The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1910: Can't stop it

A sword swept across, and the flesh bodies of the two blood emperors with monstrous horror strength directly exploded.


At the same time, everyone who was fighting was stunned.

"The power of Emperor Xiao Qing is so strong."

The Little Saint Emperor and the Dean of Tiandao Academy all looked at Emperor Xiao Qing blankly, even if the two of them also felt an incomparable terrifying power in Emperor Xiao Qing.

"too frightening."

These two were originally cultivators of swordsmanship, but because they were in a big battle, they avoided the end of being borrowed by Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Little brother has grown up."

Bai Yi Susu, who was fighting against the First Blood Emperor, showed surprise in his eyes, "I can finally help me."


In her excitement, one inattentively was directly bombarded by the First Blood Emperor.

Although he was not injured, he was seized by the first blood emperor and grabbed his hands apart and swallowed all the flesh and blood of the two blood emperors.

"Blood demon, dare you?"

Bai Yi Susu's face changed drastically, and her figure rushed toward the first blood emperor again.

"Saint of the Three Kings Palace, you finally appeared."

However, when Bai Yi Susu killed him, a sigh rang out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, an old man dressed in black and holding a blood blade walked out of the void.

He looked at Bai Yi Susu with a sigh, "I didn't expect that the controller of the Temple of the Three Kings who had been right with us for so long was a little girl like you."

"After killing you today, I wonder if the three old ghosts in the Three Kings Palace will go crazy?"

The old man holding the blood blade chuckled softly, and the blood blade in his hand swept across, directly towards Bai Yi Susu.

"Elder of the Blood Blade Temple."

The cold light in Bai Yi Susu's eyes flickered, "At this time, what are you here to participate in? I will kill the Blood Emperor first?"

"Haha, I'm sorry, the purpose of our Blood Devouring Temple is that we will destroy what your Three Kings Temple will do. You must kill the Blood Emperor and prevent it from becoming a god, then we will help it."

The old man holding the blood blade smiled, his whole body exploded with unparalleled power, and he directly fought Bai Yi Susu.

"Damn it, old devil, you are going to be bad."

"No matter how hatred the Three Kings Palace and the Blood Devouring Temple are, it is a dispute between the human races, and the blood demon is a monster race. In order to deal with my Three Kings Palace, even the blood demon would help, you know, If it is allowed to prove to be a true god, the rules of the universe will be controlled by it, and all living creatures will be demonized into blood races by it."

Bai Yi Susu said angrily while fighting.

"Sorry, I'm waiting for the Blood Devouring Temple to be beyond the scope of this universe."

The old man holding the blood blade laughed loudly, the blood blade in his hand flashed by, turning into an endless **** light and shadow, intercepting Baiyi Susu in it.

Bai Yi Susu was so furious that he could only watch the unmatched power erupting from the body of the first blood emperor, swallowing the remains of the two blood emperors.

"Brother, you can't let the first blood emperor prove to become a god, otherwise, you will never have a chance again."

At this moment, she could only transmit her voice to Emperor Xiao Qing, "In any case, we must block it, even if we can't kill it, we must prevent it from continuing to become stronger, otherwise, the rules of the universe will be controlled by it. Then, With your background in this universe, you can only become its vassal, no matter how powerful your inheritance is."

"Sister Shenxian, don't worry, I am here."

With a firm look on Xiao Qingdi's face, he glanced at Bai Yi Susu who was in a hurry, and said softly, "Sister Shenxian, wait until I kill it, and then I will help you."

After that, the one-million-zhang tall figure directly slew towards the first blood emperor.

"The first blood emperor, this king has long wanted to see how strong you are, do you exist with the same life as heaven and earth? No matter whether you are the one who is immortal, today, you are bound to die."


Peak sword intent burst out.

Emperor Xiao Qing's figure volleyed past, and he directly merged with the sword to kill the first blood emperor.

At this moment, the first blood emperor had swallowed the two blood emperors.

It is still the size of a normal person, haha ​​smiled and looked at the million-foot-tall Emperor Xiao Qing, "Junior, it turns out that you are the heir of the Three Kings Palace. You have a good talent. You have this strength at a young age. Given enough time for you, you can even surpass the Xuanyuan Holy Emperor back then."

"Unfortunately, you have no chance."


As the first blood emperor laughed loudly, an incomparable breath continued to circulate, and its body shape began to change, directly becoming a tens of thousands of feet tall and tall real body of the blood race.

The hideous face and the golden wings swept across the void.

An incomparable breath exploded, making Emperor Xiao Qing also tremble.

"this is..."

Emperor Xiao Qing only felt that there was a mysterious and mysterious aura in the opponent, as if it was integrated with the starry sky of the entire universe. It seemed that the entire universe would be controlled by it.

Emperor Xiao Qing slashed past with this sword, but failed to perform his skills. Instead, he was blocked by the golden chain that broke out from the opponent.

"It's not good, it's really going to become a god."

The four-legged figure quickly rushed to the shoulders of Emperor Xiao Qing, with a look of horror in his eyes, "Boss, it can't be stopped. This guy has become unstoppable as a god. It will become the unique **** in this universe. A true **** controls the existence of a universe, and it can change the rules of this universe at will."

"Even if it doesn't change, this universe will become its back garden. As its breath penetrates this universe and the entire universe, sooner or later, it will be demonized by it."

"It's over, I can't go back."

The four feet kept whispering, wailing endlessly, "My Nine Heavens Dragon Clan, my little female dragon, am I destined to be single for a lifetime?"


When it was still howling miserably, Emperor Xiao Qing flicked his fingers and directly flew out with his four feet.

"If you want to be the only true **** in this universe, you have to ask this king if you agree."


He was holding the Sacred Emperor Sword and directly killed the opponent.

With a single sword, the vast sword power can smash and kill any blood emperor, and there is even a feeling of splitting the entire universe in half.

However, the first blood emperor only flicked his fingers. In the depths of the universe, a chain of rules and gods emerged out of thin air, directly blocking Emperor Xiao Qing's sword.

"It can already mobilize the rules of the universe."

Next to Emperor Xiao Qing, there was an extremely solemn voice from the Dean of Tiandao Academy.

At this moment, the dean of the Heavenly Dao Academy, the great apprentice of the Emperor Xuanyuan, with a solemn expression on his face, he walked to the side of Emperor Xiao Qing with blood, shook his head and said, "I can't stop it."

"The reason why Master forced them to sleep in the past was because they were afraid that they would proclaim the Dao and become true gods. Unexpectedly, they could not stop them."

"The endless years of cultivation have completely integrated its power into this universe, and no one can stop this process."

"At this moment, as long as it has enough power to push it, it can immediately be promoted to the only true god."

"It's over..."

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