The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1769: Someone gave a quilt in cold weather

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing looked at this powerful man of the Tianyi Protoss, who was hundreds of thousands of feet tall and burned with a terrifying flame all over his body, with excitement on his face.

It was really unexpected.

What does he need most at this moment?

Spiritual energy?

Yuanshen realm?

No, these are all imaginary.

What he wants is the growth of the physical body, allowing the physical body to open up the nine heavens again, and then merge into one.

As long as he can cultivate his physical body to the extent that he has nine fused worlds with a wide range of tens of thousands of miles, he can quickly condense the soul of heaven and earth successfully.

At that time, both the primordial spirit world and the physical world have reached a range of ten thousand miles, and then break through to the longevity state.

A breakthrough would be an invincible existence in the longevity realm. Whatever the third and fourth realms of the longevity realm, in front of him, all are ants.

Moreover, at this moment, because the power of the primordial spirit is too strong, crushing the flesh, making him unable to use all his strength, otherwise, the flesh will collapse.

Someone gave quilts in cold weather.

The arrival of the strong man of the Tianyi God Race is just right.

"Ants, my god, hates your smile very much."

This **** of the Tianyi God Clan frowned and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing this ‘little man’ with such a smile.

It is really not used to looking at Emperor Xiao Qing like this.

In fact, compared with its hundreds of thousands of feet tall, a single hair is thicker than a normal person. Such a terrifying existence, it is too uncomfortable to look at the incomparably small ‘person’.

"Death to this god."

Accompanied by a thunderous roar, this **** of the Tianyi Protoss waved his hand, and the fist that was like a sacred mountain hammered directly at Emperor Xiao Qing.


Wherever its fist passed, the void exploded directly, and even the seal cast by the ninth foreign emperor was revealed.

A strong pressure suddenly appeared, making the mouths of the two immortals, Bai Yin and Hongwo, who had been backlashed because the seal was broken, blood constantly spit out.

Their faces looked desperate at this big fist, "Such a terrifying strongman of the Tianyi God Race, we are dead."

"Unexpectedly, we didn't die in the hands of the ninth foreign emperor, but would become such a terrifying meal for the gods of the Tianyi Protoss."

They are not the kind of people who have never seen the world, on the contrary, they have seen and heard a lot.

Because of this, they are even more aware of how weak they are in the face of the god-level powerhouse of the Tianyi God Clan, and they have no resistance at all.

"Good come."

The emperor Xiao Qing rose up with a terrifying fighting intent. In order to prevent his four feet from obstructing the fight, he threw his four feet aside, and his figure rose up into the sky, rushing up against this fist.


With one blow, a terrifying force suddenly erupted, and a mighty aftermath spread out, breaking the layers of the void.

Fortunately, within a hundred thousand li there is a vast and uninhabited sea. Otherwise, just one blow would be enough to destroy the world and cause the lives to be destroyed.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing's figure stood standing in the air. Compared with the fist of this **** of the Tianyi Protoss, his tiny figure was like a drop in the ocean, a drop in the ocean.

However, the size of the body does not determine the strength of a person's strength.

The punch of Emperor Xiao Qing actually blocked this strong man of the Tianyi God Clan like a * general fist.

"how is this possible?"

The strength of this **** of the Tianyi God Clan in the entire Tianyi God Clan is definitely one of the top ten existences.

It is confident that it will be invincible when it comes to this human race home planet with its own power.

However, ideals are beautiful, but reality is beyond imagination.

An ant actually blocked it with a fist.

It's incredible.

"Damn it, ants."

The roar came out, and under the rage of this strong man of the Tianyi God Clan, an earth-shaking power broke out.

The other fist hammered upwards from bottom to top, preparing to strike up and down, hammering Emperor Xiao Qing into fleshy meat.

"The supernatural powers of the Tianyi God Clan are the strongest, and the physical body is not such a terrible existence. Unfortunately, why don't you know how to use supernatural powers?"

Emperor Xiao Qing sighed.

However, in the face of the mighty power of the Tianyi God Clan, he also did not dare to underestimate the slightest. Instead, the physical world appeared on the surface, and the Yuanshen world was also looming.

A powerful force was injected into it, and his body shape also began to grow at this moment.

The law of heaven and earth!

In the blink of an eye, Emperor Xiao Qing's figure became a giant with a height of a hundred feet tall. Of course, this is relatively tall compared to ordinary people. For the Tianyi God Clan, who is hundreds of thousands of feet tall, it is still an ant. .

"It's best to catch it alive."

If he could capture this **** of the Tianyi God Clan alive, and let everyone on Dragon King Island bathe the gods blood every day, he believed that for a long time, it would definitely make the body power of everyone on Dragon King Island break through to the Nine Heavens Realm.

"No matter what, I can't let you go back."

Emperor Xiao Qing had a firm color in his eyes, his figure shifted horizontally and disappeared in an instant.


The two fists of this **** of the Tianyi God Clan slammed together.

A violent force shattered the void again, causing the expressions of the people below to watch this scene in awe.

Especially, one of the weakest Yuanshen Realm Seventh Heaven Peak Realm powerhouse, even at this moment, was directly chapped and vomiting blood constantly.

"not good."

Bai Yin and Hongwo are not bad. Although they can't fight against such horrors, the power of the aftermath can't hurt them.

The two knew that if the elders of these human holy land were still here, they would probably be killed by the aftermath in a short time.

He could only gritted his teeth, burst out with all his strength, rushed in front of everyone, and fleeed away with them.

"Want to run?"

The **** of the Tianyi Protoss clan roared, and suddenly, in the void, an immensely vast whirlpool appeared.

A terrifying force of suction exploded, covering everyone, and directly sucking everyone into it.

"Do not..."

At this moment, in the void, only the unwilling screams of these two immortals and other elders of the Primordial Spirit Realm came out.

They have only seen this **** of the Tianyi God Clan confront Xiao Qingdi only with physical power, but they have forgotten that the strongest of the Tianyi God Clan is not physical power, but devouring magical powers and bow and arrow magical powers.

Especially, how can a strong person who can reach the gods not know how to use magical powers?

"Stupid, I want to die by myself."

Emperor Xiao Qing frowned, and when he watched the huge vortex explode and was about to smash everyone in it, his eyes finally showed unbearable color.


With Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, a beam of sword light suddenly cut through the void and plunged into the whirlpool.

However, this is not enough.

Emperor Xiao Qing knew that this sword would definitely not be able to break this devouring magical power.

"Xuanyuan thirteen swords, thirteen swords are one."

The cold light flashed in his eyes, and the sword intent rose to the sky, Xuanyuan Sword turned into thirteen sword lights and slashed towards the whirlpool.

When the thirteen sword lights slashed past, they directly turned into a terrifying nine-color sword light and rushed into it.


In an instant, accompanied by a huge roar, Nine-Colored Sword Light continued to slash and kill within the vortex, directly splitting a crack in the vortex.

As a result, Bai Yin, Hong Wo and others fell out of the whirlpool.

However, it failed to break through this devouring magical power.

"not good."

Suddenly, the swallowing whirlpool circulated, trying to swallow Xuanyuan Sword.

Emperor Xiao Qing's expression changed. When he was about to control Xuanyuan Sword to smash it out from the air, suddenly, the top of his head turned black, and a huge fist suddenly struck him.


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