The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1820: See you at last, lovesickness and tears!


Emperor Xiao Qing stood in the air, letting Tian Yuan's force tear himself apart, but stood still.

The emperor armor appeared, wrapping his whole body.

The Sacred Emperor Sword slashed out, and suddenly slashed with that heavy hammer.

The roar suddenly sounded, even if this is the void of the sky, the extreme of the universe, where all sounds and light cannot appear, this sound also shatters the void.

The power of Tianyuan burst out loudly, and it was actually shaking down towards the Holy Emperor Sword and this black heavy hammer together.


Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was calm, a layer of primordial spirit world emerged, and the black heavy hammer that was against the holy emperor sword was directly rolled into his body.

Along the way, he has encountered such an attack more than once.

Each time, he ended up taking away these treasures.

However, this time, what made him a little surprised was that when Emperor Xiao Qing’s Yuanshen Heaven and Earth wrapped this black heavy hammer into his body, the black heavy hammer still kept hitting the holy Emperor sword.

If the power of the Holy Emperor Sword was not strong enough, I am afraid it would have really escaped.

"It's interesting, but the power of the Holy Emperor Sword is no longer comparable to that in the past. If you don't surrender, you will be integrated into it."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, no longer paying attention to the situation in the soul of the soul, but raised his head and looked at the emperor hall scorching with nine-color rays of light.

At this moment, his heart trembled.

"finally reached."

"Ruoyan, Pingting, and Wanqing!"

Three graceful figures, tearfully standing on the platform shrouded in nine-color divine light.

"It's him, it's really him..."


Since the last separation, it has actually been more than one year in the past, which is not too long for practitioners.

In particular, they spent several months in retreat to accept inheritance.

However, the lovers who have always been together suddenly separated for more than a year. For them, it was a great pain and torment.

Day and night, all missed.

In ancient times, lovesickness became ill. In the past, they felt that this was the hypocrisy of ancient scholars.

It was not until I experienced it personally that I really understood that it turned out to be true.

I haven't seen you during this period of time, they are already thinking about it!

The two are separated by less than ten thousand miles. For practitioners of their level, it is like a hundred meters in the eyes of ordinary people.

However, at this moment, they couldn't wait, couldn't wait for Emperor Xiao Qing to come slowly.

Their figures suddenly rushed out towards the outside enveloped by the Nine-Colored Divine Light, even if it was an endless abyss outside, even if they stepped out one step, it would be extremely likely for them to be invincible.

They couldn't help it anymore.

Just thinking about putting them in the arms of their lover as quickly as possible.


"Don't come out."

Xiao Qingdi's expression changed drastically when he saw the three women rushing out at the moment Xiao Qingdi, who had originally had an excited expression on his face and with crystal clear tears in his eyes.

While roaring, his body shape was broken into the void, and he rushed over at the fastest speed.

However, this place is located at the core of Tianyuan, and the destruction power of Tianyuan contained in it is the strongest. Even if Emperor Xiao Qing has a celestial stone on his body, he can barely block Tianyuan's tearing.

It is impossible to rush over quickly.

When the three women stepped out of the range covered by the nine-color divine light, their expressions changed drastically, knowing that their actions under the shock of their mood had caused a major incident.

"Quickly, go back."

Su Ruoyan gritted her teeth and gave a low voice, exploding with the strongest strength, and rushed back with the other two women.

But it was too late.

The power of the heavens bursts, the extremes of the universe, the yin and yang are divided, and all kinds of energies are surging, even if the third realm of longevity comes, it may not be able to stop it.

Not to mention that the three daughters are only the cultivation base of the first stage of longevity.

At this moment, terrible power came, and the three women would be completely torn to pieces.

"Do not..."

The emperor Xiao Qing's eyes were about to split, and he roared, and the four-fold primordial spirit world suddenly stretched out, and in an instant, it spread to the three women, and directly curled the three women back.


Rao was very fast, but at this moment, Yuanshen Tiandi was torn apart by Tianyuan's extremely terrifying tearing force.

At the same time, there were other terrifying forces coming, squeezing his fourfold soul heaven and earth superimposed and compressed together.

It seems that four unrelated sheets of paper have been forcibly compressed and merged into a thicker sheet of paper.


At this moment, the primordial spirit was trembling, and a terrifying force came, making his primordial spirit almost crushed.

Even with it, the flesh spurted blood.

Fortunately, the three daughters have been brought into his arms in time, and he broke out with his own strength, firmly guarding the three women, the human sword is unified, and the nine color gods in the emperor hall are rushed into the palace at the fastest speed. A place shrouded in light.


"Fortunately, I finally came in."

He breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth. Oncoming three women looked excited and worried and blamed. He smiled softly, opened his arms, and hugged them all in his arms, whispering Muttered, "Finally, I found you, I want to kill me..."

"Brother Qingdi."


"Big Brother Xiao."

Originally felt guilty for their willfulness, but at this moment there was excitement on their faces.

Holding Xiao Qingdi tightly, feeling each other's heartbeat, at this moment, they burst into tears.

This is tears of joy and excitement.

"We, miss you so much..."


At the same time, the gate of the emperor hall opened, and a burly man with a dragon head and a figure of a hundred meters tall came out, looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a respectful look in his eyes, and knelt directly on one knee, "The emperor guards the dragon guard, and see you the host."

Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at the past, and his mind suddenly trembled. This strong man with the dragon head was actually extremely terrifying, absolutely surpassing any strong man he had ever seen.

"Emperor Realm!"

Obviously, the strength of the opponent is at least the existence of the fourth emperor realm of the longevity realm.

Even if Emperor Xiao Qing's disposition saw a powerful emperor kneeling before him, his heart was shaken, and he said quickly, "Get up."

"Yes, master."

The strong man with the dragon head had a respectful look on his face. After he stood up, he bowed and bowed again to Emperor Xiao Qing, "Master, the energy of the Emperor Palace has been almost replenished, and he can return at any time."

"As for all the questions in the master's heart, after the master has thoroughly refined the emperor palace, he will get the answer."

Originally, Emperor Xiao Qing wanted to ask about the specific situation. After getting the strong man's words of the dragon head, he nodded. In his heart, many methods came to his mind, including the control method of the imperial palace.

Temporarily let go of the three daughters, and pointed at the emperor hall. In an instant, the roar of the emperor hall turned into a nine-color light into Emperor Xiao Qing's body.


At this moment, the terrifying nine-color divine light suddenly surged out of Xiao Qingdi's body.

"not good..."

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