The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1949: Bad feeling

"Qingdi, the trouble is big."

When Xiao Zhengjing merged the first sentence after waking up with the Heavenly Demon Demon Mark, he said, "After the Heavenly Demon detonates the Heavenly Demon God Realm, this cosmic rule will collapse, making the universe incomplete and the power of the Heavenly Abyss will gradually weaken.

"On the other side of Tianyuan, there is another powerful and incomparable universe. The opponents are some terrifying demon gods who have invaded our universe in the ancient times. Later, it seems that the three strongest people used the rules of the universe to create Tianyuan to block each other, such as today. After being weak, they can no longer stop them."

"If the cosmic power is allowed to invade, our universe will be wiped out, and even the entire universe will be completely annihilated."

At this moment, Xiao Zhengjing, although he already possessed the power of the demon, was not at all happy.

Emperor Xiao Qing said, "It's okay. Although the rules of the universe are broken, Tian Yuan will not be completely destroyed for the time being, just wait for some time to see if Tian Yuan can be repaired."

In fact, even if Xiao Zhengjing didn't say anything, he felt something was wrong.

He knew very well that the damage to the rules of the universe could no longer be repaired, so he could only see if Tianyuan could be repaired.

If it doesn't work, it's a bit troublesome.

"The big deal will kill you and swallow all the demon gods in that universe."

Four feet grinned, murderous, "Daring to block our way back to the Nine Heavens True God Realm, all **** it."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, "You little fellow, I really want to go back to the Nine Heavens True God Realm to have a look."

"Of course. Originally, I was the king of the Nine Heavens Dragon Clan, but I was framed and almost died. In the end, I could only fall into this universe. After infinite years, I will recover. The Dragon King will definitely go back and take the throne back."

All four feet grinned and cursed murderously.

Then, turning to look at Emperor Xiao Qing, he said pitifully, "Boss, you will definitely help me, right?"

"Aren't you arrogantly wanting to kill and swallow all the demon gods in the entire God Realm opposite? Why do you ask me to help you now?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at his four feet with a smile but a smile, "You are the great Nine Heavens Dragon King, you are going to commit suicide to the Nine Heavens True God Realm and destroy the guy who dared to take your throne."

"Boss, isn't that bragging?"

The four legs are embarrassing.

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly and put it on his shoulders, "Cultivate hard, all this is too far away for us, wait until you can practice to hold the throne."


All four laughed.

It knows, the boss said, as long as it can sit on the throne, as for the others, **** the Nine Heavens Dragon Clan, how to grab the throne, there is his boss, what is there to worry about.

Xiao Zhengjing looked at the appearance of Emperor Xiao Qing and his four feet, a little at a loss.

What we are discussing is that there is a problem with the rules of heaven and earth in this universe, and what we worry about is that after the destruction of Tianyuan, the appearance of the opposite universe demon **** will cause major problems here.

How did you go directly over this period and become a thing after becoming a true god?

He looked at Emperor Xiao Qing blankly and felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

"It's time to go back."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Xiao Zhengjing with a smile on his face, "This time the harvest is not bad. Uncle really has the strength of the fourth stage of longevity. From then on, no one is your opponent in the cosmic starry sky."

"No, in this cosmic starry sky, the strong are like clouds. I can only be regarded as the group of people standing at the top, but I dare not say that they are invincible." Xiao Zhengjing shook his head.

"Let's go, go back first."

The group broke through the void and returned to the source star.

At this moment, Ji Xinyao, the big brother and sister of Tiandao Academy, and the emperor Li Hong are still waiting outside the source star, hoping that Emperor Xiao Qing can'open the door' for them to let them in.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Xiao Qing didn't even know that they were outside.

After returning to Dragon King Island, Xiao Zhengjing hurriedly went back to retreat and practiced. After all, he had just merged with all the heavenly demons and wanted to be completely stable, not so fast.

As for Emperor Xiao Qing, after reuniting with the women, his eyes were filled with joy, "It's a rare leisure. Everyone is at the Origin Star. It's not easy."

"Why haven't Ruoyan and the others come back?"

Then, she found that Su Ruoyan, Fang Wanqing and Liu Pingting, who had gone home a few days ago, had not yet returned to Dragon King Island, and she couldn't help but frown.

"We haven't been in contact with them. Could something be wrong?"

Upon hearing Emperor Xiao Qing's words, Xiao Wu suddenly said in surprise, "We thought Sister Ruoyan had already joined the prince."

"It's okay, I'll go to the East China Sea to see."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded slightly, but he didn't worry too much. After all, the three daughters were inherited from the Emperor Palace and had already reached the longevity stage. Within the Origin Star, the three daughters could walk sideways without fear of any powerful enemy.

"Master, let me stay with you."

Xiao Wu hugged Emperor Xiao Qing's arm coquettishly, "You always come and go in a hurry, people haven't been with you for a long time."

"Don't go there. You all have a good retreat and practice for a period of time. After adjusting your state to the peak, I will give you something to make your cultivation reach the fourth stage of longevity."

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head. A total of more than a dozen copies of the Inner Heaven and Earth Inheritance, these are all the cultivation bases of the strongmen of the fourth realm of longevity. After everyone gets it, they can directly break through to the fourth longevity like Xiao Zhengjing. territory.

At that time, he can leave Dragon King Island without worry and go to the Three Kings Palace to find Sister Su Su.


After listening to everyone, they all looked at Emperor Xiao Qing blankly, "Master, are you right? Are you sure it is not the first stage of longevity, but the fourth stage of longevity?"

"Yeah, Lord, we haven't even reached the Ninth Heaven."

Everyone spoke, each of them thought that Emperor Xiao Qing was wrong.

"It's the fourth stage of longevity, yes."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at a few people and suddenly thought of a serious problem. Everyone was different from Xiao Zhengjing. After all, Xiao Zhengjing was a strong man in the longevity realm, and he had already refined the heavenly demons. This time, there was no difficulty in refining the heavenly demons. .

However, everyone is different. Their strength is too weak, and even the Ninth Heaven of the Primordial God has not reached it. It is obviously impossible to reach the fourth stage of longevity in one step.

Their physical bodies can no longer withstand the power of the inner world.

"So, the only way is to help them become immortals physically."

Emperor Xiao Qing frowned, and said in his heart, "I still have to go to the world of gods and demon to hunt down a group of strong demon gods, and use the blood of gods and devils to temper everyone, otherwise, if there is a problem in the integration of the inner world, trouble It's big."

While thinking about it, he left Dragon King Island with four feet, stepped out, and arrived in the East China Sea instantly.

Then, the powerful consciousness swept across the East China Sea, thinking that he could find the three women in an instant, but the next moment he frowned, "I didn't sense their breath, why?"

In my heart, a bad feeling rose up.

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