The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1874: Rebellion

"The bloodthirsty clan is extremely lonely, and at the same time it is despised by the strong of the other thirteen blood clans. Of course, they are powerful and arrogant. They do not treat the other thirteen clans as the same clan, or even just as food."

"The bloodthirsty line is indeed a very special line in the blood race, but the 13 bloodlines of the other blood races can't help them. Unless the blood emperor wakes up, no one can help them, let alone the human race to the fourteenth. The imperial city, even if the blood clan goes, they can’t leave alive."

"You must not go to the Fourteenth Imperial City, otherwise, something serious will really happen."

The strong man from the Okura family kept giving orders.

Emperor Xiao Qing and Luo Xia did not agree, but with a calm expression on their faces.

Seeing this scene, the strong man of the Okura family quickly said, "Moreover, within the blood clan, there is a curfew at night, so you must not go out at night, otherwise, if it is detected by the blood clan strong, no matter what the reason Beheaded."

"Remember, no matter where you are, there are secret security investigations of the blood clan."

He repeatedly warned, so that Emperor Xiao Qing and Luo Xia, who had originally planned to leave after the banquet, looked at each other, "In this case, in order not to involve the Okura family, I will wait for the Okura Dragon tomorrow. After they leave, we will come in again."

"It can only be so, otherwise, the Okura family has indeed taken a big risk in order to bring us into the blood clan." Luo Xia also nodded.

They are not the kind of unreasonable people who make trouble. Since the other party has always said that if something goes wrong, the Okura family will be implicated and ruin the Okura family's thousand-year arrangement, then they will wait for tomorrow to act.

In a day's time, the blood prince can still afford it.

Moreover, Emperor Xiao Qing also clearly sensed that Prince Xueyan's breath was still intact. Prince Xueyan would definitely try his best to protect Prince Blood, even if he couldn't, he would try his best to save Prince Blood's life.

In this regard, Emperor Xiao Qing still had confidence in Prince Xueyan who had been branded by the Emperor Seal.

Next, the few people did not discuss this issue anymore, but drank wine and ate the blood-specific delicacies, but it was full of joy.

After eating and drinking, everyone went into the room to rest.

The strong man from the Okura family had his eyes flickering. Although he returned to the room, he quietly took out a small **** token, with a sullen look in his eyes, "Originally, I couldn't make up my mind. To become a member of the blood clan, but you brought outsiders to the blood clan like this, it is clear that you do not put our lives in your eyes, why should I continue to be yours?"

"Ocang Long, how about you even if you are the ancestor of the Okura clan? I have guarded the blood clan for a hundred years, and you don’t care. Every time you just send people to deliver goods and take away the blood clan’s treasures."

"In this way, it is clear that I am regarded as a farm animal for the Okura family."

"In that case, I will take the goods brought by the dragon dragon and the lives of dragon dragon and others as the final thing of the surrender."


When the voice fell, he directly crushed the **** token in his hand.

In an instant, the **** light turned into a stream of light and rose into the sky.

"what are you doing?"

At this moment, the face of Okura Long who was living in the guest room on the other side changed drastically, and he suddenly appeared in this guy's room with a cold expression on his face.

Not only him, but Emperor Xiao Qing, Luo Xia, Wanmo, and Okura Linglong also came.

In their gazes, the person in charge of the Okura family in the blood clan was surrounded by blood-colored light, and an aura peculiar to the blood clan spread out.

He actually completed the conversion into a blood clan at this moment.

No, it should be said that before that, he had already successfully transformed 99%, and only the last little bit was left. It happened that after crushing the token, the energy in it fell into his body, making him The whole person was completely transformed and became a blood clan.


In an instant, the wings peculiar to the blood clan stretched out, and the vast blood could spread out.

He directly completed the transformation and became a tall and powerful kinsman. He broke through the room and flew into the air. He laughed loudly, "Everyone, don't change your body at this time, when will you wait? Give me all changes."



Accompanied by a roar like a beast, the members of the Okura clan who had been stationed in the blood clan with this strong man originally began to transform one by one, directly becoming the blood clan.

Regardless of whether they are strong or weak, after transforming into a blood clan, they will advance in strength.

However, these are not important. The main thing is that everyone has transformed into a blood race.

The entire Okura family was in the stronghold of this blood clan, everyone, without exception, all completed their transformation at this moment!


At this moment, Da Cang Long and the elder of the first stage of longevity who followed were shaking with anger, "Unexpectedly, they all became blood."

"Damn, I always think you are the most trustworthy, so I gave you such an important matter of garrisoning the blood clan, and even thought that next time I come, I will change you back when you become the next patriarch."

"Unexpectedly, you turned into a blood clan, and you changed voluntarily. You disappointed me too much."

Okura Long* stared, his eyes showing pain.

The ancient ancestor of the Okura family, in order to obtain the management rights of the blood clan, spent hundreds of years before finally talking about the strong man of the blood clan. Of course, he also experienced how many battles and cost a huge price.

But now, this guy turned into a blood clan, obviously premeditated, intending to swallow it all.

From then on, all the plans of the Okura family were gone.

The big world of the blood race can no longer be controlled by the Okura family!

For the Okura family, this loss is too great.

"Ocang Long, do you think I would be your patriarch?"

The strong man in the Okura family who turned into a blood clan sneered with a loud voice, spreading far away, "Human race is just a trivial ant. In the eyes of the noble blood race, the human race is just blood food."

"Don't you always be surprised, why every time I come, I will let you bring more people to experience, especially young boys and girls?"

He laughed loudly, "That's because, these boys and girls, as well as the elites of the Okura family, only less than one-tenth of them can go back each time, but don't be happy, those who go back are the arrogances. That's because, hehe, they have all become blood races."

"You idiot, you didn't notice at all, hahaha."


Okura Long's face was horrified and angry, "You bastard, you are not a son of man, you don't even want to be a human being, the Okura family, how come out of your evil obstacle."

In any case, he did not expect that he would encounter this **** rebellion when he personally came to the blood clan world this time.

And after this guy came to the blood clan, he proposed to let the descendants of the Okura family enter the blood race experience. After the implementation, although there will be some losses, everyone who can return safely is the pillar of the Okura family.

If those are blood races, then the Okura family's problem is serious.

Thinking of this, Okura Long trembled.

"Do you know? I have transformed 99% of my bloodline a long time ago. I just endured it all the time. After this day, I finally succeeded. This feeling of having the noble bloodline of a blood clan is really too much. That's cool."

The guy’s hideous face was full of intoxication, "The feeling of being high above, above the earth, in the universe, only the blood of my own blood is the most noble, and you, humble humans, are nothing more than animal food. , Hahaha."

This sentence made Okura Dragon vomiting blood with anger, and an unmatched murderous aura broke out all over his body, * said, "You evil barrier, today, I will personally shoot you to death."

"*, in the world of my kinsman, who is going to be shot to death by you? Who can be shot to death?"

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