The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1955: The first temple in the universe?

"Emperor Xiao Qing..."

The young man raised his head, also showing shock.

"Qingfeng, long time no see."

After Xiao Qingdi was surprised, he slightly nodded, and between waving his hands, he emitted a burst of energy to help the other party completely destroy all the evil powers on his body.

He even helped the other party to heal the injury before asking, "Why are you here?"

The other party was not someone else, it was the young Qingfeng that Emperor Xiao Qing encountered when he was dealing with the Ice Demon Sect when he was in Liangjieshan.

At that time, the breeze was only at the pinnacle of the Sixth Heaven in the Primordial God Realm. Now, after not seeing it for a while, it has reached the realm of the Ninth Heaven, and it is progressing very fast.

However, the strength of the body is a bit weird.

"I am... booming."

Qingfeng just wanted to explain, a roar came from a distance, and then, a terrifying force exploded, accompanied by the roar of four feet.

"Damn fellow, the Dragon King hasn't gone to trouble with you, you dare to come to trouble with me first, you are looking for death."


"You all go to die."

Four feet shouted while bringing a group of people towards Xiao Qingdi's side.

Obviously, the little guy's strength does not seem to be able to easily destroy the opponent, so he just rushed over with the opponent directly.

At a fixed glance, it is a group of powerful men with blood blades, killing intent and evil spirits erupting, and they are constantly chasing and killing all four.

"Boss, it's a guy from the Temple of Blood Devouring."

All four feet suddenly jumped onto Xiao Qingdi's shoulder, and said triumphantly, "It's not that I can't beat them, but I want to show them to you."

"Asshole, what kind of snake is that, with nine-colored rays of light, and not weak in strength. If you catch it back and give it to the elder, you will definitely get a reward."


A group of people rushed over quickly, trying to grab their four feet.

"Qingfeng, no matter how you run, it's just a test product. Go back obediently and let me wait for the experiment. You will have the day when you come out."

Some people rushed towards Qingfeng with disdain in their eyes.

In their eyes, Qingfeng is just a guinea pig.

If it weren't for the recent starry sky and the emergence of Emperor Xiao Qing, and they could not leave to arrest people at will, they would have pinched Qingfeng to death so disobedient, how could he still keep him?

Halfway through the rush, they found someone standing in front of them with their hands behind their backs. At this moment, the group of guys holding blood blades were all uncomfortable, "Get out of the way, and I'll care about you later."

"People from the Blood Devouring Temple?" Emperor Xiao Qing looked at these people with a bright smile.

I just wanted to go to the Hall of Three Kings and ask about the situation of the Temple of Blood Devouring before saving people. Now it seems that with these guys, I don't need to go to the Hall of Three Kings first, just go directly to the Temple of Blood Devouring.

It's just that they appeared by accident.

"Knowing that the uncles are the adults of the blood-devouring temple, are you still squatting? I'll settle the account with you later."

The strength of this group of guys is not very good, but they are very arrogant. They didn't even look at Emperor Xiao Qing directly, so they waved to throw Emperor Xiao Qing aside.

"It's really rampant."

Emperor Xiao Qing sighed and prepared to do it.

"I come."

From behind, Qingfeng rushed forward with a look of grief and anger on his face, "Today, I will fight with you."

"Emperor Xiao Qing, run quickly and don't be caught by them. These people in the blood-devouring temple do not have the slightest humanity. They will not treat us as adults. Instead, they will treat us as a test object. Very painful."

"I'm abolished anyway. Today, I will die with them."

He tried his best to explode, however, the power of the Nine Heavens of his soul was not the opponent of these blood-devouring temple powerhouses, not to mention that his own injuries had not been completely healed, and there was nothing to do with it.

Qing Feng was directly suppressed by these blood-devouring temple powerhouses, and roared unwillingly, "You don't want to capture me again, even if it explodes, I won't let you succeed."

"Can you blew yourself up in front of us?"

This group of people smiled disdainfully, and directly started to explode the breath of an immortal, and instantly suppressed the breeze of the breeze.

"Unexpectedly, I will be arrested by you after all, why, why don't you even let me die?"

Qingfeng smiled miserably, with a look of despair in his eyes.

Originally, he had already reported his determination to die, thinking of rushing into this group of people and exploding directly, but after a little hesitation, it became impossible for him to explode.

I can only watch myself being sealed by this group of people.

Looking at Emperor Xiao Qing again, what made him even more desperate was that Emperor Xiao Qing didn't even run, but stood there watching the excitement.

"Run, how about you even if you have the power of the Seventh Heaven? They have immortals, do you know what immortals are? Run..."

The breeze roared.

"Can you run?"

More than a dozen killers armed with blood blades directly surrounded Emperor Xiao Qing and his younger sister Xiao Qingyan.

They grinned and looked at Xiao Qingdi and Xiao Qingyan brothers and sisters, feeling very satisfied, "Yes, take you two back, the elders will definitely be very happy."

"Let's go with us obediently, as long as obediently, becoming an immortal is not a problem."

"Of course, it's okay to be disobedient. We can easily seal everything about you, even if you blew yourself up."

"Hey, these two guys are scared, they don't even dare to call."

Then, the group of people looked at Emperor Xiao Qing and Xiao Qingyan, and found that they were a bit abnormal, but they felt indifferent.

"Do you really think that the killer of the Blood Devouring Temple is invincible in the world?" Emperor Xiao Qing smiled.

"Fool, everyone laughed out of fright."

These dozen masters laughed louder than Emperor Xiao Qing, and they looked at Emperor Xiao Qing disdainfully, "It seems that they are frightened."

"What do you mean is that when you see you smiling, must you be frightened?" The little girl Xiao Qingyan looked at them curiously.

"That's not true."

The sweetness of the little girl Xiao Qingyan made these killers feel compassionate. One of them, the guy in the longevity realm, explained, "The Temple of Blood Devouring, the strongest temple in the universe, I met the people of the Temple of Blood Devouring. All will be frightened, but there are only two kinds of laughter."

"Which two?" Xiao Qingyan asked curiously.

"Either it is the invincible powerhouse in the world, who is not afraid of our blood-devouring temple, or it is the kind of frightened and stupid boy, who are you?"

The guy looked at Emperor Xiao Qing and Xiao Qingyan with a smile.

"Of course they are not afraid of you." Xiao Qingyan said with a smile.

"It's so cute, I was really scared."

The group of bloodblade killers shook their heads, and no longer continued to talk to Xiao Qingyan, instead they took action to arrest the two brothers and sisters.

"How did I hear that the strongest temple in the universe is not the Blood Devouring Temple, but the Three Kings Temple?" Xiao Qing said with a smile suddenly.

"What is the Palace of Three Kings, those guys in the Palace of Three Kings are so scared to see the powerhouse of our blood-devouring temple, how dare you do something with us?"

These guys disdain.

"is it?"

Suddenly, along with a calm voice, remembered, a blood-colored sword light suddenly lit up, cutting into these assassins with unmatched strength.

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