The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1877: Dragon King Town blood clan, who can be the enemy?

"I only hope that Emperor Xiao Qing can block the blood emperor. If he can't block it, no matter how strong Luo Xia is, it is impossible to be the opponent of these three blood emperors. Even if you add me, you can only block it for a while. That's it."

Da Canglong who was trying his best to kill all the half-step Blood Emperor and Prince who was rushing forward to help Luo Xia, was anxious and looked to the side of Emperor Xiao Qing.

Under this look, he was stunned.


In the high sky, the blood emperor was covered in blood and its golden wings were tattered, so it was lifted by Emperor Xiao Qing to walk over.

The whole body was restrained by Nine-Colored Energy, even if this blood emperor was very powerful, he couldn't break free, and could only be captured by Emperor Xiao Qing in this way.

Originally, Da Canglong was worried that Emperor Xiao Qing was not the opponent of the other party. What he did not expect was that Emperor Xiao Qing was so vigorous.

"Perhaps, the power he possesses is really something he owns rather than a Juggernaut grant."

At this moment, Okura Long's heart trembled, and his thoughts were a little shaken.

"Too awesome, so handsome."

On the other hand, Okura Linglong clenched her small fist, with an expression of excitement on her face.

"Luo Xia, it belongs to you."

In the high sky, Emperor Xiao Qing held the blood emperor powerhouse in one hand, and walked in the air, making countless blood clan powerhouses all shocked.

Emperor Xiao Qing ignored them, but directly threw the blood emperor in Luo Xia's direction.

"it is good."

Luo Xia leaped into the sky, regardless of the three powerhouses who were besieging him, directly displayed the bloodthirsty clan's swallowing method, and began to swallow a blood emperor powerhouse.

As a result, the ten thousand demons who had fought against the three blood emperors with Luo Xia were under great pressure, screaming again and again, "No, I can't stop it, I can't stop it, help..."

"I'll help you."

Okura Linglong rushed to share a blood emperor.

Although Okura Linglong has just broken through to the first stage of longevity, she has compressed nine souls of heaven and earth with the help of Emperor Xiao Qing, making her stronger than the average first stage of longevity after the breakthrough. A lot.

Although it is absolutely impossible for her to join forces with Wanmo to be the opponent of these three blood emperors, it is enough to block for a while.

However, the two teamed up, but it was only to be blocked.

Suddenly, terrifying power continuously bombarded the two of them, causing them to retreat again and again.

"Ahhhh, boss, I'm going to die, help me."

The old man Wanmo kept screaming.

On the contrary, Okura exquisitely fought more and more bravery as he fought, and he had the posture that the newborn calf was not afraid of tigers. All kinds of methods were used to fight against these three blood emperors.

"All blood races, who dare to do it, will kill without mercy."

At this moment, the emperor Xiao Qing burst into unparalleled power, his figure volleyed up, and with a wave of his hand, this city was all covered with dense Nine-Colored Sword Qi.

Every sword aura is earth-shaking, full of terrifying murderous intent.


His words naturally couldn't stop all the blood races.

In an instant, these strong blood races broke out again, and more blood races continued to gather in the distance.

"Since you are waiting for death, don't blame this king."

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head and waved his hand, an immense power burst out, and those infinite Nine-Colored Sword Qi pierced the sky and turned into the most terrifying ultimate move towards these blood races.

These blood races did not reach the realm of the blood emperor. For Emperor Xiao Qing, beheading them was as simple as cutting vegetables.

Suddenly, the nine-color sword light continued to emerge, and the blood light continued to splash.

The screams were endless.

A noble blood, no matter it is an ordinary blood duke or a ninth-class prince, or a half-step blood emperor, none of them can stop the sword aura of Emperor Xiao Qing.

Even the 100,000 blood city guards that had been mobilized were coming from a distance, but when they saw this hell-like situation, they not only did not dare to move forward, they even flee in all directions.

The other powerful people, the gods and demons who came to this city to trade, were all shocked.

When they raised their heads, they could only see an extremely terrifying figure with nine-color divine light, like a true supreme nine-day emperor.

This scene was deeply imprinted in the hearts of powerful people of all races, as if it had become eternal.


The three powerful blood emperors who were battling Okura Linglong and Ten Thousand Demons also took a cold breath, and no longer had the intention to fight with them, but fled towards the distance one after another.

With the blow of Emperor Xiao Qing, all the blood races in this city were defeated.

However, even if the three blood emperors wanted to escape, they had to ask Emperor Xiao Qing whether they agreed.

Qiang Qiang!

When these three blood emperor powerhouses fled in all directions, in front of them, there were endless nine-color sword qi burst out.

The escape of the three strong blood emperors came to a halt.

With a look of horror on their faces, watching the sword aura of the Supreme Sword Emperor erupting, at this moment, they kind of understood why the most powerful city lord among them was easily killed by Emperor Xiao Qing.

"The legendary human sword emperor..."

I dare not move when I move.

Forehead, cold sweat flows.

"Get here."

Emperor Xiao Qing had his hands on his back, his whole body was enveloped by nine-color divine light, which made people unable to see him. However, with a soft drink, these three powerful blood emperors did not dare to hesitate at all. Rushed to the front of Emperor Xiao Qing at a fast speed.


"I have been staying in the blood world, and I have not harmed the human race. Please forgive me."

"Spare me."

The three blood emperors, even in the blood clan, existed above all else, but at this moment, they knelt down in front of Emperor Xiao Qing and begged for mercy.

This scene made all the members of the Okura family shake their hearts.

In particular, Wan Mo was even more sluggish, excited, and grinned, "This is my elder brother, haha, I really have the name of foresight, first recognize him as the eldest brother, haha."

As for what Xiao Qingdi's power is not his own, but the sword saint.

You are the Juggernaut.

Wanmo never believed such rumors anymore.

Although he is not strong, he has never heard of that a person can pass his own power to others, and he can persist for so long. Moreover, looking at the appearance of the Juggernaut, his strength is not lost. Has all the power been passed to Emperor Xiao Qing?

"My eldest brother is the true Supreme Sword Emperor, hehe..."

This guy smiled facelessly, remembering that when Emperor Xiao Qing said that he would use the blood emperor powerhouses of the two blood races to help him break through, he was even more excited, and his figure quickly flew towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Brother, please help me to subdue them and let me swallow them."

He kept rubbing his hands, looking at the three blood emperors with excitement, just like looking at the delicious food on the plate.

"Oh, this king has changed his mind and wants to subdue them."

Emperor Xiao Qing said indifferently and waved his hand directly, and the nine-color divine light enveloped the three powerful blood emperors.

"What, what?"

Wan Mo was completely dumbfounded.

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