The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1929: Demon, everywhere

"Elm bumps, the girl at a loss treats you as a stronger existence than my father."

"You have so many women, don't you really understand the daughter's heart?"

"Emperor Xiao Qing, you must be deliberate, no, you must still think that the previous me deceived you, so you are upset, deliberately turning a blind eye to me."

Ji Xinyao turned his head and looked at nothingness, feeling anxious in his heart.

In the past, her incarnation did come into contact with Emperor Xiao Qing with purpose.

This time she was not like that anymore.

If she was really attracted by Emperor Xiao Qing's heroic image, she would have been completely attracted by Emperor Xiao Qing in her heart.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing still ignored her.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing came forward and put a hand on her head as if to rub her head lightly, making her face look excited, "You still can't get past this girl after all. turn off."

When she was happy, the billowing energy fell into her head from the big hand of Emperor Xiao Qing, making her stunned, "This... is this guy's way of caring like this?"

When I was surprised, I heard Emperor Xiao Qing's surprised voice coming over, "No, there is nothing wrong with this head, why is it so wrong?"

"You, do you think there is a problem with my head?"

Ji Xinyao exploded completely.

She suddenly turned her head and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing angrily, "Emperor Xiao Qing, you are too much."

"It's back to normal, it seems there is no problem."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded in satisfaction, "However, even though you have helped this king, the eight guys have no less spiritual veins, eight thousand spiritual veins, if they don’t hand it over, I still have to do it. The power behind them is gone."

"you you..."

Ji Xinyao was trembling with anger, "Wait, I will get it for you."

Then, with an angry look on his face, he turned and left.

"This woman has a bit too much temper."

Emperor Xiao Qing sighed, "If she says something nice, it is not impossible for this king to give her a discount. However, judging from her appearance, she is confident and doesn't care about such a discount."

"Boss, eight thousand spiritual veins, this time, we can completely smelt the entire Dragon King Island into a supreme holy land."

With all four feet on Xiao Qingdi's shoulders, the dragon scales stood up in excitement.

The fire demon on one side was speechless, his master, wise and martial artist, didn't seem to understand the look of his daughter's heart?

"Fire Demon, talk about the Heaven Demon."

Since the time to return to Dragon King Island has been delayed, and he is not in a hurry at this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing simply looked at the fire demon and asked some information.

Although the Heavenly Demon retreated with just one blow, the power that burst out was really terrifying, even stronger than the Little Sage Emperor and the Dean of the Heavenly Dao Academy. Even if the first blood emperor who had already died came, it was not necessarily better. It is stronger.

With such strength, almost no one in the entire starry sky can compare with it.

"Master, in fact, the so-called nine innate demons, the strongest one is also the first demon. It can be said that it is the true innate demon god, the true innate demon head that appeared with the origin of this world."

The fire demon knows how to answer, "The few demon behind us are actually cultivated after the demon finds us. To a certain extent, the demon is the ‘father’ of all our demon.”

"Father?" Xiao Qingdi and his four feet were stunned.


The fire demon said in a deep voice, "For example, me, the fire demon, it was originally a ray of innate flame after the world was opened up. Later, it was found by the demon and cultivated through thousands of years."

"The same goes for other demon heads. They were cultivated by various means. Later, nine founding demon heads were formed."

He sighed, "Our nine demons are equal on the surface. In fact, the other eight demons are all obeyed by the demons. Because the demons created us, even the immersion in these endless years is actually the order of the demons."

"You mean, all this is meant by the demon?"

Emperor Xiao Qing's gaze was solemn, "Do you know, what is the plan of the demon?"

"The demon didn't tell us what it arranged for us to do separately, and then if there is any task directly passed to us, other than that, we have not even seen it in these years."

"We don't even know who the demon is after the change."

The Fire Demon said helplessly, "All the methods of our Nine Demons are taught by the Heavenly Demon. Although each has made progress and learned something during these endless years, all the foundations are still obtained from it."

"Even, I suspect that the demon is in our crowd. I can't recognize it. Even if I meet him on the road, I can't know that he is a demon."

"The demon may be everywhere, and can be anywhere around us."

Emperor Xiao Qing's gaze was solemn, "Heaven Demon, is it so terrible?"

Originally, after easily beheading the Ice Demon and Wind Demon, he did not put the Nine Demon in his eyes. Until this moment, he had subdued the Fire Demon, and he really knew the origin of the Nine Demon from the mouth of the Fire Demon.

Only then did I really understand that, it turned out that the heavenly demons among the nine innate demons were so terrifying.

"Maybe all this is just my conjecture, but, Master, you have the heavenly cultivation base, so naturally you are not afraid of the heavenly demons, as long as the people around you are not infiltrated by the heavenly demons, and with your cultivation base, you are completely unafraid of the heavenly demons, even as long as you find it, You can easily destroy it."

The face of the fire demon wore a look of worship.

After being refined and surrendered by the Emperor Seal, it has completely surrendered to Emperor Xiao Qing. In his heart, Emperor Xiao Qing is the supreme king, the truly most powerful existence, and no one can compare it.

"So, you really need to pay attention."

Emperor Xiao Qing did not relax at all, but his face was extremely solemn.

Heavenly demon, mighty power is terrifying, so many years of layout, it should be to find the emperor hall, but the emperor hall is originally a supreme sacred object, treasures are covered in dust, you can never find it if you want to find it.

It takes a predestined person to appear to be able to find the palace.

The devil’s idea should be to make two-handed preparations, while looking for the imperial palace, while waiting for the destined person to appear. If the imperial palace really recognizes the master, then he will find a way to get close to that person and get the imperial palace from that person. And that person is not someone else, but his dragon king Xiao Qingdi.

"In Dragon King Island, is it possible that someone has been targeted by a demon?"

Emperor Xiao Qing whispered, with a solemn look in his eyes.

If he were a demon, the layout of the endless years would never easily admit defeat.

Even if Emperor Xiao Qing who had obtained the Emperor Palace was already very powerful, the Heavenly Demon would definitely have to take everything in his hands, so he must start with the people around Emperor Xiao Qing.

Who is the most suitable person?

A figure flashed in his mind, and Emperor Xiao Qing's expression suddenly changed, "Not good..."

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