The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1856: This is a misunderstanding

"I only have two paths right now, one leaves the origin star and heads to the starry sky of the universe, no matter how strong Emperor Xiao Qing is, it is impossible to catch me."

"The second way is to catch the people around Emperor Xiao Qing as a threat, and let Emperor Xiao Qing sign an agreement with me and swear an oath that he will never deal with me."

"Otherwise, my blow has wiped out all the vitality of the ice demon, ruining her immortal demon soul, and the ice demon will undoubtedly die. With Xiao Qing's feelings for the ice demon, I will never let me go."

In the void, Chu Feng kept running away like a gust of wind.

His eyes were flustered.

He expected it wrong.

I thought that since Emperor Xiao Qing had fought with the ice demon for so long, he definitely wanted to exterminate the ice demon, and his own action just helped Emperor Xiao Qing. In this way, not only would Emperor Xiao Qing not be angry, but even would very happy.

Who could have imagined that in this world, not only the minds of women but also the minds of men are so hard to predict.

He was clearly beaten to death, but he couldn't do it himself.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, Dragon King..."

Chu Feng laughed bitterly, and quickly tore the void to escape. Fortunately, he was a wind demon. The speed of escape was the best in the world, and he fled decisively from the beginning. In this way, after Emperor Xiao Qing chased him up, Can't keep up.

"Go to Dragon King Island, all the people close to Emperor Xiao Qing are on Dragon King Island. As long as everyone on the entire Dragon King Island is controlled, then even if Emperor Xiao Qing is intent on killing, he will never dare to do it easily. At that time, I can force him to take an oath of heaven."

Chu Feng's speed was very fast, and in an instant, the torn void appeared on the Dragon King Island.

"Fortunately, Emperor Xiao Qing has not caught up."

Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he felt that Emperor Xiao Qing had not caught up.

He did not stay, but opened his right hand, and a terrifying magical energy erupted, and the violent wind enveloped the entire Dragon King Island, ready to trap the entire Dragon King Island.

"Fortunately, there is no strong person on the island, no one can stop me, otherwise, I will not be able to take the entire island away at the fastest speed."

"I'm still smart. Hundreds of thousands of people on Dragon King Island are all the lives of Emperor Xiao Qing. Hey, maybe you can try to make Emperor Xiao Qing surrender to me..."

Chu Feng's face showed complacency.

The gusty wind enveloped the Dragon King Island, when the monstrous power erupted, when it was about to completely pull up the entire island.

Suddenly, a terrifying aura appeared above his head.


Chu Feng suddenly raised his head, and saw a pair of big **** eyes, looking at him angrily. The whole void seemed to be different with the appearance of those big eyes.

Everything around was imprisoned by the other party.

"What a strong animal, how can there be such a terrifying big guy here?" Chu Feng's face was blank.

"Fortunately, Dragon King Island has been shrouded by my strength. As long as there is no powerhouse of this level on the island, I can successfully pull up the entire Dragon King Island."

However, the owner of the big scarlet eyes on the top of his head did not do anything, which is a blessing in misfortune.

Chu Feng made up his mind, as long as he sealed the entire island and left immediately, he believed that with his power as the supreme demon, absolutely no one could catch him.


Boom boom boom!

However, when the Dragon King Island was shaking and was about to be taken away by his seal, suddenly, one after another in the Dragon King Island, a terrifying breath rose.

"one two three four five six..."

"His... my goodness..."

His voice was trembling, his body was dripping with cold sweat, his whole body was stiff on the spot, and he dared not move.

Chu Feng, the founder of the Nine Demon Palace, is one of the nine innate demons. He holds the magic power of the wind system and possesses terrifying power. In the ancient times, when the strong came out in large numbers, he had the terrible power to cross the sky and the earth. .

Even Xuanyuan Saint Emperor couldn't help him.

The world he has seen is beyond anyone.

However, at this moment, he was scared to pee.

Six terrifyingly terrifyingly comparable to the peak of the third stage of longevity, that is, the aura equivalent to oneself erupted from Dragon King Island, and every power was an existence that could compete with him at the peak.

It stands to reason that there are not a few strong people like him among all people in the entire universe.

But why are there so many on Emperor Xiao Qing’s Dragon King Island?

"It's not fake, is it?"

After the shock, the thoughts in Chu Feng's heart emerged, "It's better to try again. Maybe it's just the formation laid down by Emperor Xiao Qing. As long as I can break the formation, maybe the entire Dragon King Island can be sealed. ."


However, his thoughts just came up, before he even had time to do it, a roar suddenly erupted from Dragon King Island.

Immediately afterwards, a series of terrifying figures stepped out from the Dragon King Island like the gods standing between the heaven and the earth.

One step out, the starry sky vibrates.

Dragon King Island seemed to be reinforced in an instant, no matter how hard Chu Feng tried, there was no way to affect Dragon King Island.

Of course, he was not in the mood, nor did he have the guts to move Dragon King Island.

Because the aura of these six terrifying figures shattered like the universe, making Chu Feng's head a mess, and his whole person was filled with confusion.

"It's been a long time since I saw a strong man of this level."

The First Alien Sigh sighed, "You, you should be one of the nine demons, the wind demon, you can be considered a little capable."

"Who are you?" Chu Feng's expression is extremely solemn, and the person who can recognize his identity at a glance is definitely the same as him.

"It turns out to be the Wind Demon, one of the nine demon."

A voice sounded like thunder, it was the **** king of the Celestial God Race, his voice was constantly buzzing, just like a rough brawny.

In fact, if it were not for the body of the beast head, he did look like a strong man, and he was also very tough.

"Sky Elephant God King!"

Chu Feng's expression changed drastically, and he kept muttering, "You, why are you here?"

"Why can't you be here?" Before the Heavenly Elephant God King spoke, Tianyi God King spoke calmly.

Although the God King Tianyi at this moment was only the size of a normal person, his aura was suppressed like an entire God Realm.

"Tianyi God King..."

Chu Feng swallowed his saliva, feeling that his head was not enough.

The **** kings of the two opposing gods appeared on Dragon King Island at the same time, and these four...

Under this look, Chu Feng's brain flashed, and he suddenly understood the identities of the four people, "The King of Foreign People!"


This shock is no small matter.

There are six strong men, each of them has a fierce reputation, and each of them is not weaker than themselves.

Moreover, on the top of the head, there were a pair of big blood-colored eyes, just like this burst of unmatched power, and the entire void was sealed.

What's this, how can you seal Dragon King Island to threaten Emperor Xiao Qing?

"Everyone, little brother Feng Mo, this, this may be a misunderstanding..."

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