The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1966: Who said Wang Ling was not there?

"Second elder, you also want to join in the fun, do you want to keep him?"

Susu looked at the second elder with an extremely cold expression and murderous intent.

"What is the saint? The Palace of Three Kings is a place where rules are said. After all, we are not barbarians. We can't kill the Great Elder for no reason, right?"

The second elder smiled and said, "If this is the case, with just a word from the saint, you can kill the elder, doesn't it mean that in my Three Kings Palace, the saint will kill whoever wants to kill?"

"I think you don't have that power, after all, the saint is not the real king yet."

His words made the other elders of the same line as him all stand up, "Second elders are polite."

"Holy Maiden, Commander, there are some things, everyone should be reasonable, not just fooling around?"

"If you kill the elder at will, doesn't it mean that when the saint is in a bad mood, you can kill other people at will?"

"So, who would dare to die for the Three Kings Palace?"


At this moment, the group was indignant.

Even the strong commander Tianyi also changed his face, turning his head to look at the saint, with a questioning look in his eyes.

The Palace of Three Kings, after all, is not only the saint and the king.

There are endless killers, and elder factions.

If it is unfair to deal with things, if there are no rules and regulations, then I am afraid that the hearts of the people in the Three Kings Palace will be scattered next.

At this moment, the Temple of the Three Kings is the most critical time for confronting the Temple of Blood Devouring. If the hearts of the Temple of Three Kings are lost, and even many powerful people will directly take refuge in the Temple of Blood Devouring, then the Three Kings Hall will be abandoned. .


Susu’s eyes flashed with cold light, and the murderous intent of her, Wang Jianzheng in her hand croaked, and he shouted in a deep voice, “This matter has nothing to do with you. Leave it to me. Who dares to participate, I will kill whom? "

"Holy Maiden, you can’t talk nonsense about this. If it reaches the ears of everyone in the Palace of the Three Kings, everyone will oppose you. Don’t talk about you as the throne, even if you are the saint. It can be kept."

As the second elder said, he turned his head and looked at the first elder, "You said so?"


The great elder smiled proudly at this moment, "Holy girl, little yellow-haired girl, you also want to fight with me. I really thought that if the three old guys handed over the Three Kings Sword to you, would you be able to mess around at will? "

"Remember, you are only the acting king, not the real king."

"The king's power of life and death is only half in your hands. You can only have the power of life and death for ordinary members. For us elders, you are not qualified to kill us."


The Great Elder was very proud.

Within the Palace of Three Kings, the ranks of positions are distinct, and only the real king can have the real power of life and death, and can kill anyone at will.

As for the saint, and even Susu, who is in power on behalf of the king, does not have all the power, at least, there is no power to dispose of these elders.

At this moment, even Su Su's face changed drastically, with endless cold light in his eyes. All the elders belonged to the family of the first elder and the second elder. It would be really troublesome if they really resisted her.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing was crossing the robbery, she must help Emperor Xiao Qing find the three daughters.

"Tianyi, do you remember what the three kings said to you?"

Susu suddenly turned his head to look at the throne commander Tianyi.

The latter looked serious and said respectfully, "Naturally remember, before the new king appeared, you were the king, and all your orders were their orders. Even after the new king comes to power, you must ensure your safety."

"No one can hurt you."

Tian Yi turned his head and looked at all the elders, a violent murderous aura filled his body, "Holy Maiden, since these elders dared to resist you, then, kill them all."

"Tianyi, how many people do you think you can kill?"

The second elder smiled indifferently, and waved his hand, a large number of strong men also appeared.

In the department of the Great Elder, there are also some strong people standing up.

They all had sneers of disdain on their faces.

"Holy Maiden, you have to think about it clearly. Killing the elders at will without a king's order will cause turmoil in the entire Three Kings Palace."

The second elder smiled leisurely and said, "In the Palace of Three Kings, the power held by the elders is at least 50%. Of course, if you mobilize other people, I am afraid that the Palace of Three Kings will be split."

"Tianyi, do you know what the consequences would be if the Palace of the Three Kings were destroyed like this?"

"After the three old kings came back, what they saw were the broken walls and the dead and wounded men. At that time, I am afraid you will not be able to explain it?"

The big elder on one side was also completely fearless, and looked at Tian Yi with a smile, "If I die, I can wake up the resistance of everyone in the entire Three Kings Palace. I am very happy to resist ignorance and tyrannical saints."


They laughed very loudly, while Su Su's face was pale and his eyes were frightened.

In the past, when the three old guys were still there, the Three Kings Palace was almost handed over to the Great Elder and the Second Elder to take care of them, which made the power of the two elders too strong. Since she took over, she has worked hard to change this situation.

However, the time is too short, even with Wang Wei's help, she can't change it in the short term.

Unless Wang Ling is in hand, how could Emperor Xiao Qing appear here at this moment in the midst of punishment?

The trouble is big.

Even the leader of Tianyi had a solemn look on his face, and he passed his voice to Susu, "Holy girl, unless you don’t stop doing two things, you can directly kill all the elders, or, for today’s affairs, you can only do this. Forget it."

"Can't kill."

Susu shook his head.

Even if she really dared to kill all the elders, she would have no such ability.

The first elder and the second elder, as well as all the elders, were definitely not what Wang Wei could kill.

"What do you do then?" Tianyi frowned, "Can you just let these guys go like this?"

"It can only be so, what happened to your investigation?" Susu asked.

"I found something. The three women of the new king should have been captured by the blood-devouring temple, but I found out that there may be the great elder and the second elder in all this."

Tian Yi frowned and said, "Our strength can't be compared with the three kings, otherwise we can directly grab the Great Elder to search for the soul, and we can know everything. Now we can only pretend to be a snake and wait for them to show their feet. ."


Su Su sighed weakly and was about to put Wang Jian away.

"Holy Maiden, you cut off the deity's magic weapon and exploded my body for no reason. Don't you need to give me an explanation for this matter?"

At this moment, the elder suddenly smiled.

He looked at Su Su slowly, "If you don't give an explanation, don't you mean that in the future, as long as you are in a bad mood, you can kill anyone?"

"So, in the Palace of Three Kings, who else would dare to serve the king?"

His words made Su Su's face pale with anger, and said coldly, "What are you going to do?"

"Compensate to me for the sword in your hand as compensation for my loss. I will expose this matter. How?" The elder smiled.

"Don't think about it." Susu's eyes were full of coldness. This is Wang Jian, which can only be owned by the king of the Three Kings Palace. The great elder wants to get the Wang Jian, obviously trying to get it.

"Then I'm sorry, if you don't explain this matter, I don't think the Three Kings will give up."

The elder said with a smile, "Of course, if you have Wang Ling in hand, I would definitely not care about you. After all, if you are the king, then I really offended you."

"But, Wang Ling, is it in your hands?"

He knew that Wang Ling was definitely in the hands of the new king Xiao Qingdi, and could not be in the hands of Saint Susu, so, what worries him?

At this moment, everyone else also had a smile on their faces, and they all watched the excitement happily.

Only Susu's killing intent was overwhelming, but he was extremely helpless.

She knew that for today's matter, only if she bowed her head, the first elder and the second elder could let her go. Otherwise, if this matter were to make a big deal, let these two find a chance, the trouble would be big.

"When the little brother returns, it will be your end."

Taking a deep breath, he was about to bow his head and admit his mistake.

"Although Wang Ling is not there?"

At this moment, a voice filled with cold killing intent came.

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