The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1767: Guess, you dare not kill them


In the void, a golden seal spread, completely sealing the entire parent star in it.

The Ninth Foreign Emperor wiped the sweat from his forehead and panted a little.

Even if it was his invincible powerhouse, it was also very difficult to seal the entire home planet.

However, the results are amazing.

"From now on, the entire human family star will be the emperor's world."

A happy smile appeared on the face of the Ninth Foreign Emperor.

Thinking of the legend he had heard, he was even more excited, "Eight brothers, fortunately you have slept for long enough, and your strength has not recovered. It will take at least three months to return to the peak state. At that time, I You can find the legendary treasure."

"In the legend, above the starry sky, there is a true supreme nine-day immortal realm. Infinite years ago, there was a dragon pulling the temple from the sky and falling to the mother star, creating the derivation of countless innate gods and demons from the mother star."

"If it hadn’t been for that legendary temple to fall to the mother star, perhaps, the mother star has not yet seen any creatures, and even if there are creatures, it is only from the most primitive level, how could there be such a powerful cultivation system today? What?"

"All this is an opportunity."

The excited whole person of the Ninth Foreign Emperor is trembling, "In the legend, the supreme temple that created the mother star and even the entire starry sky civilization cultivation system, you have been silent in the mother star for so many years. , If this emperor can get it, what wild emperor, what Xuanyuan holy emperor, you will not be the opponent of this emperor."

"Within three months, even if the entire parent star is searched a hundred times, the emperor will definitely find you."

His look was steadfast.


Suddenly, he realized that several eyes seemed to be looking at him, which made his face change.

"Someone is staring at the emperor secretly?"

When he was stunned, his eyes flashed with icy colors, the golden light was shining brightly, and he looked towards the void like this.

However, what surprised him was that even with his invincible strength, he did not find who was staring at him.

"It may be that the emperor has felt wrong, the current Origin Star, the strongest are only the two immortals, plus that stinky boy."

The ninth foreign emperor muttered. Although he is not sure about the strength of Emperor Xiao Qing, it is clear that in this short period of time, Emperor Xiao Qing will never become a longevity in such a short time. By.

Even if he became an immortal, he was not afraid, not to mention that Emperor Xiao Qing would never reach that state.

Unfortunately, although he was right, he underestimated Emperor Xiao Qing's strength.

"Next, it's time to dig out the home planet."

The figure of the ninth alien emperor floated and appeared directly in the void of the mother star. He scanned the mother star once, and wanted to see how many people from the Tianyi God Clan who had been tricked by him were already there.

Under this look, he suddenly became angry, "Tianyi God Race, cheating the deity?"

"Your sister, the emperor is still thinking about letting those guys come to the home star to make a mess. After messing up the home star, the emperor can take the opportunity to find the legendary temple, why is it gone?"

An anger rose in his heart, "Sure enough, the so-called Protoss is unreliable."

Originally, he planned for several months, just thinking about relying on the help of the Tianyi God Clan, but as a result, none of the Tianyi God Clan appeared, making his face look angry.


The Ninth Alien Emperor was angrily, and his figure suddenly rushed towards the passage of the Tianyi God Clan.

At this moment, it happened that the two immortals, Bai Yin and Hongwo, were outside the passage with a bewildered look, and they tried their best to place a seal to block those Tianyi gods who were bombarding the passage.


The ninth foreign emperor showed his figure, and he wanted to kill the two immortals at will, but suddenly found that the Tianyi God Clan in the passage was bombarded very fiercely, so he stopped his thoughts.

Instead, he smiled slightly, "You two, look at your body with the breath of the rules of the home planet, it seems that you have mastered the rules of the world."

"Unfortunately, it's too wasteful, the strength is so weak."

Then, looking at the strength of these two people, the ninth alien emperor shook his head, revealing an expression of hatred for iron and steel.

"You killed Saint Lord Lin Tian?" Hong Wo looked at the Ninth Foreign Emperor with red eyes.

"Oh, are you talking about the waste that didn't even step into the longevity realm?" The Ninth Inhuman Emperor carried his hands on his back, with a slight smile on his face.

"Damn it, do you know how powerful my line of saint master is? No one has ever dared to kill anyone in the line of saint master, you are the first."

"Starting from today, you will be hunted forever by the line of the Holy Master of the Human Race, endlessly!"

Bai Yin also had an extremely cold voice.

"In this way, if the emperor kills both of you trash again, wouldn't even the fellow Xuanyuan come to chase and kill the emperor?"

The Ninth Foreign Emperor looked at the two with interest and asked.


Such words changed the expressions of the two great immortals, "Who are you?"

At this moment, they realized that the whole body aura in front of them was very strong, and even the identity of the guy with the royal power was not normal.

"The emperor... is it..."

There was an idea in his mind. Bai Yin and Hong Wo looked at each other with horror, "Could it be... the nine people in the legend?"

"You guessed it, this emperor is the ninth alien emperor."

The ninth alien emperor didn't mind letting the two of them know their identities. After all, the entire mother star had been sealed by him, and for him, the mother star was what was in the bag.

No one can escape, unless they leave through the passage of the Tianyi God Race.

It's just that the Tianyi God Race has already reached an agreement with him, and on the other side, there is the Lord of the God Race sitting on the side, is it possible to leave this passage with these two wastes?

He is fearless.

"Oh, really tangled, do you want to kill you?" The Ninth Foreign Emperor pinched his chin with a distressed expression.

"you dare."

The expressions of the two immortals changed drastically. If this passage can be successfully sealed, no matter how strong the opponent is, they can still give it a go.

However, on the other side of the passage, the strong of the Tianyi Divine Clan is constantly attacking the passage. They must maintain the seal of the passage all the time. If the weak comes, they can block it.

And if this powerhouse, who is most likely the ninth alien emperor, would make a move, they would have no resistance at all.

"The emperor doesn't dare?"

When the ninth alien emperor heard the clamor of the two, he suddenly laughed, "It's so naive, I thought that the emperor didn't dare, haha..."


As his laughter fell, a breath of invincible power broke out.

This is the power that can only bloom for the strong who belong to the third stage of the longevity realm.

The terrifying breath suppressed Bai Yin and Hong Wo out of breath.

At this moment, the expressions of the two of them showed hopelessness.

Needless to say, the other people around them, the powerhouses of the Seven or Eight Heavens in the Primordial Divine Realm, all trembled, and even under this breath, it seemed that drowning people could not breathe, making them parefull.

"You said, the emperor dare not kill you?" The ninth foreign emperor smiled.

"You..." The eyes of the two immortals were desperate.

The dignified ninth alien emperor, let alone kill them, even if you want to kill more powerful people, there is nothing to be afraid of.

And what can they do?

"Dare you, do you still need to say?" Bai Yin and Hongwo's hearts were filled with despair.

However, the ninth alien emperor looked at the two with a smile, "Say, do you think this emperor dare to kill you?"

"Guess my king, you dare not kill them."

At this moment, a calm voice rang from the void.

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