At this moment, in the endless void space, the speed of Heaven's punishment is getting faster and faster.

The Blood Devouring Temple is desperately accelerating.

All the elders have already joined them, instilling power into the saint son and saint woman, and even other powerful men of the blood-devouring temple have all joined it.

However, it is still not enough.

The speed of the Blood Devouring Temple has increased to the extreme, and the entire temple seems to be burning with blood-colored flames, directly breaking through the void space and rushing forward.

With every blink of an eye, the Blood Devouring Temple can fly thousands of miles away.

This speed is beyond the reach of even the powerhouse at the pinnacle of the fourth stage of longevity.

However, the punishment from the rear still followed closely.

However, what made the people of the Blood Devouring Temple slightly relaxed was that after their speed reached the peak, the speed of Heaven's Punishment also seemed to slow down.

As a result, the Blood Devouring Temple was barely able to distance itself from Heaven Punishment, without worrying about being caught up by Heaven Punishment immediately.

"The power drain is too fast."

At this moment, the hearts of the saint son and saint woman were trembling.

If it weren't for most of the powerhouses in the Blood Devouring Temple to join them in instilling power to the Temple, the strongest of the two Blood Devouring Temples besides the Lord might be directly sucked up.

"Quickly, fill in all the spiritual veins."

"Opening the treasure house, all the energy that can be used is injected into the temple, and we must get rid of the punishment as fast as possible, otherwise, if the punishment is allowed to follow, we will be consumed by it even if we are not bombarded by it. "

Tianluo Saintess and Saint Son gave orders at the same time.

In an instant, the powerhouse of the Blood Devouring Temple rushed into the treasure house, taking out the infinite spirit veins and various spirit stones, as long as they could provide energy.

Then, unified shattered and thrown into the furnace of the temple.


In an instant, the Blood Devouring Temple increased its horsepower, burst out unmatched power, and rushed directly forward.

The mighty power continued to circulate, the speed increased to the extreme, and he barely got rid of the punishment, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Especially the Son and the Saint, after looking at each other, their faces were solemn and vigilant at the same time.

At this moment, they can all be said to be at their weakest time. If the other party takes the opportunity to enter, it may really be possible to destroy the other party.

The Temple of Blood Devouring was originally a time when a strong man was respected, and his strength was strong enough to kill the saint son and the rise of the saint.

The elders around all had their eyes flickering, and they had their own thoughts in their hearts.

Makes the face of the saint son and saint woman greatly changed.


In an instant, with just a look, the two parties reached an agreement, and at this time, they cooperated temporarily.


Then, the two of them held hands, and their bodies burst out with unmatched power at the same time. They looked at the elders and other powerhouses in the Bloodthirsty Temple, and said calmly, "Everyone, don't think that the power we consume is great. In, the Son and the Saint join hands, and there is no one in the temple."

"The saint son and saint woman worry too much, and the punishment may not disappear. How can we have civil strife at this time."

An elder stood up and said.

This elder is exactly the second elder. Among all the elders, the strength is second only to the beheaded elder, and now he is the elder of the elders.


The other elders nodded, the killing intent in their eyes dissipated.

The son and the saint breathed a sigh of relief.

At this critical time, their joint approach is correct.

Otherwise, I am afraid that they have been torn by this group of strong men.

"However, the temple may not have completely escaped the chase of the punishment." Tianluo saint said in a deep voice, "Although our speed is fast, we can't last for too long. If the punishment does not disperse, we will It's dangerous."

"In this case, I can only ask you elders to continue to input energy and drive the temple away from the punishment at the fastest speed. In this way, as long as we can reach a place where the punishment cannot be sensed, we will not be afraid of everything."

The saint son also spoke, with a bright smile on his face, his eyes looked at the elders, "Everyone, at this time, all the glory and the glory will fall, and please work together."

"Yes, after we restore our cultivation base, we will continue to do the same."

The saint also spoke.

After the other elders looked at each other, they did not explicitly refuse, but all pretended to start inputting strength, but at this time, they all just did nothing.

The temple treasury has been opened, and there are enough spirit veins and spirit stones into the furnace. They believe that at the current speed of the temple, it will never be possible for Heavenly Punishment to catch up.

Moreover, the Blood Devouring Temple has plundered the treasures of the entire universe for many years, and the treasures contained in today's treasury are unknown, so there is no need to worry that these treasures will be exhausted in a short time.

There is no problem at least for a few years.

The saint son and saint also know that these elders have their own minds, if they are still at the peak of the strongest combat power, they can naturally order these guys, but at this moment, their power is not half of the usual peak period, and they can only stay open. Close one eye.

"Cultivating together, let's talk about returning to the top."

The two sat down at the same time, ready to cultivate and resume their cultivation.



In the void behind, accompanied by the endless thunder roar, a large sea of ​​thunder rushed over, and the void space was directly destroyed wherever it passed.

"Damn it, it's God's punishment."

"It's catching up again."


At this moment, everyone panicked.

Even the elders who did not work hard have changed their expressions greatly, bursting out of their own powerful strength and injecting power into the blood-devouring temple, making the speed of the temple faster.

However, they were shocked to find that as the temple speeded up, the speed of the punishment in the rear was also getting faster and faster.

"No, the punishment has locked us this day."

Everyone trembled.

Under the punishment of heaven, even if their strength is strong, it is useless.

Unless they can break through to become the supreme true god, control the rules of the entire universe, and become the master of this universe.

Otherwise, if you encounter a punishment from heaven, you will die.

"Damn it, what should I do."

"It's over..."

At this moment, in the empty space of the temple, there are densely standing strong men of the temple, some are high-level killers, and some are guards of the temple.

Coincidentally, after the temple had captured the three daughters recently, the Blood Devouring Temple received news that the saint of the Three Kings Palace was ordering all the gold medal killers to go out to deal with the powerhouses outside of the Blood Devouring Temple. The temple powerhouses are back.

However, it is of no use.

Even these strong men also injected their own power into the temple, making the temple's power to its peak, but they also couldn't get rid of the natural punishment from behind.

At this moment, everyone was panicked.

"God's punishment locks us, we are dead."

"Hall master, ask the Lord to come."


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