The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1887: Not as famous as meeting

"Hahaha, it's so cool."

In the void, the little Sage Emperor and the dean of Tiandao Academy who had fled far away looked at each other, and they all laughed excitedly.

Even if they had killed so many blood emperors with their state of mind, their heartbeats still accelerated at this moment.

"This time, most of the blood emperor of the blood clan died. It would not be impossible for us to destroy the entire blood clan world."

The little holy emperor laughed, "Unexpectedly, what even my father didn't do back then, let us do it, it's incredible."

"All of this probably has something to do with the person who is setting up. I don't know who the other person is. If it is from my human race, I will definitely consider myself a confidant." The dean of Tiandao Academy yearned very much.

Even if it were them, if it wasn't for the strong inside the blood clan world to cause chaos, they would not dare to kill so unscrupulously.

After all, within the blood clan, there are still 14 strongest emperors.

That is the existence that even Saint Emperor Xuanyuan and the Great Emperor Wild would be afraid of.


At this moment, there was a thunderous roar in the distant void, and then, there was a strange and incomparable black energy erupting.

The billowing black tide rushed into the sky, as if it turned into a dark cloud with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, making the rules of heaven and earth in the entire blood clan world tremble.

"this is..."

At this moment, Little Sage Emperor and the Dean of Tiandao Academy frowned.

"problem occurs."

The expressions of the two were surprised, "This energy is very strange, it seems to be the blood emperor, but it doesn't seem to be, it's weird."

"Couldn't it be, a new line of blood has appeared, right?"

Then, the two looked at each other, and they all saw the horror in their eyes.

If there is a new line of blood, it means that the blood will be prosperous.

In ancient times, the blood family was about to decline, but it was the emergence of the current fourteenth line that made the blood family quickly become stronger, and the current blood family is about to decline. If a brand new line appears, then what they did Everything is in vain.

"Go and see."

The two rushed towards that special energy source at the fastest speed.

With the terrifying power erupted by two strong men of the fourth stage of longevity, they arrived at the Fourteenth Blood Imperial City all at once and saw the blood prince who was constantly spewing black energy.

"Fifteenth channel!"

The expressions of the two changed drastically, and their eyes showed killing intent.

Qiang Qiang!

However, before they could do anything, they heard a sword roar.


Immediately afterwards, I saw the nine-color sword light circling, and a terrifying sword intent rose into the sky.

At a glance, he saw Emperor Xiao Qing standing with his hands on his back, his clothes hunting and his face calm.

Of course, this is not important. The main thing is that in front of Emperor Xiao Qing, there is a nine-color divine sword like a nine-color giant python. It is eating a cage made up of a chain of gods. Wherever it passes, those who are incredibly powerful All the chains of God were swallowed.

"this is..."

"The **** soldier of the fourteenth emperor, blood sacrifices to the sky."

The two looked at each other, and they all showed horror, "This kid's sword swallowed the fourteenth blood emperor's magic weapon, this..."


If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would have been unable to believe that Emperor Xiao Qing's divine sword was so terrifying that it had directly swallowed the divine weapon of the founding blood emperor of the fourteenth line of the blood clan.

You know, as the sons and disciples of Holy Emperor Xuanyuan, they knew very well that this blood sacrifice chain was so powerful that even the Xuanyuan sword back then couldn't cut it.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing's nine-color divine sword was so powerful that it directly swallowed the chain of blood sacrifice to the sky god.

"The fourteenth emperor, I'm afraid I will be born."

The little holy emperor whispered, "This kid, what a troublemaker, the fourteenth emperor has slept for countless years, but he will wake up."

"The other thirteen emperors are almost there. Why not take this opportunity to destroy the fourteenth emperor?"

The dean of Tiandao Academy looked at the little holy emperor, and said with a smile, "How about it, do you want to **** him?"


Little Saint Emperor directly returned a word.

"You two, since you are here, why not just give a comment?"

At this time, Emperor Xiao Qing's gaze penetrated the void, and he saw two invincible powerhouses in the void.

"This kid, unexpectedly found us?"

There was an incredible color in the eyes of the two.

You know, they entered the blood race great world, but even the rules of the heavenly laws of the blood race great world were concealed by them, and Emperor Xiao Qing could detect it?

"You kid, it's amazing."

Reluctantly shook his head, the little holy emperor first walked out of the void and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a smile, "Do you know that when you came to the blood clan world, you destroyed most of the blood emperor in the blood clan world? "


Emperor Xiao Qing was a little confused, "There are not many blood emperors killed by this king, how could it be possible to destroy most of the blood emperor of the blood clan?"

"That's not because of the round you set up, letting the blood emperor of the fourteenth vein smash into other blood emperor cities, causing them to fight each other. Of course, we helped them a little bit." The dean of Tiandao Academy also walked out. , Looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a smile.

"What game has this king set up?"

Emperor Xiao Qing was at a loss. When he looked at the dean of the Tiandao Academy, he was shocked, "So strong, a strong person at the same level as the Little Saint Emperor."

"Sure enough, there are still some strong people in the fourth stage of longevity in the human race."

With a solemn expression, he looked at the dean of Tiandao Academy, "Dare to ask who is this?"

"The dean of Tiandao Academy, my father's disciple." Xiao Shenghuang introduced.

"Little friend, I have heard of the name for a long time." The dean of Tiandao Academy smiled slightly, "I didn't expect you to arrange this game."

At this moment, he really sighed. He wanted to introduce the person who laid out as a confidant, but he didn't expect it to be Emperor Xiao Qing.

"You are the dean of Tiandao Academy?"

Upon hearing this guy's origins, Emperor Xiao Qing raised his eyebrows, his face full of dislike.


The dean of Tiandao Academy was stunned, and immediately looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a confused face.

"Little friend, did this old guy offend you?" Little Sage Emperor asked in surprise.

"I didn't know him, so why did you offend him?" Emperor Xiao Qing said calmly.

This is a fact.

However, the affair between him and the Tiandao Academy is not over yet, and the young ones come to the old. Even if they don't meet today, it will probably not be long before they will meet the dean of Tiandao Academy.

"I think it's the dispute between Tiandao Academy and the little friend that made the little friend upset."

On the contrary, the dean of the Tiandao Academy was a little self-aware, and he smiled softly, "That's just a joke, little friends must not take it seriously."

"Yes, you guys from Tiandao Academy don't want to mess with this king." Xiao Qingdi said calmly.

"This... rest assured, I will restrain the college disciples and elders."

The dean of the Tiandao Academy can be regarded as *feeling the strength of Emperor Xiao Qing, even if he is a strong person in the fourth stage of longevity, he also feels very helpless.

If it is another descendant of the human race, seeing a strong man like him, he would have bowed respectfully and saluted.

But Emperor Xiao Qing didn't give him any face.

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