The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1921: Challenge this king?

Let Xiao Qing emperor only burst out of the power of the first stage of longevity, and fight them, if the power used by Emperor Xiao Qing surpassed the first stage of longevity, he would use the power of the sword master.

And they can do their best.

Is this fair?

Even Ji Xinyao was speechless, "Everyone, are you too much?"

"Among you, the weakest has also reached the peak of the first stage of longevity. The strongest is even the strongest of the third stage of longevity, not weaker than the older generation. I am ashamed to force Emperor Xiao Qing to only use the first stage. Is it the power of a realm?"

Ji Xinyao shook his head and said, "Furthermore, how can you determine that if Xiao Qing emperor's strength exceeds the first stage of longevity, it is the strength of the sword saint?"

"Does this still need to be said? Emperor Xiao Qing, a guy who has been cultivating for more than ten years, no matter how strong his talent is, his ability to cultivate to the first stage of longevity in these ten years is over, I don't believe he can rely on himself Cultivation reaches the second stage of longevity."

"It is, Saint Ji, you just leave us alone. This is our own personal grievance."

"Emperor Xiao Qing, it is said that you are still the so-called Dragon King, can you dare to fight?"

These guys all looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a provocative look.


On the other side, the four-legged blasted Jiang Zhan and directly smashed the guy named Jiang He out.

Its figure shrank again and stood on the shoulders of Emperor Xiao Qing, and said in surprise, "Boss, these guys are shameless enough."

"There are so many shameless people." Xiao Qingdi smiled softly.


The guy who was smashed by Jiang Zhan rushed over in anger, staring at his feet with gloomy eyes, and said angrily, "You..."

"What are you doing, want to single-handedly challenge the Dragon King?" Four feet smiled, and a majestic aura burst out, making Jiang He's breathing fast and his expression unstable.

Facing the coercion of the four legs, he knew very well that he could not be a four-legged opponent at all, so he could only cast his anger on Emperor Xiao Qing, "Emperor Xiao Qing, a man of dignity, hiding behind the pet, you are sorry ?"

"Then what do you think this king will do?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at him with a smile.

"Fight me fair."

This guy gritted his teeth and emphasized the word fair.

"Never mind."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded and said, "Since you like fairness so much, then this king gives you fairness. This king does not use any energy, but only uses physical strength to fight against you. Do you think it is fair?"


This guy has always emphasized fairness. Hearing what Xiao Qing said at the moment, he couldn't believe it, "You really don't use any power, you only use physical power to fight me?"

He simply made a profit.

His heart was extremely excited, and on the surface he looked at Emperor Xiao Qing calmly, "Since you are so rampant, then that's it."

"However, since it is a challenge, if there is nothing as a bargaining chip, it is boring. I am using this magic weapon as a bet. What can you do?"

With that, he took out his portable long sword.

"What do you want?" Xiao Qingdi said.

"Emperor species."

Jiang He said directly, "I have heard that you have obtained the emperor seed, and I don't want your emperor seed, as long as it is used to comprehend one or two."

"That's it."

Emperor Xiao Qing understood that this guy had done so much for the sake of his so-called emperor breed.

"How dare you?"

Jiang He pretended to look at Emperor Xiao Qing with concern, "If you feel that your physical body cannot fight me, you can use your own power, but you must never use the power of the Juggernaut."

"That is, who doesn't have a strong elder, if you use the power that the Swordmaster has left on you, then we can also use the power of the elders in the family."

"Since you said to challenge us with the power of the flesh, then use the power of the flesh to challenge. As a disciple of the Sword Saint, how can you say nothing?"

Several others spoke.

"It's really shameless."

Even Ji Xinyao frowned, "I thought that these guys are the strongest on the top 100 list, and they even have the third stage of longevity. With this cultivation level, their character should be good. I didn't expect ..."

I made up my mind and no longer have any contact with these people.

She looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a little worry in her heart, wondering if Emperor Xiao Qing would be stimulated to fight them.

After all, without using any energy, relying only on the power of the flesh, even if Emperor Xiao Qing's flesh reaches the longevity state, it is actually incomparable to everyone.

Can the flesh and blood contend with the gods?

Obviously impossible.

"Emperor species..."

Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at Ji Xinyao with a smile. Amidst Ji Xinyao's inexplicability, he smiled and said, "Since you want the emperor, you can."

"Even if you lose, this king can sell you the emperor seed, not much, three thousand spiritual veins and one emperor seed. Of course, this is a buyout type. If you just borrow it, one thousand spiritual veins. Have a look."

As he said, he looked at Jiang He weirdly, "If this king is right, the emperor seed on you should have been purchased from the Okura family."

"how do you know?"

Jiang He was stunned.

"That's exactly the emperor species that this king commissioned the Okura family to sell." Emperor Xiao Qing said.


Jiang He, who was originally murderous, was completely stunned.

He never expected that the emperor species that his ancestor finally bought from the ancestor of the Okura family, Da Cang Long, was actually from the hands of Emperor Xiao Qing.


"How many emperor seeds did you sell to the Okura family?"

Two more young people came out, with worried expressions on their faces, faintly feeling that something was wrong.

"Why tell you?"

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, waved his hand, and an emperor seed was suspended in front of everyone, "So, this king will use this emperor seed as a bet, but I don’t want any of your magic weapons. If you lose, One person has a thousand spiritual veins."


These guys suddenly hesitated upon hearing this.

A thousand spiritual veins, a little too much, they really don't have so many spiritual veins in them.

"Since you disagree, forget it."

Emperor Xiao Qing's face had a calm look, and he was about to put away the emperor seed.


Seeing that Emperor Xiao Qing was about to put away the emperor seed, the complexions of these people suddenly changed, and they said quickly, "We agree, but you said yes, you only use physical strength."


Emperor Xiao Qing nodded, "Go ahead."

He didn't put away the emperor, just looked at these people like this, "Let's go together, this king doesn't have much time to waste with you."


"You, you let us all challenge you together?"

"What you said is true?"

At this moment, these guys were stunned.

Then, furious, "You dare to look down on us so much? Emperor Xiao Qing, you are looking for death."

"You just used the power of your physical body, and you dare to be so rampant. Do you think your physical power can fight against the power of the second stage of longevity, such as me?"

"Damn it, you challenged so many of us at once, if you lose, where can your emperor breed give us?"

As soon as their words fell, when Emperor Xiao Qing waved his hand, the densely packed emperor species were suspended in the face paint of the crowd, with hundreds of them.


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