The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1798: Finally exposed fangs


Accompanied by a huge roar, the Emperor Seal bombarded the body of the God King Tianyi.

"This **** king has also been inherited and cultivated into an immortal body. Can you surrender?"

God King Tianyi*, the whole body also has infinite nine-color power permeating, and it opposes the imperial seal rune imprinted by Emperor Xiao Qing.

Unfortunately, not to mention that the current Tianyi God King was seriously injured, and his cultivation level was ten and five. Even if his strength reached the peak, it was impossible to fight the emperor's seal.

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled indifferently, and pointed to him. In an instant, the emperor's seal continued to roar, making the nine-color light surrounding the **** of Tianyi more and more prosperous.

In the end, when the emperor seal hit the **** king Tianyi with one hundred and eight bombardments, all the resistance on his body was compressed into his body, and along with it, the emperor seal put a dense talisman culture into his **** body as a chain. .

"the host!"

In the end, an invincible person as strong as God King Tianyi, also trembling, bowed down to Emperor Xiao Qing.


Emperor Xiao Qing nodded with satisfaction. This trip to the Tianyi God Clan, surrendering the invincible powerhouses of the third stage of the two longevity realms, was a great gain.

Of course, the most important harvest is the return of Emperor Kai.

At this moment, there is a stream of light flashing all over him, and in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, endless information is turning into books.

These are the new inheritances obtained on the emperor armor.

No, or it should be said that, the original inheritance, after obtaining the emperor armor, unlocking the seal, the subsequent cultivation methods are all manifested.

"The emperor is here for nine days, and it is finally complete."

Emperor Xiao Qing sighed for a long time.


Suddenly, there was a roar, and in the distance, the First Inhuman Sovereign was fighting with his three brothers endlessly. At this moment, neither of them could do anything about it.

The First Inhuman Emperor is indeed extremely brave, even his three brothers are also Inhuman Emperors, and exist at the same level, but in the real battle, with one enemy three, it is not weak.

"The God King Tianyi, recover from his injuries as soon as possible and help capture the three foreign emperors."

Emperor Xiao Qing gave the order directly.

"Yes, the master gives me a hundred breaths time, after the hundred breaths, I can take action."

The God King Tianyi hurriedly sat cross-legged and swallowed the spirit of the God Realm. At this moment, he really had time to recover from his injuries. Only then did Emperor Xiao Qing discover its extraordinary. This swallowing of the spirit of the God Realm made the entire God Realm. The energy contained in it is generally swallowed by Wanchuanguihai.

In an instant, the body of the God King Tianyi shone with incomparable nine-color light, and there was a continuous roar from his body, and its aura increased several times.


Then, its figure instantly slew towards the three foreign emperors, and together with the first foreign emperor to deal with the three foreign emperors.

"damn it."

"Big brother, have you forgotten how our younger brothers died?"

"You unexpectedly joined forces with the God King Tianyi, what face do you have to meet the nine brothers, and how can you be worthy of the name of our nine great alien emperors?"

"Brother, wake up..."

Although the three big alien emperors are powerful, blocking the first alien emperor is almost the limit. Now there is another **** king Tianyi that is no weaker than the first alien emperor, making the three of them frequently at a disadvantage. .

As for the others, the Eight Great Gods are being dispatched by Emperor Xiao Qing to refine and extract the blood all over the ground very hard.

There are still thousands of people of the Tianyi God Race who are left, watching this scene blankly at the moment.

In the blink of an eye, their gods and their enemies dealt with the enemies, and the eight gods were also collecting the blood of the gods, while their people suffered heavy casualties, leaving only a few thousand people.


Those strong men of the Tianyi God Race who didn't know what to do, one by one could only join the army that helped collect the blood of the gods.

They don't know why they want to collect it, but they just feel that if they don't collect the blood of the gods, they seem to have nothing to do, and even their heads are so hard, how dare they not move.

"Tianyi God Race, completely subdued."

Emperor Xiao Qing sighed, only feeling relieved.

Only then did he have time to feel the emperor armor returning to himself, and when his heart moved, the emperor armor suddenly appeared on the surface of his body and just wrapped his whole person.

On the silver-white armor, from head to toe, only a pair of shoes is missing, and even gloves are covered.

Nine-colored rays of light flickered slightly, and even Emperor Xiao Qing could feel the emperor's armor on his body. If he confronted the God King Tianyi and the First Foreign Emperor again, they might not necessarily be their opponents together.

"Can block the strong in the fourth stage."

Emperor Xiao Qing was very satisfied, and his mind turned into a set of ordinary clothes.

"Could it be another pair of shoes?"

The inheritance equipment on his body includes the emperor seal, emperor sword, emperor armor, and memorize it. It seems that he can be fully armed with only a pair of shoes.

"Congratulations to the boss, you have completely inherited the Nine Heavens Emperor."

The four-legged figure came from a distance, and it looked at Emperor Xiao Qing enviously, "Armor, weapon, and emperor seal, these three are the legendary nine heavens, and they control the real world. Now, you finally have all the standard equipment that God Lord has."

"No shoes." Xiao Qingdi said.


The four feet were stunned, and then, a little embarrassed, he touched its head, "It seems that there is no such thing. Could it be that the previous Nine Heavens Emperor walked barefoot?"

Even it is a bit embarrassed.

"Walking barefoot..." Xiao Qingdi was a little speechless.

Looking at his four feet, the little guy was blank in his eyes, and simply didn't think about it, "Oh, boss, you ask me where I know, it's not that I got the inheritance, you just get a pair yourself in the future."

Emperor Xiao Qing felt weird, but he didn't think much about it. He looked at his feet in surprise, "How is the collection?"

"Hey, the blood collected this time is enough to increase Dragon King Island's cultivation a hundredfold."

Four feet said triumphantly.

While speaking, he quietly revealed a little spiritual light from the paws, and there was a very strong spiritual current flowing in it, "This is the spiritual vein, I extracted from the gods, and the quality is very high, it is almost able to Become an immortal vein."


Emperor Xiao Qing looked at his four feet in confusion.

"The so-called immortal veins are the evolution of the spiritual veins. The immortal energy contained in it is used by real immortals. Of course, even if you have passed the longevity catastrophe and become the so-called immortal fairyland in this universe, How much immortal energy can only be achieved when it is truly above nine days."

While explaining with all four feet, he looked at the God King Tianyi and the First Foreign King who were fighting against the three foreign emperors, and sighed, "It is so easy to surrender these two guys. Next, we should It can be relaxed."

"Maybe, it's not that easy."

Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes flickered slightly, looking in the direction of Origin Star, a little coldness appeared in his eyes, "Have you finally revealed your true face?"

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