The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1844: The little holy king comes

"The nine great alien emperors broke the seal and left."

In the extremely mysterious void of the source star, the little holy emperor and Ji Xinkey came, their eyes looked at the seal that was broken by the terrifying breath, and both hearts sank.

"Now, the trouble is big."

Even the little holy emperor sighed again and again.

"Big brother, with your current strength, isn't it the opponent of the nine great alien emperors?" Ji Xinyao frowned.

"When dealing with the nine great alien emperors, it is no longer possible to describe whether it is an opponent or not." Little Saint Emperor sighed. "The nine great alien emperors have an indestructible body, even the father of the year could not destroy him with the Xuanyuan sword. The door, not to mention, the current Xuanyuanjian is no longer there."

He was very melancholy. He had known that Xuanyuan Sword had been melted by Emperor Xiao Qing, and that the nine great alien emperors would be born at this time. At that time, he sensed the breath of Xuanyuan Sword and should take it back in time.

"But, why didn't I feel the breath of the nine great alien emperors at all?" Ji Xinyao was very surprised.

"I didn't sense it either."

The little holy emperor shook his head, "The nine great alien emperors are very mysterious. Moreover, they are each fused with the body of ancient beasts, and the means they have are not what we can understand. Since they are out of trouble, we can't sense their breath. normal."

"However, when the nine great alien emperors are born, they will definitely not give up. In a short time, it should be impossible for them to leave the source star."

He pondered, "First go back to the Xuanyuan Clan's ancestors to ask about the situation."

After that, the two of them turned into streamers and directly returned to the Xuanyuan royal family in the secular world.

In fact, the entire Xuanyuan Clan today can be said to have been divided into four parts.

The Xuanyuan clan in the secular world, the Xuanyuan clan in the holy land of the human race, the wild Xuanyuan clan, and the Xuanyuan clan in the outer starry sky.

However, the real ancestral land is actually the Xuanyuan imperial family in the weakest secular world.

The arrival of the two did not alarm others, but directly met Ji Hao, who is the lord of the contemporary Xuanyuan royal family.

"Key, this is..."

When Ji Hao saw the little holy emperor next to Ji Xinyao, his face was shocked.

As the emperor, he seems to have seen this portrait in ancient books, but now, the real reappearance makes him a little bit unbelievable.

"Ji Hao, he is my elder brother, and at the same time, he is also the son of the ancient Xuanyuan Holy Emperor."

Ji Xinyao's faint voice came into Ji Hao's ears, making him as if he was struck by lightning.


With an incredible color on his entire face, he reluctantly said, "Key, you should know that this kind of joke is not allowed."

"Who is joking with you? The previous Ji Xinyao was just my incarnation. Now, my incarnation and the ontology are united. When I come back, I won't be your sister. Forget it, whatever you call it, we I just came to ask you something."

After Ji Xinyao clarified everything, although Ji Hao's head was still roaring, but when he remembered that Emperor Xiao Qing asked himself about the origin of Ji Xinyao not long ago, he immediately understood.

It turns out that all this is true.

The middle-aged man in front of him is exactly the one seen in the ancestral book.

"Later Ji Hao, meet the ancestor." Ji Hao hurriedly saluted.

"you are welcome."

The little holy emperor smiled softly, waved his hand to make Ji Hao get up, and said in a warm voice, "Don’t be nervous, for the practitioners of my generation, my identity is just imaginary. When you surpass me in the future, you and I will be friends, not old men. Ancestors and descendants."

The face of Ji Hao who said this was pale, and he smiled bitterly, "Junior talent is low..."

"No problem, as long as you work hard, with your talent, it is possible to surpass the deity in the future."

After the little holy emperor gave a comforting sound, he went directly to the topic, "What is happening to the source star during this period of time? For example, the breath of the strong..."

"After the ninth foreign emperor was born, is there anything else?" Ji Xinyao asked directly.

Ji Xinyao also knew something about the birth of the Ninth Alien Emperor.

"Later, I was not very clear about the specifics, but you can ask Big Brother Xiao. With Big Brother Xiao's skills, you must be very clear about everything about Origin Star."

Although Ji Hao was the emperor of the Xuanyuan imperial clan, his strength was too weak after all, and there were too many things he didn't know.

"Well, if that's the case, let's go to Emperor Xiao Qing and ask."

The little holy emperor smiled softly and flicked his fingers slightly, a ray of light sank into Ji Hao's body, and then he took Ji Xinyao away instantly.

"Take a good look, you have the purest blood of the Xuanyuan clan, and your future achievements will not be low."

Just when Ji Hao was surprised, he heard the voice of the little holy emperor.

He sensed something in his body, and his heart was shaken, showing excitement, "Thank you, ancestor, ancestor."

"With this heritage, I should quickly enter the immortal realm."

After that, Ji Hao straightened up, full of confidence.

As far as the Little Sage Emperor was concerned, giving Ji Hao an inheritance casually had no effect on him, it was just a generous gift from the elders to the younger generation.

If Ji Hao could cultivate to the third or even the fourth stage of longevity with this inheritance, it would be very good for the Xuanyuan Clan and the Human Clan.

The two came directly to the outside of Dragon King Island, but when Ji Xinyao was about to rush in with the little holy emperor, the little holy emperor held her with a solemn expression.

"Are you sure, this is the Dragon King Island where Emperor Xiao Qing is located?"

The little Saint Emperor looked solemn, raised his head and looked at the void, with a look of horror in his eyes.

"Yeah, what's the matter? Did you sense that there was a big guy?" Ji Xinyao didn't care. "That's the patron saint beast that Emperor Xiao Qing didn't know from where he brought it. It has terrible power."

"It's not terrible."

The little holy emperor whispered in a low voice, in his gaze, two big scary eyes appeared from the void in this way.

Then, there was a big head that appeared from the void like a big mountain.

Standing on all fours above his head, he yelled unhappily, "If you have nothing to do, go to the magic cave to fight the mobs. Don’t come and disturb people’s dreams, can you? This Shenlong King was just starting to prepare for cultivation, he was awakened by you."

The four feet are very upset at the moment.

It's so busy, it is gathering the energy on Dragon King Island, ready to accompany Sishui in this void to practice well.

Before entering the state, it was interrupted, so angry that it wanted to hit someone.

"Shenlong King!"

Four feet claimed to be the Shenlong King how many times, and no one paid attention to it. This time, it was different.

When the little holy emperor looked at his four feet, he couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath, "It turned out to be the Nine Heavens Dragon, how can there be such a thing in this world, is it true that the legend back then?"

"What legend?" Ji Xinyao asked puzzledly.

"The story about the origin of life in this universe."

The Little Sage Emperor did not explain much, but arched his hands at the four statues and four feet, "I am not malicious, but I have something to ask Xiao Qingdi."

After speaking, he turned to look in the direction of Dragon King Island and whispered, "Little friend, can you see me?"


The voice fell, and a loud shout of obvious discomfort came out.


Little Saint Emperor, "..."

Ji Xinyao, "..."

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