The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1907: The fairy sister reappears

The dean of Tiandao Academy was extremely angry, almost a little bit, his solar fire could completely trap the two blood emperors and refine them.

However, it was because Emperor Xiao Qing put another one over, making him fall short.


At this moment, he roared, and a furnace cauldron burning with the fire of the sun appeared in his hand, and he once again killed the three blood emperors.

"Today, the deity desperately wants to destroy you, absolutely can't let that kid watch jokes."

This guy clearly sensed that Emperor Xiao Qing was watching the excitement in the distance. How could he bear it?

"Definitely, you can't let that kid watch the fun."

Unparalleled power erupted from his body, and the whole person merged with that furnace, as if it turned into a small sun, constantly colliding with the three blood emperors.

However, although he is strong, he is facing the three blood emperors who are older than him, and the strength is stronger than him. Under successive collisions, even if he vomits blood and pales.

"Can't hold it anymore."

His hands trembled, and the blood sank into the starry sky.

Every drop of blood that emerges directly turns into a flame to ignite everything.

"He has cultivated his body like a sun, this guy is really amazing."

Four feet appeared on Xiao Qingdi’s shoulders, and the little guy sighed, “Unfortunately, the sun that this guy smelts is too small and its power is too weak. If you just find a **** sun to refine it from outside the Nine Heavens God Realm. If he is not weak, his strength is not weak."

"Based on the sun, smelt the flesh."

Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes flickered, and there was a surprise in his eyes, "The method of cultivating the flesh is really diverse."


As soon as the voice fell, there was a roar, and the dean of the Tiandao Academy was blown out. By coincidence, this guy turned into a ray of light and slammed towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Want to take this opportunity to pull this king into the water?"

Emperor Xiao Qing showed a faint color.

With his right hand stretched out, a black heavy hammer appeared in his hand. He lifted the heavy hammer with both hands and suddenly blasted forward.

"Boy, you are going to murder."

The dean of the Tiandao Academy was vomiting blood, and when he saw Emperor Xiao Qing's hammer hit his side, his face turned green in shock.

He tried his best to use all means to reverse his body shape, and finally stopped in the void when he was injured.

But blood was constantly spurting out of his mouth.


At just this time, a big hammer slammed over and flew a blood emperor who had caught up with him.

"Senior Gaoyi, juniors admire."

Emperor Xiao Qing flew over with a heavy hammer and sighed, "Since the predecessors don't want this king to participate in the battle between you and the three blood emperors, then I will not participate and leave."

Then, the heavy hammer was put away, his figure floating, volleyed towards the distance.

Dean of Tiandao Academy, "..."

"He didn't want to smash me, but help me?"

The result is very obvious.

If it weren't for Emperor Xiao Qing's hammer, I'm afraid he reversed the shape of flying out and just sent it to the blood emperor. He was not the opponent of the opponent at all, and would be swallowed by the opponent in an instant.

"It's me, he thought so badly"

However, he felt uncomfortable when he thought that the reason why he reversed his body shape was because he felt that Emperor Xiao Qing was about to attack him.

Blame, blame, he distrusts Xiao Qingdi too much.

The Dean of Tiandao Academy sighed. Seeing the three blood emperors slay again, he raised his spirit and burst out to kill with all his strength.

But he forgot to think, Xiao Qingdi didn't help him kill the three blood emperors before leaving.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing was not far away, but sensed the vibrations in the soul of the soul, with joy on his face, and let out Xue Yan.


At this moment, after swallowing a blood emperor, the aura of Xue Yan's body reached its peak, and an immense energy burst out.

Obviously, like Luo Xia, he reached the realm of the blood emperor.

Eat blood in one vein, double blood emperor.

"Master, I succeeded."

Xue Yan knelt down facing Emperor Xiao Qing with excitement.

Even if he has become the first-class blood emperor of the blood clan, he still respects Emperor Xiao Qing extremely.

"Go and help Luo Xia."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded and directly asked Xue Yan to help Luo Xia. Both were blood emperors with the same blood, and they possessed the same power. Only Xue Yan could help Luo Xia.


Xue Yan directly turned into a ray of light to kill him.

"So, this war, it's time to end."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, and the Holy Emperor Sword in his hand burst out with an incomparable sword light, ready to start hunting the Blood Emperor.


At this moment, accompanied by a huge roar.

In the distance, the three major blood emperors including the first blood emperor unexpectedly exploded with incomparable power, and at the same time they blasted out all the dozens of gods and demons.

"So strong."

Even Xiao Qingdi's face changed, "The power of these three blood emperors surpasses other blood emperors, especially the first blood emperor, and is unmatched."

"Ant, the reason why I kept you back then was because I wanted to wait for you to become stronger before devouring them, so that I could wait for the top ten blood emperors to break through the bottleneck and step into the realm of unspeakable gods. Unexpectedly, after so many years, you still No progress at all."

The First Blood Sovereign looked disappointed at those strong men who were blown out by it.

"Since there is no progress, it is useless to keep you."

"Come here all."

With the explosion of the strength of this first blood emperor, even Emperor Xiao Qing's face changed, "So strong."

"This guy is actually going to swallow all the strong?"

Those more than a dozen powerhouses are almost all kings of the various gods and demons races. Although their strengths are uneven, the strongest ones are all comparable to the fourth realm of longevity.

The combination of these dozens of powerhouses can almost be said to be the strongest power in the entire starry sky, but they are still not the opponent of the first blood emperor.


The first blood emperor erupted, and a blood-colored vortex emerged out of thin air, bursting out with unmatched suction, and swallowing all these dozen powerhouses.

Easily, no strong person can resist.


Not only was Emperor Xiao Qing not at the slightest happy, but showed a solemn color. The blood clan grew up by devouring other strong men. If the first blood emperor swallows these starry sky strong men, what level of strength will it reach? It is unimaginable.

"Boss, this guy is going to become a god."

The voice of the four feet trembled, really troubled, "No, absolutely can't let this guy become a god, if we let it take that step first, we won't have the slightest chance."

"Boss, stop it, no, it must be killed, otherwise, we will always be trapped in this low-level universe."

Its voice was trembling, and before Emperor Xiao Qing could speak, he took the initiative to reveal the true body of the dragon that was ten thousand feet long, bursting out with unparalleled power, and rushing forward amidst the roar.


Emperor Xiao Qing chased up and stopped all four feet directly, "What is it? What is going on?"

This is when Emperor Xiao Qing* saw his four feet so panic, and rushed forward so desperately.

"In this universe, no one has become a god. We must not let this blood emperor become a **** first. Otherwise, the rules of the universe will be controlled by it. At that time, not only we will not have any chance to become gods, but we will all be destroyed by it. ."

"Human race is also dead."

"In any case, you can't let it swallow the strong and become a god."

All four feet yelled anxiously.

"Become a god?"

The cold light flashed in Xiao Qingdi's eyes, "In this case, we must never let it succeed."

"Go hard."

At this moment, his whole body was rushing into the sky, holding the Holy Emperor Sword tightly, ready to kill.

However, at this moment, the abnormal change protruded.


In the void in the distance, a brilliant sword aura suddenly slashed on that blood emperor's body.

The next moment, a white figure fluttering out of the sky holding a sword.

"Sister fairy!"

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