The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1971: Three swords


"She must be beheaded before she has fully integrated all the power."

The three powerhouses all yelled, no longer control Sister Susu, but directly killed Xiao Qingyan.

"With me, can you go?"

Susu, who was wearing a black mask, was intent on killing, and swept out with a sword, directly splitting the big elder who was caught off guard in half again.

The latter's body exploded in an instant, and merged again, with a look of anger in his eyes, "Susu, you killed me again? You stinky girl, what hatred do I have with you, time and time again. Hold me and not let go?"

"Do you have no hatred with me?"

Susu was noncommittal, and killed it again with the sword.

"Well, my lady, since you are so rampant, let the old man see what kind of skills those three old guys have passed on to you over the years."

The great elder roared towards Susu, and at the same time led the second elder and Tianda, "You go and kill that little lady, I will deal with Susu."

"it is good."

The leader of Tianyi and the second elder glanced at each other, and then one after another killed Xiao Qingyan.

At this moment, Xiao Qingyan was surrounded by infinite sword qi, and the sword qi flying out of the back mountain was all integrated into her body, and it was turning into her own strength little by little.

Her primordial spirit world is growing in a split style, her primordial spirit is growing up, and her cultivation base is improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the Changsheng Bridge condensed, and even the sea of ​​bitterness was forcibly formed directly on the opposite bank of the Changsheng Bridge.

At the same time, the everlasting growth rings also appeared.

too fast.

That force was originally the three masters of Emperor Xiao Qing who stayed here to help him improve his cultivation.

Of course, Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't use it anymore, just for the younger sister Xiao Qingyan, the speed of improvement was extremely fast.

However, it was still unable to kill these two powerhouses who were originally the fourth heaven of longevity.

Seeing that when the two were about to kill, Emperor Xiao Qing, who was bathing in a sea of ​​thunder, moved.

The holy emperor sword appeared in his hand and suddenly swung the sword.


A long sword roar sounded, and in an instant, a nine-colored sword light carrying infinite thunder power, as if penetrating time and space, instantly appeared in front of the leader of Tianyi, and the sword directly swept his whole person Torn apart.


The second elder was a step slower because of the speed at which he rushed, and watched as Tianyi led the whole person to be slashed by a sword, all the spirits and spirits were instantly annihilated, and all consciousness was strangled by this sword, only one remained. When the blank Inner Heaven and Earth and Yuanshen appeared in the void, he was instantly frightened.


The power of this sword is really terrifying.

At this moment, the second elder didn't have the slightest mind to deal with Xiao Qingyan, but directly turned his head and rushed towards the distance.

Ma yeah.

Xiao Qingdi, the dragon king, was so terrifying.

This is not weaker than the three elders back then, and may even be stronger.

How to grab the throne?

Grass, find yourself dead.

If you don’t run now, do you still keep it for the New Year?

The second elder was so scared that the three souls and seven souls were about to disperse, and he tried all means to move towards the distance at the fastest speed.

However, since Emperor Xiao Qing has started, can he escape?

"Second elder, right? Now that you do it, you don't have to live anymore."

Along with the dull voice sounded, Emperor Xiao Qing, who was floating in the sea of ​​thunder, once again brought out his sword, a terrifying sword light, tearing everything apart, and beheading the second elder.

"Do not..."

The second elder roared, with an unbelievable color in his eyes.

However, no matter what methods he used, it was useless. This sword light was so powerful that it tore through the void and directly split his whole person.

The flesh exploded, and was even sucked back by Inner World, turning it into the billowing energy of Inner World.

And all the consciousness contained in his soul was destroyed by this sword, and his true spirit was also destroyed.

Only a blank phantom of the soul was swallowed by Inner Heaven and Earth.

Of course, his inner world at this moment has also become unowned.

However, no one pays attention to whether this inner world is unowned. Everyone is horrified. They only know that even if Emperor Xiao Qing is still in punishment, he only used two swords. Kill people directly.

One sword beheaded the first leader of the sky, and the other sword beheaded the second elder.


Even if the people around were all people holding their arms watching the excitement, they also sucked in horror.

As for the great elder who was in a battle with Susu, he was shocked when he saw this scene suddenly.

One inadvertently, was directly slashed by Susu's sword, and directly split his whole person in half.

"Damn it, Dragon King Xiao Qingdi, how could it be so scary?"

His physical body exploded and merged into his appearance again in the distance. His face was pale, his breath was unstable, and his injuries were obviously serious.

However, he didn't care, instead he was full of horror, "How can it be so terrifying? What kind of state has Emperor Xiao Qing reached? Why..."

"He hasn't inherited the power of the Three Kings, so he can smash and kill a strong man in the fourth stage of longevity with a single sword, and he is also suppressed by the punishment of heaven."

"If there was no punishment to suppress him, what horror would it be?"

His heart trembled, even if Emperor Xiao Qing didn't do anything to him, he was equally frightened. He didn't dare to fight Susu again, but after being smashed by Susu again, the whole person turned into countless ways. The **** light fled towards the distance.

"I think about running away now, it's too late."

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing, who was in the midst of the Heavenly Punishment Thunder Tribulation, shook his head, with a calm expression on his face, and the Holy Emperor Sword in his hand rose again.

The next moment, a terrifying sword intent locked the whole person of the Great Elder.

"Do not..."

The elder's heart trembled with a look of horror in his eyes, and he quickly shouted, "I am willing to surrender. I know where your women are being held, and I can take you to rescue them."


Emperor Xiao Qing's movements paused.

The Great Elder obviously felt the pause that locked his sword energy, he quickly seized this opportunity and rushed directly into the void to escape.

"sucker Punch."

The cold light flashed in the eyes of Emperor Xiao Qing, no longer hesitating, if he slashed directly with a sword.

A terrifying sword light jumped into the void and disappeared.


Then, the void was completely cut open, and the figure of the great elder was submerged in sword light.

When Sister Susu caught up, she saw that in the void, there was no longer the appearance of the great elder, only an inner world was floating.

Then, a sword of light swept past, directly sweeping away the inner world of the great elder.

Almost at the same time, the Inner Heaven and Earth ruled by the Second Elder and Tianyi Da was also taken away by Emperor Xiao Qing.

At this moment, no one cares what Emperor Xiao Qing did to take away the inner world of the three people. The entire Three Kings Palace, whether it is neutral or the survivors of the traitor group, are all facing Xiao Qing who is punished by heaven and thunder. The emperor knelt down, with an expression of incomparable respect, and shouted, "Well, see the king."

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