The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1977: Single sword, destroy the temple of blood-devouring


The Saintess of Tianluo guessed that Emperor Xiao Qing was here to save people, but she did not expect Emperor Xiao Qing to be so decisive.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing directly acted, and an incomparable sword aura with incomparable thunder power directly slashed towards the heavenly saint below.

Without checking for a while, the Saintess of Tianluo was directly split in half.

Fortunately, with this blow, Emperor Xiao Qing did not completely kill her, but only warned her.

Her physical body healed again and returned to normal, but her face was pale and her eyes were angry, "Emperor Xiao Qing, you dare to hurt me?"

"What are you, why doesn't this king dare to hurt you?" Xiao Qingdi said calmly.


The Saintess of Tianluo suddenly realized a problem. Emperor Xiao Qing didn't know that his three women were in his own hands. He didn't know that he was the Saintess of Tianluo. If he didn't explain clearly, he would be killed by the opponent. Too wrong.

Her voice was low and spread from afar, "I am the Saintess of Heaven from the Temple of Blood Devouring. Your three women are in my hands. Moreover, in the Temple of Blood Devouring, only I know that your three women are here. Where."

"Do you dare to kill me?"

There was a smug look on her face.

Unless Emperor Xiao Qing didn't want the lives of his three women, he would definitely not be able to touch her.

"You mean, the entire Blood Devouring Temple, except you, are everyone else useless?" Xiao Qingdi's face showed a strange color.


As soon as this statement came out, the expressions of all the powerhouses above and below the Blood Devouring Temple changed, especially the Saint Child and other elder-level powerhouses. They were shocked and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing vigilantly.

"Being targeted by God, you will definitely die."

Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was indifferent, and he looked at the powerhouses in the Blood Devouring Temple with tens of thousands of them, and the cold light in his eyes flickered, "Very well, today, this king has destroyed the Blood Devouring Temple."


With a thought in his heart, within the Heavenly Punishment Thunder Tribulation Sea, accompanied by the sound of a heaven-shaking sword, a vast sword intent rose into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a sheathed divine sword suddenly lifted into the sky, and a terrifying sword intent burst out mightily.

Holy Emperor Sword.

At the same time that Emperor Xiao Qing crossed the calamity, he also placed the Holy Emperor Sword in the Heaven's Punishment, and tempered the Holy Emperor Sword with the endless power of Heaven's Punishment. Although it didn't last long, this supreme magic weapon had grown to A very incredible degree.

The divine sword has a bright halo and a mighty sword aura, and the sword aura contained in it is extremely terrifying.

Emperor Xiao Qing held the scabbard with his left hand and the hilt with his right hand. He grinned at the powerhouses of the blood-devouring temple below, "Everyone, this king sends you to the road."


The Holy Emperor Sword suddenly came out of its sheath.

A terrifying, indescribable sword aura suddenly appeared.

It’s like a round of crescent moon rising from the sea. At the beginning, it was only ten feet long. Then, it got bigger and bigger. When it came to the powerhouses of the blood-devouring temple, it had already become a full Millions of feet long.

Moreover, it is still growing.

The light of thunder and the light of the nine-color sword are perfectly integrated, so that the power of this sword has surpassed the fourth realm of longevity, reaching a level that is unimaginable.


A sword swept across, and in an instant, thousands of powerhouses of the Blood Devouring Temple were directly beheaded.

Moreover, the void collapsed, the most important purpose of this sword aura was not to kill them, but to cut a gap behind them.

An arc-shaped chasm just appeared behind them, like a heavenly abyss, with terrifying sword qi erupting in it.

"He cut off our retreat."

"Is this, Tianyuan..."

"No, it should be called Jian Yuan."

At this moment, the complexions of all the powerhouses above and below the Blood Devouring Temple changed drastically.

They guessed the thoughts of Emperor Xiao Qing, with a look of anger in their eyes. Someone rushed directly to the gap opened by Emperor Xiao Qing. However, as soon as they rushed into it, there was endless sword energy bursting out, tearing him apart in an instant. Become fragments.


At this time, Emperor Xiao Qing shot again.

The sword light came down one after another, continuously beheading it with unparalleled power.

These sword lights are unmatched in power, and each sword has a power comparable to the fourth level of longevity, but no one can stop a strong person who has not reached the fourth level of longevity.

Even the strong in the fourth stage must also fight with all their strength.

Suddenly, the screams were endless.

The strong inside the blood-devouring temple died in pieces.

With a look of horror in their eyes, they looked at Emperor Xiao Qing who was standing in the midst of the punishment, * said, "Dragon King Xiao Qingdi, I will fight with you."

Someone rushed towards Emperor Xiao Qing, and a powerful attack erupted from a long distance to kill Emperor Xiao Qing.

However, they forgot that Emperor Xiao Qing was within the punishment.

Their attack on Emperor Xiao Qing is equivalent to attacking Heavenly Punishment, they are angering Heavenly Might, and they are simply looking for a dead end.


Originally, it was only aimed at the Heavenly Punishment of the Blood Devouring Temple, and thunder dragons roared down one after another, first blasting the strong man who had worked on Emperor Xiao Qing, and then blasting other strong men.

"Don't move, no one can attack Heaven's Punishment, otherwise we will definitely die."

Shengzi shouted.

The other elders were also furious, and shouted, "Don't move, otherwise no one will be able to escape under heaven's punishment."


However, Emperor Xiao Qing above still wielded his sword across the air, one sword after another, and in an instant, the infinite sword aura filled the void where they were.

The powerhouses of the Blood Devouring Temple were bombarded and killed, but those were only powerhouses below the third stage of longevity. For Emperor Xiao Qing, beheading them was as easy as cutting vegetables.

After a while, the strong from the Blood Devouring Temple suffered heavy casualties, and only a part of the strong from the third stage of longevity and even the strong from the fourth stage of longevity were still alive.

The rest of the people were all beheaded.

The billowing energy and blood were absorbed by Heaven Punishment, making the power of Heaven Punishment even more terrifying.

"Damn it, Emperor Xiao Qing, what are you going to do?"

At this moment, the Saintess of Tianluo and the Saints gathered together, and there were more than a dozen strong men in the fourth realm of longevity, all with extremely ugly faces.

In this universe, their strength is definitely the peak of existence.

However, facing Emperor Xiao Qing, the entire Blood Devouring Temple was destroyed.

All the strong, tens of thousands of assassins, the only ones who were beheaded were the elders of the saint son and the saint snake.

The Blood Devouring Temple is being bombarded by Heaven Punishment, cracks appear, and it will be refined by Heaven Punishment.

At this moment, they were crazy.

The face is hideous and roars constantly.

"Sage of Tianluo, right? Give you one last chance to answer, where is this king's woman?" Xiao Qingdi smiled.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, do you think you still know where your woman is? You don't want to know, unless you let me go, when this saint is happy, you will naturally let your three women go back, otherwise, Your three women will definitely die."

Tianluo Saintess gritted her teeth and roared.


As soon as her voice fell, a sword light flashed, and an elder beside her was directly split in half.

Then, within the sword light, thunder flashed, flesh and blood exploded, consciousness was destroyed, and only an inner world was suspended in the air.

Some elders at the peak of the third realm of longevity flickered, staring fieryly at the inner world, quietly looking at Emperor Xiao Qing above, thinking that Emperor Xiao Qing did not pay attention and planned to swallow that inner world.

However, the strong man just moved, a sword light directly tore him.

Qiang Qiang!

Countless sword lights fell again, smashing and killing all the strongmen of the third stage of longevity in the field.

"The king's patience is not very good. Who's turn will be the next time he shoots a sword?"

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