The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1796: The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind


Along with the roar, the eight great gods simultaneously exploded and bombarded the body of the **** king Tianyi.

Even the God King Tianyi never thought that the gods under his command would suddenly act on him at this moment.

Without the slightest preparation, it was all bombarded by these eight attacks for a while.

Even if there was the emperor armor with the nine-color light shining on its body, it burst out with unmatched light to block most of the attacks, but it also shook it out, causing its flesh to crack and its whole body dripping with blood.

" guys, so bold..."

The God King Tianyi roared with endless grief and anger in his eyes.

"Who is it, who controls us?"

"Wang, I'm sorry, we didn't mean it, we don't know why, we will suddenly act on you."

"It must be him, the first alien emperor. If it were not for him, we would definitely not do it to you."


The eyes of the Eight Great Gods were confused, and the eight heads kept shaking.

That way, it seems that it is really controlled.

As a result, even if God King Tianyi had a killing intent in his heart, he who had originally planned to kill the eight gods first, he hesitated a bit.


However, God King Tianyi hesitated about the kung fu, the First Inhuman Emperor was overjoyed. In a bang, the body of Zhu Wei, who was a million feet tall, jumped directly into the sky, roaring towards the God of Tianyi. Wang killed him.

"God Tianyi, you are dead."

The First Alien Emperor* stared, with a bloodthirsty gleam in his eyes.

The hands covered with monkey hair are like divine soldiers, grabbing the arms of God King Tianyi, and tearing them apart.

"you dare?"

The God King Tianyi's expression changed drastically. Its current state is very bad. Even if it faces confrontation, it can't be the opponent of the first foreign emperor, not to mention that the first foreign emperor caught it, and it is difficult to break free.

"Will God King Tianyi be torn apart?"

The heart of God King Tianyi was sorrowful, but he tried his best, and the nine-colored rays of light in his body continued to boil, and the energy of the entire God Realm of Tianyi gathered towards him.

At this moment, it tried its best to use all means to get rid of the first alien emperor.

It knows that if it doesn't break free quickly, it will really be torn apart by the first foreigner who has the body of Zhu Wei with infinite power.

"Drive me."

The God King Tianyi continued to struggle, and the First Foreign Emperor tried his best to tear the God King Tianyi into pieces. As a result, the two sides actually fell into a stalemate.

In the distance, the other foreign emperors still tried their best, bursting out with the strongest force to kill the powerhouse of the Tianyi God Race.

Although the strong people of the Tianyi God Race are very weak, no matter how weak they are, it takes a certain amount of effort and time to kill them.

As for the Eight Great Gods and Emperor Xiao Qing, they blinked and looked at the stalemate God King Tianyi and First Foreign Emperor, with a smile.

"Originally, I just wanted to surrender one of you, but now this king has changed his mind."

Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes flickered with cold light, and he controlled the eight great gods to directly kill the **** king Tianyi.

At the same time, all the eight gods screamed in horror, "Who is it, who controls us, King, we can't control the fusion, and we can't disperse, what should I do?"

"Wang, get out..."


Accompanied by a huge roar, the fusion of the eight great gods broke out two attacks at the same time, one bombarding the **** king Tianyi, and the other attacking the first alien emperor.

"Damn it, dare you?"

"Asshole, who is fishing in troubled waters?"

"Who? Get out of here."

The God King Tianyi and the First Foreign King were blasted at the same time, and the eyes of both showed anger, * endlessly.

At this moment, both parties were furious.

They also understood that the Eight Great Gods absolutely dare not act on both sides at the same time for no reason. Then, the only possibility is that the Eight Great Gods are really under control.

In addition to the Tianyi God King and Yirenhuang, there are other strong people who have entered.

Moreover, the opponent's strength is definitely not weaker than the two of them, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to control the eight great gods silently.

"Joining hands?"

The God King of Tianyi looked directly at the First Alien Emperor.

At this moment, both sides are in a stalemate, and it is the easiest to be fished in troubled waters. If you want to get rid of this state, you can only stop both sides at the same time.

"At the same time?"

The first foreign emperor was also moved.

Both are peerless and invincible powerhouses, and neither wants to be taken advantage of by other powerhouses when both parties are desperately working, but intends to kill the third party first and then settle accounts.

Especially the First Foreign Emperor, in fact, he has the upper hand in the face of the God King Tianyi.

He still has five brothers.

While responding to the God King of Tianyi, he also transmitted his voice to the other five great alien emperors, "Quickly come over and kill the God King of Tianyi, the moment we stop at the same time, you also shot and killed the King of Tianyi. ."

In the distance, the five great alien emperors who were killing other members of the Tianyi God Clan, after hearing the voice of the first alien emperor, began to gather their strength in a calm manner.

Of course, on the surface, they continued to hunt down other members of the Tianyi God Clan.

At this moment, the entire God Realm of the Tianyi God Race had been beheaded for most.

"Just at this time."

Then, just when the second wave of attacks by the Eight Great Gods was about to bombard both sides, the Tianyi God King and the First Foreign Emperor separated at the same time, and the backhand blocked all the forces that attacked them.

All this happened extremely fast.


At this moment, unexpected changes occurred.

The other five great alien emperors shot at the same time, bursting out with unmatched power to kill the **** king Tianyi at the same time, and the **** king Tianyi broke out with the strongest force to kill the first alien king.

The fusion of the eight gods also killed the first alien emperor.

Of course, all of this is in their respective calculations.

What everyone didn't expect was.

A terrifying nine-color sword light suddenly rose up, bursting out of unmatched power, the mighty sword intent, surpassing the meaning of the sword emperor, and directly slashed at five of the alien emperors.


At this moment, it happened to be the time when the five great alien emperors made a full blow without the slightest defense.

They never thought that someone would attack them at this moment.

This sword energy was cut out, and the volley split into five realms, and the strength was still extremely terrifying, and they were cut at the same time.

A shadow suddenly appeared in the shadow of the second foreign emperor. The sword light flickered silently, and the second foreign emperor was directly split in half.

Then, the speed of this shadow was extremely fast, and once again beheaded to the third alien emperor.

Until this moment, the four sides attacked each other and bombarded each other.


At this moment, each other was at a loss, and they were all seriously injured and flew out.

Then, Emperor Xiao Qing's clothes fluttered, holding the Sacred Emperor Sword, and carrying the incomparable sword light, it penetrated through the body of the third foreign emperor.

It's a pity that although the other three foreign emperors were struck by the previous sword, they also reacted to fleeing far away.

Emperor Xiao Qing did not pursue and kill, but was personable, standing with a sword, looking at a group of foreign emperors and **** kings of Tianyi, grinning, "The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole, but unfortunately, you forgot the original King."

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