The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1788: Against the King

"This king, is the incarnation of the God King Tianyi?"

It's ridiculous.

Emperor Xiao Qing thought that the Ninth Foreign Emperor might have guessed that he had obtained the inheritance of the legendary temple he dreamed of.

However, he didn't expect that this guy actually said that he was the incarnation of the God King Tianyi.

"The God King Tianyi, you still said that you are not your incarnation, haha, do you really think that the emperor is good to deceive?"

The anger in the heart of the ninth alien emperor was so fierce that everyone in the world was deceiving himself.

Si is not like deceiving himself. Emperor Xiao Qing deceived himself. That four-legged little snake deceived himself. Even his ally, the God King Tianyi, also deceived himself at will.

Not long ago, I asked God King Tianyi specifically, and that guy definitely said Emperor Xiao Qing was not its incarnation.

What now?

This breath is clearly the God King of Tianyi.


The ninth alien emperor was furious, and his killing intent rushed into the sky. He made up his mind. After the incarnation of Emperor Xiao Qing, the incarnation of the Tianyi God King, was destroyed, he would enter the Tianyi God Clan and destroy all the Tianyi God Clan.

"You are the one who forced the emperor."

When he was whispering in his heart, the big hammer in his hand burst out with unparalleled sharpness, the golden divine light burst out, and it suddenly smashed towards Emperor Xiao Qing.


On the big hammer, endless runes circulated, and the breath that broke out was earth-shaking.

Emperor Xiao Qing felt that the void around him was sealed, and his breath was locked. Unless he resisted the attack, he would not be able to dodge this hammer no matter what.

"Sure enough, the strength of these guys who were terrifying in ancient times is indeed extraordinary."

When Emperor Xiao Qing sighed, Xuanyuanjian appeared in his hand, his fingers flicking on the sword quickly.

Qiang Qiang!

With the movement of his fingers, Xuanyuan Sword erupted with a clear and incomparable sword roar, and accompanied by an incomparable breath exploded.

The terrifying sword aura erupted.

"Xuanyuanjian's seal, please untie it."

Emperor Xiao Qing whispered, a terrifying golden sword aura, and directly hit the sledgehammer in a sudden.


The expression of the ninth alien emperor changed drastically, "God King Tianyi, you even got Xuanyuanjian. No wonder you dared to provoke the emperor in such a mere avatar."

"However, Xuanyuan Sword can only exert its strongest power in the hands of the old Xuanyuan Sage Emperor. It depends on you, an innate god, who knows the way of kendo?"

Even if Emperor Xiao Qing had uncovered all the seals of Xuanyuanjian and completely released the power of Xuanyuanjian, the Ninth Foreign Emperor felt very disdainful.

There is a **** king, the strength of the innate **** is strong, and he has unique innate magical powers.

However, Kendo is very rubbish, how can you urge Xuanyuanjian to be sent?


However, when his disdainful voice had not yet fallen, he heard a sword howling suddenly erupted from Emperor Xiao Qing.

In the next moment, an incomparable sword intent rose into the sky, forming an earth-shaking sword intent storm.

Emperor Wei is vast and terrifying.

This was the meaning of the true Supreme Sword Emperor, and it was the sword intent of Xuanyuan Sword.

The Xuanyuan Sword that had all been unblocked echoed each other, and the eruption was terrifying.


The ninth alien emperor was stunned.

"Your avatar has cultivated into this supreme swordsmanship?"

Even the ninth alien emperor, the emperor who has lived for not knowing how many years, was equally shocked.

Innate gods and demons have innate advantages and disadvantages compared with humans and other acquired creatures, and their understanding of skills such as acquired kendo is obviously inferior to humans.

Even, it can be said that no matter how these innate gods and demons practice, they cannot cultivate into the supreme sword.

At this point, when the Ninth Foreign Emperor abandoned the body of an ordinary human race and transformed himself into a half-human and half-god body, he was deeply moved.

However, what he didn't expect was that the incarnation of the **** king of the Tianyi God Clan in front of him was so terrifying that he had actually cultivated into this supreme swordsmanship.

It was the supreme kendo of Xuanyuan old ghost.

"The emperor doesn't believe it."

After the shock, he refused to believe that the incarnation of the God King Tianyi really possessed such a terrifying swordsmanship, urging his own power, and the whole person directly turned into a monster with a human head and a snake body. Amidst the roar, he rolled the sledgehammer. Xiao Qingdi rushed to kill him.

"So, the ninth alien emperor, you can no longer be called a human race."

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head, but his eyes were disappointed, "I thought that even if you were a foreigner, you were also a member of a human race, but now it seems that you are already a half-human, half-snake monster."

"Today, this king killed you."


When the Xuanyuan Sword Art was displayed, a supreme **** sat cross-legged on it, exploding with unmatched sword intent.

The mighty meaning of the sword emperor burst out.

Above his head, the triple mighty primordial heaven and earth with a range of tens of thousands of miles also appeared, and the rolling power sank into Xiao Qingdi's body, making Xiao Qingdi's physical body begin to rise because of such a powerful force.

In the blink of an eye, it became ten feet tall.

Within the flesh, the two vast and incomparable physical worlds are also looming, making his flesh and blood also rise to the sky.


The war officially started.

The sword light shattered everything, the sword emperor crushed the void.

The golden sledgehammer rune was all over the sky, and was swept up by this monster with a ten-foot-long head and snake body and bombarded Emperor Xiao Qing.

The ninth alien emperor, with tremendous strength, is a real existence in the third realm of the longevity realm.

His figure is even an immortal existence.

After collisions, even Emperor Xiao Qing shook his body, the tiger's mouth split open, and the blood soaked Xuanyuan Sword.

too strong!

The nine great alien emperors are fierce and majestic, in the wild, no one can rival, absolutely not nonsense.

His existence, except for the strong in the fourth realm of the longevity imperial realm, otherwise, even if the same is the third realm, it is impossible to cause any harm to him.

"So strong, but not invincible."

Emperor Xiao Qing did not rush, holding the Xuanyuan Sword, urging the sword emperor's intention to fight Xuanyuan Sword against it.

With every blow, Emperor Xiao Qing's figure trembled. It seemed that he could not stop the ninth foreign emperor's attack.

As everyone knows, the ninth foreign emperor at this moment is even more shocked.

His strength is already strong enough, although he hasn't completely recovered to the peak, but even if he meets the Xuanyuan Saint Emperor of the year, he is still confident that he can retreat.

The incarnation of the Tianyi God Race in front of him was so terrifying that he really blocked his attack.

"Unbelievable, too strong."

At this moment, this guy frowned, still exploding with the strongest force to kill Xiao Qingdi.

In my heart, there was a bad premonition rising.

Although he was fighting steadily and slaying Emperor Xiao Qing back and forth, the Ninth Foreign Emperor still felt very uneasy.

"If the God King Tianyi senses that the avatar is fighting against the emperor, he will definitely come over as soon as possible and join hands with the avatar to fight the emperor."

Suddenly, thinking of this, his expression changed drastically.

"He must be killed as quickly as possible."


At the next moment, the figure of the ninth alien emperor stopped and burst out with unparalleled power. The body of the human head snake body soared, and it turned out to be a million feet long.

A terrifying breath that surpassed everything suddenly broke out.

"not good!"

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