he couldn't help but sneered, "I wanted to spare you, since you are looking for death, Then, don’t blame the deity for crushing you and taking everything from you to me."


The **** suddenly touched each other in the void.

The next moment, the layers of void collapsed, and the ground crack where the **** clashed directly exploded and became shattered.

Circles of black holes spread out in all directions, and everything they passed was destroyed by the black hole. Even Jiang Zhan's expression changed drastically, and his figure quickly retreated towards the distance, and stopped after a million miles away.

Only Emperor Xiao Qing and the patriarch of the Jiang clan stood proudly.


Accompanied by a clear sound, Emperor Xiao Qing's fingers were directly twisted, he sighed and shook his head, his face showed helplessness, "After all, the physical strength is not strong enough."

But the smile on the face of the Jiang clan chieftain was stiff, with an unbelievable expression, "How could it be..."


A roar suddenly blasted on his golden finger that traversed one hundred thousand miles.

Then, in his incredible eyes, his finger exploded and shattered.

Even because of the chain reaction caused by this explosion, his newly grown wrist also exploded directly.

In the blink of an eye, this terrifying existence, the patriarch of the Jiang clan, had his entire hand blown to pieces.

No, more than that.

Above his wrist and inside his arm, the infinite nine-color sword energy exploded at this moment, directly splitting his arm.

All of a sudden, the series of explosions passed directly to his shoulders and even half of his body.

Fortunately, he acted decisively and cut off his shoulders directly. Otherwise, if this series of chain explosions spread all over his body, I am afraid that he, a strong man in the second stage of longevity, in the bitter sea stage, would be attacked by a Primordial God Realm with just one blow. The junior ruined his body.


Severe pain came, even if the Jiang Clan chieftain existed, he sucked in a cold breath.

"Good, very good... you are very strong..."


He raised his head and was about to say a few words on the scene again when he broke out, suddenly, a roar suddenly sounded, a monstrous force burst out suddenly.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing didn't stop there after the blow, but directly appeared in front of the Jiang clan chief, and slammed towards him with a punch.

"court death."

The energy inside the patriarch of the Jiang clan was tumbling, quickly regenerating the flesh and blood, and at the same time, with a shake of his left hand, a vast force burst out, and he was about to completely smash Emperor Xiao Qing.

Above the head, the Changsheng Bridge vibrated, and even the soul was suspended above the sea of ​​suffering, bursting out an invincible force.

All forces were suppressed towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

At the same time, he didn't want to fight head-on with Emperor Xiao Qing, but quickly retreated towards the rear.

It's just too late.

On the top of Emperor Xiao Qing's head, there was another primordial spirit heaven and earth rising again, and the two tens of thousands of miles wide primordial spirit heaven and earth revolved, exploding with unmatched power, blocking the longevity vision of the patriarch of the Jiang clan.

At the same time, the only world of his physical body was looming in his body, and the power of the terrifying physical body suddenly broke out.

A punch suddenly blasted, crossing the void, and directly bombarding the Jiang clan chief.


Even the patriarch of the Jiang clan, a long-lived person who has lived for an unknown number of years, could not withstand the force of this punch, and the whole person was directly blown out.

Fortunately, a golden armor appeared on his body, which wiped out most of Xiao Qing's punch.

However, he still feels uncomfortable.

The flesh and blood of the half of his body that had not been fully recovered exploded again, and blood was splashed.

At this scene, Jiang Zhan was stunned, "Father, it is not his opponent, how is this possible?"

And the patriarch of the Jiang clan smiled with anger, "Well, you are very good, damn, you have completely angered the deity, this time, the deity will really shock you..."

The flesh and blood recovered instantly, the Changsheng Bridge shook, and an unparalleled might erupted, and Emperor Xiao Qing was about to be killed.


However, before he had time to do it, he heard a sound of the shaking sword, Xiao Qing holding the Xuanyuan sword, the shaking sword fell from the sky, directly splitting the Jiang clan chief's whole person in half from beginning to end.

At this moment, even the golden armor on the patriarch of the Jiang clan couldn't stop Xiao Qing's sword.

His body fell neatly on both sides.

Blood is flowing endlessly.


"No, no, how could this be?" Jiang Zhan was completely mad, his father, in his eyes, an invincible spokesperson, was so directly cut in half by Emperor Xiao Qing's sword.

"Why is this, why..."

He kept whispering, with an unbelievable look in his eyes.

However, in front of him, Emperor Xiao Qing, who struck the patriarch of the Jiang clan with a sword, still did not stop. past.

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