The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1897: Power of suit

"Two, are you still playing?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked condescendingly at the two who were coughing up blood under his feet, and said cheerfully, "The dean hasn't tried his best yet, it's not good, you don't have to do your best, the little holy emperor will be bombarded. died."

"Oh, did you deliberately let your junior brother be bombarded and killed?"


His words made the dean of Tiandao Academy angry and heartbroken, a mouthful of old blood sprayed out, directly spraying the little Sage Emperor's face.


Little Saint Emperor looked at the dean of Tiandao Academy with a black face, and snorted coldly, "What are you doing?"


The dean of Tiandao Academy quickly got up with a look of embarrassment, "Little brother, don't mind, I can't help it for my brother."

"You said, you haven't done your best yet?" Little Saint Emperor snorted, "No wonder I always felt something was wrong. You used to be so strong, so why did you become weak this time."

"Okay you, is this going to make me work hard?"

The Little Saint Emperor said angrily, "Brother, you used to have a lot of thoughts, but I didn't expect to have reached this level, you are still like this."

"I really don't."

The dean of Tiandao Academy is anxious, "Little Junior Brother, how can I hide and do my best at this crisis, it's just that this kid is laughing at me, I'm just saying something."

Okay, real hammer, this guy is bragging.

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled happily, while the dean of Tiandao Academy looked helpless, the little holy emperor was also in a daze, then snorted, and once again killed the three blood emperors who had been killed.

"Boy, are you happy, don't you come to help?"

After the dean of Tiandao Academy replied dullly, he killed his head again.

However, as soon as the momentum fell during the war, even if the two rushed over again, they could not deal with the blood emperors of these three blood races.

In an instant, the two could be said to be beaten by the three blood emperors.

"Damn it, I can't stop it."

There was a bitter look on the little Saint Emperor's face, and he was covered in blood, and he was no longer as handsome as before.

The dean of the Heavenly Dao Academy has pushed the Wheel of Heavenly Dao to its limit, but under the bombardment of the three blood emperors in turn, cracks appeared in the Wheel of Heavenly Dao.

He also laughed miserably, "Little Junior Brother, it seems that today our brothers are really going to be planted."


Along with the roar, the three blood emperors exploded with unmatched power, and once again blasted the two of them away.

These three blood emperors seemed to be the same deliberately, and blasted these two guys to the feet of Emperor Xiao Qing.

Xiao Qingdi, who had originally planned to take action, saw these two guys vomiting blood and fell in front of him, he couldn't help but shook his head, "Two, your strength is still not good."

"You **** kid, you can only talk coldly, there is a kind of you go up and cut these three guys."

Even the little holy emperor was angry.

If Xiao Qing didn't make trouble in the blood clan, and they wanted to come to protect the way, how could this happen?

If the strongest of both of them died here, it would be the greatest disaster for the entire human race.

"Boy, you are to blame for everything. If we didn't want to help you, how could we meet these blood emperors? If you didn't come to the blood clan to make a fuss, how could these three blood emperors wake up?"

The dean of Tiandao Academy smiled furiously, and put a big pot on Xiao Qingdi's head.

"I beg you to come?"

Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes gradually turned cold, and the feet that he was going to step on were retracted again, and he even put away the holy emperor sword, and smiled faintly with his hands on his back, "If this is the case, the king won't do anything. Up."

"Two, go ahead."

He stretched out his right hand and made a very graceful gesture of "please".

As a result, these two strong men kept vomiting blood with anger, and said angrily, "Boy, you are too much..."


At this moment, the three powerful blood emperors tore through the void to kill.


"A new vein was formed, and Fourteen was swallowed."

"Kill these two."

Among them, two blood emperors saw the blood prince and Luo Xia change their expressions, and directly killed them towards the blood prince and Luo Xia respectively.

The other one was to kill Xiang Xiaoshenghuang and the dean of Tiandao Academy.

Obviously, in their hearts, the Little Sage Emperor and the Dean of Tiandao Academy are no longer worrying, a blood emperor is enough to kill them.

"If you want to kill this king, you have asked this king's sword first if you agree with it."

The cold light in Xiao Qingdi's eyes flickered, and a sword passed through the sky, instantly blocking the two blood emperors in front of him.

At the same time, the Yuanshen Heaven and Earth with a wide range of millions of miles was like a flood that opened the gates, with infinite energy sinking into his body.

"The physical world, open."

Accompanied by a loud shout, Emperor Xiao Qing's physical world also emerged.

The supreme divine body is fully opened.

Facing the two supreme blood emperors, at this moment Xiao Qing emperor completely opened up his power to the limit.

The physical body began to swell and turned into a little giant with a height of hundreds of feet. A terrifying qi and blood erupted, and the infinite energy in the soul of the soul was all submerged in the body.

The terrible sword intent rose into the sky.

At this moment, even if he only relied on the power of his physical body, he was enough to be a strong man in the third realm of life and longevity.

Holding the Sacred Emperor Sword in one hand, he directly killed the two blood emperors.

"Human junior, looking for death."

The two blood emperors sneered with disdain, and did not even look at Emperor Xiao Qing, each blasted a blow towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

Then, he killed Luo Xia and the blood prince directly.


Emperor Xiao Qing volleyed in the air, slashing one of the blows, and then, making a fist with his left hand, he suddenly blasted out.

Emperor Domination!

With one punch, within an inch, I am invincible.

The terrifying physical strength of qi and blood exploded, and the void was directly destroyed.

However, at this moment, what made Xiao Qingdi's face changed greatly was that his punch and bombardment could not stop him, and his whole person was directly blown out.

"too weak."

The dean of Tiandao Academy couldn't help sighing, "Boy, you still laugh at the deity, now you know the strength of the other party? You can't stop him."

"You are still too weak."

Thinking of being ridiculed by Emperor Xiao Qing before, and now Emperor Xiao Qing was also blasted off, this guy only felt sick.

"Little friend, you block the two blood emperors first, we will destroy this guy first."

The little holy emperor glanced apologetically at the emperor Xiao Qing who had been blasted away, and he was holding a sword to kill the blood emperor who shot them.


The dean of Tiandao Academy also realized that this was a rare good opportunity, and no longer paid attention to Emperor Xiao Qing, but made every effort to kill the blood emperor.

At this moment, after Emperor Xiao Qing was blasted into the air, nine-colored rays of light flashed across his body, and the emperor armor appeared all over his body.

His whole body, a hundred feet tall and tall, was instantly wrapped tightly.

"The physical body is still too weak, but the existence of the emperor armor is enough to stop you."

"In that case, it depends on whether you can block this king's sword."


The holy emperor sword traverses the void, enclosing the two blood emperors.

Emperor Xiao Qing's figure is volley, and the emperor armor and the holy emperor sword are fused together. At this moment, he only feels that a vast force rises from his body, making his face uncontrollably revealing a surprise. This is the power of the suit."

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