"After the demon senses that his incarnation is destroyed, it will definitely be prepared for the first time. What we have to do is to enter the demon **** realm before it is fully prepared."

Below the moat, the surrounding strange beasts were crushed by the terrifying coercion and could not move.

Xiao Zhengjing and Emperor Xiao Qing were discussing how to enter the realm of the gods.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing was not ignorant of the heavenly demons as he did before. After all, he had swallowed the consciousness of the heavenly demons hidden in Xiao Zhengjing's sea of ​​consciousness.

Otherwise, he couldn't be sure whether Xiao Zhengjing was refined by the demon.

That ray of heavenly demon consciousness was exactly when Xiao Zhengjing recovered that year, he went to find the incarnation of the heavenly demon he encountered after an opportunity, and after refining it, only the last ray of consciousness remained hidden in Xiao Zhengjing's consciousness.

However, because that ray of consciousness was too weak to show up, nor could he sense the situation outside, he could only keep a secret, and cautiously influence Xiao Zhengjing.

For example, this time Xiao Zhengjing came to find the treasure of the heavenly devil, but it was actually the result of this ray of consciousness secretly making trouble.

However, what this ray of consciousness did not expect was that Xiao Zhengjing was so cruel to himself, he even practiced the Soul Eater Secret Art with the power of his ordinary soul. Before this ray of consciousness had contact with the heavenly demon's body, he severely damaged the heavenly demon.

Later, the Heavenly Demon's body sensed that the Fire Demon was surrendered by Emperor Xiao Qing, and planned to kill others, but was startled by Emperor Xiao Qing.

This created a series of cause and effect later.

Fortunately, everything was resolved smoothly.

"The means arranged by the demon may be more than these."

The fire demon on one side respectfully said, "Master, I suspect that the demon has other means to stay, but it needs to be investigated carefully."

"Go and check it out."

Emperor Xiao Qing directly let him go.


The fire demon saluted respectfully and turned and left.

"You just believe that he didn't pretend to be surrendered by you?" Xiao Zhengjing turned to look at Emperor Xiao Qing with a smile on his face.

"No, my method will be surrendered even if the demon comes." Xiao Qingdi's face was confident.

Emperor Yin has never let him down.

"That's fine, then we should go directly to the Heavenly Demon God Realm or go back first?" Xiao Zhengjing asked.

"Send Cigarette home first."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, collapsed the void directly, and returned to Dragon King Island with Xiao Qingyan.

Then, I recounted the past with everyone, but because of the next time is tight, after a short lunch, I took my four feet and Xiao Zhengjing to tear the void to the Heavenly Devil God Realm.

At the same time, in the starry sky, a group of strong human races gathered outside the source star.

Among these people, there were those immortals who were thrown out of the Origin Star by Emperor Xiao Qing, and some were the'parents' they found.

After finding the backer one by one, they looked at the nine-color light shining on the source star with an unhappy face, "Ancestor, the source star is sealed, and we are all thrown out. There must be someone who wants to get the source star alone. Chance."

"Compared with the true good fortune of Origin Star, the so-called Nine Great Emperor Species are simply weak."

"Everyone, since everyone knows, the origin star hides the secret of origin in the legend. As long as you master the origin star, sooner or later you can find the temple of origin and become the only true **** in this universe. You don't have to hide and tangle. ."

"Just open it up. The Secret of Origin cannot be found by anyone. There must be great opportunities and good fortune to get the Secret of Origin. After we break the seal together, we will suppress Emperor Xiao Qing’s child. Then, how about letting the juniors of the clan find the secret of origin together?"

"That's great."

The speaker is a group of strong men in the third realm of longevity.

On weekdays, they almost all practice in retreat in the big world they control, trying to break through to the fourth stage of longevity, and become a powerhouse of the supreme emperor level who can be known for thousands of years.

This time, he came after receiving the news that Origin Star was sealed.

In their view, the secret of the origin star's origin is related to whether they can break through and become the secret of the great emperor, how can they be enjoyed exclusively by others?

Even if everyone got it and enlightened it together, the entire Origin Star was blocked by Emperor Xiao Qing, and it was good to enjoy the secret of origin alone.

So here they are.

Human race occupies eight hundred realms in the starry sky.

There are countless strong people, especially since these endless years, because of the credit of the Emperor Xuanyuan and the Great Emperor for sweeping the void, the gods and demons and other strong races dare not treat the human race.

Makes the human race more prosperous.

There are thousands of strong people in the third realm of longevity here.

Thousands of strong people in the third realm of longevity, what kind of concept is this?

God tribes such as Tianyu Protoss, Tianyi Protoss, and Celestials Protoss, the **** king who masters a large world is only comparable to the third realm of longevity.

And the human race has thousands of powerhouses in the third realm of longevity, and even these do not represent the powerhouses of the third realm of longevity.

This force, terrifying, under the stars, no race can compare.

"Everyone, how about breaking this seal together?"

All the strong people looked at each other.

As for the juniors, standing with excitement on their faces, they made up their minds that after breaking the seal, they would definitely let their ancestors capture Xiao Qingdi, and give Xiao Qingdi a lesson.

"Don't worry, since he is the descendant of the Juggernaut, I think I should give the Juggernaut a face."

A young man came from a distant starry sky.

His whole body is golden, and the emperor is vast, just like a supreme emperor.

When everyone saw this young man, they all trembled, "It's the emperor."

"I'll wait and see the emperor."

"The emperor also came to Origin Star, it seems that it is also for the secret of Origin Star's origin."

At this moment, everyone's faces showed respect, and even those strong in the third stage of longevity bowed slightly and saluted.

The emperor, the blood son of the wild emperor.

Its identity is the same as that of the Emperor Xuanyuan.

However, in the early years, the emperor was sealed before the wild emperor left. It was not until the last 100 years that he was born. To a certain extent, although the emperor was the son of the wild emperor, in fact, if he deducted the time of being sealed, he would not be very old.

However, as an emperor, coupled with his cultivation level, he has also reached the peak of the third stage, and even strong people who are also the third stage of longevity are very polite to him.

"Since the emperor has the order, we can't help but obey it. How about we invite the fastest fellow Taoist to look for the Sword Saint?"

Immediately, there will be strong people who stand up and say.

"Oh, this is not an order, it's just my suggestion. Also, don't call me the emperor, just call me Li Hong."

The young emperor waved his hand with a humble expression on his face.

Everyone was amazed.

The emperor was born a hundred years ago. Since he was born, he has always been courteous and courteous. Although his cultivation base has advanced by leaps and bounds, he has reached the third stage of longevity in a short time, but he has never taken his current generation.

This is exactly why he won the love of everyone.

"I have the void escape technique, which can reach one hundred thousand li in one thought. Please wait for me for a while, I will go to the Juggernaut."

Immediately, a strong man took the initiative to step forward, turning into a ray of light towards the depths of the starry sky.

"Thank you, brother Dao." The emperor Li Hong bowed his hand in the direction that the person was leaving, looking at Origin Star with curiosity on his face, "Even to seal Origin Star, Emperor Xiao Qing. It really deserves its reputation."

"No, it should be said that the Sword Saint is strong, I am afraid the Sword Saint is about to break through."

Someone immediately said.

"No matter whose power it is, if it can be solved without brute force, we should not do it lightly." The emperor Li Hong still smiled.

"It's extremely, extremely."

Everyone nodded one after another, as for what was in their minds, I'm afraid no one would know.

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