
At this moment, in the void, Emperor Xiao Qing, who was standing on the head of Sidonian, was also stunned.

"This guy is such a cheat? Just a word that makes him really kneel down to Dragon King Island like this?"

"No wonder, the nine great alien emperors have invincible strength, but they will be sealed for endless years."

Emperor Xiao Qing sighed.

He suddenly felt that even if the nine great alien emperors were all born together, there was no need to worry.

With this kind of IQ, the strength is not really strong enough to destroy the world with one thought. What is there to fear?


At this moment, outside of Dragon King Island, the Ninth Alien Emperor kept kowtow to Dragon King Island.

In order to attract the hidden ‘temple’, he kowtowed very hard, his head kept hitting the void, and a roar erupted.

As a result, even everyone on Dragon King Island was shocked.

One by one, raising their heads, they saw a man in the void outside Dragon King Island, who was constantly kowtow to Dragon King Island.

"Who is this?"

"Could he be asking the lord for something? He kept kowtow at the island like this."

"Oh, it's a bit pitiful to see him like this."

"But, the prince is not on the island, no matter how much he kowtows, it's no use."


Everyone on the island kept shaking their heads and sighing.

Ji Xinyao raised her head. When she saw the Ninth Alien Sovereign, her expression couldn't help but change, "Who is the immortal strong man?"

"Could it be... the ninth alien emperor..."

"He, what is this?"

For fear of being sensed by the Ninth Alien Emperor, Ji Xinyao quickly lowered his head.

Beside her, Okura Linglong and Luo Jing said with a smile, “Don’t worry, that guy just kneeled outside and didn’t dare to come in. It must have offended Big Brother Xiao, otherwise, it’s impossible to be so panicked. Kneel down."

"is it?"

Ji Xinyao was speechless.

If you know who this is, I'm afraid you won't be so casual.

The ninth alien emperor, sealed the entire Origin Star, the real immortal powerhouse of the third realm of the longevity realm, even the Holy Emperor Xuanyuan and the wild land who swept across the universe in the past could not help this guy.

How could this kind of existence bow down to the island because they offended Emperor Xiao Qing?

However, it is indeed a bit strange.

Ji Xinyao couldn't figure out what was going on anyway.

The ninth alien emperor, who was kowtow and bowed his head, heard the discussion of the people on the island, and his heart was about to explode, so he made up his mind. After the temple was attracted, the first thing he had to do was to witness him. The shame of mortals are all crushed.


Kowtowing, still continuing.

Even if the Ninth Foreign Emperor thought this was a great shame, but in order to get the legendary inheritance, he still slammed his head very hard.

Even, he still counted the number in his heart, "Seventy-eight... Seventy-nine..."

In the blink of an eye, it broke a hundred times.

He raised his head with a confused look in his eyes, "Does it really cost more than a thousand shots?"

Looking at the void above his head, he found that the two big eyes that had been hidden had reappeared, so he looked at him with interest and kowtow.

This scene changed the face of the Ninth Alien Emperor slightly.

"Kow thousands of times, verify your body, show your sincerity, and pass it on."

Seeing that the Ninth Foreign Emperor seemed to be a little skeptical, Si didn't seem to have said such a paragraph under the instruction of Emperor Xiao Qing.

Of course, this is just nonsense.

However, after listening to the Ninth Inferior Emperor, his eyes flashed, and he only felt that his own opportunity was right in front of him, and he had already smashed his head for a hundred times. If he did not persist, all the previous efforts might be useless.

He can bend and stretch, that's it, with a firm look on his face, and kowtowing hard again.

Bang bang bang!

The speed is getting faster and faster, and he is harder and harder, and even breaks the void.

"This brain is hard enough."

Even Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't help but sigh.

At the same time, his right hand constantly pierced the void, wisps of nine-colored rays of light sank into the void in all directions without a trace.


The ninth alien emperor who was constantly kowtow seemed to perceive something wrong, but when he wanted to take a closer look, he sensed the island, constantly shaking, and there was a strong breath. Looming.

That is the breath of the temple.

It turned out to be really attracted by his kowtow.


Although this temple is a bit weird, it takes people to kowtow before it manifests itself, but at any rate it is finally about to appear.

At this moment, with excitement on his face, he kept knocking his head as if he was encouraged.

"Kow a thousand times..."

On Sidi’s head, all four feet showed weird colors. He looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a calm expression on one side, and said with emotion, "Boss, you are teasing people like this. After this guy knows the truth, he will definitely get angry."

"That's his own stupidity."

Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was flat, and he looked at his four feet, "It's you, should you give this king an explanation? Why would he know about the temple?"

"Oh, how do I know this?" Four feet were extremely depressed, "In my heritage, I didn't tell me why others knew about the Emperor Palace."

"In this way, the ninth foreign emperor's purpose is to inherit the emperor palace."

After truly knowing the purpose of the ninth foreign emperor, Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't help a ray of fortune on his face.

Even these existences are looking for the emperor palace, but all of this was obtained by a person who had no power at the time. I have to say that this is due to fate.


Looking at the ninth alien emperor, this guy is worthy of a terrifying power that existed in ancient times, and his perseverance is even more scary. With such a constant kowtow, the speed is even faster.

All of a sudden, it was nine hundred and ninety-nine.

"Last one."

The emperor erupting on the island became more and more violent, and ordinary people could not sense it, but the ninth foreign emperor could obviously sense it.

He knew that this was his verbal result.

My heart is sincere enough.

A thousand kowtows can definitely summon this legendary temple.

"Ancient legend, the inheritance of the Immortal Temple, the emperor, here comes!"

The ninth alien emperor couldn't wait to roar.

His whole body exploded with unmatched strength, and in the roar, he knocked his head down very hard.


At this moment, all the emptiness around him was blown up.

He suddenly raised his head, looking expectantly at Dragon King Island.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but grin.

White teeth, gleaming.

Even his face looked radiant at this moment.

He knew that he was about to usher in the peak of his life.

"Brothers, this legendary uninheritance has opened the temple of the cosmos and the heavens and the world, my brother, let's laugh first."


"Uh... how come?"

The laughter was high, and suddenly, the breath of the island suddenly disappeared.

"No, it's gone..."

At this moment, the ninth alien emperor was shocked.

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