The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 198: Every step is god, who can compare? (Five more flowers)

"No no, how is this possible?"

Wolf Nine's attack was shattered, and a powerful and majestic force impacted on him, causing him to be impacted and flew backwards.

He hit a huge boulder hard, and after smashing the boulder to pieces, a ray of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

However, he didn't seem to notice the blood, but looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with wide-eyed eyes with an incredible color.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing stepped in the air, surrounded by a nine-color dragon.

He, like the supreme dragon king from the imperial dragon, is hunting and hunting all over his clothes, and his hair is flying, like a **** descending to the earth, making people afraid to look directly.


Both Long San and Ying Shi 13 stared at the same time.

"Is this guy really that strong?"

Ying Thirteen whispered.

Remembering that at the beginning, he had received a report from Tianying's subordinates. His idea was to use the method of combining grace and power to subdue Emperor Xiao Qing.

If it wasn't for Lang Jiu who rushed out to be the first bird, maybe he was the one who was blown out by this guy in a duel with Emperor Xiao Qing.

Ying Shisan sucked in a cold breath and glanced around. There was even an impulse to run away if Emperor Xiao Qing wanted to make trouble for him.

Long San was also shocked.

Although he had long known that Emperor Xiao Qing’s strength was terrifying, and he knew that Langjiu was definitely not Xiao Qing’s opponent, but, in any case, he did not expect that Emperor Xiao Qing didn’t even need to use his hands, and only needed three steps to go into the air. Will suppress the wolf nine.

"It's still a good way to make me take three steps."

However, when the three of them were shocked at the same time, standing in the air, Emperor Xiao Qing, who was surrounded by the Nine-Colored Dragon, showed admiration.

It seems that Langjiu can make him take the third step, what a glorious thing.

"you you..."

Langjiu's eyes widened and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing. He stretched out his finger to point at him, and his whole body was shaking, "How dare you insult me...Puff..."

A mouthful of blood, spit out frantically.

Langjiu had a disheveled hair, and the original face of a young boy was rapidly aging with a mouthful of blood. In the blink of an eye, he changed from a young man to a seven-year-old appearance.

However, he didn't seem to notice it, his eyes fixed on Emperor Xiao Qing, "Too much deception, too much deception..."

He tried his best to shoot, full of momentum and powerful, which can be called his killer trick. After being easily broken by this guy, this guy even said indifferently that it was good...

"This guy, you don't need a knife to kill."

Seeing this scene, Ying Thirteen couldn't help sweating.

As a warrior walks in the arena, victory or defeat is common, and it is normal that the strength is not as good as that of people.

However, after being defeated, being able to choke the opponent to death with a single sentence is not what ordinary people can compare.

Long San took a deep look at Emperor Xiao Qing, feeling extremely jealous of Emperor Xiao Qing in his heart, and felt deeply grateful that he had not done anything with Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Your practice is in the wrong direction."

Emperor Xiao Qing was still calm. He collected all the breath of his body. After standing on the ground, he looked at the rapidly aging Wolf Jiu, with a serious look on his face, and pointed, "Walking between the old and the young. , Every change will be irreversible harm to you."


After he had finished speaking, he heard a loud roar.

However, Lang Jiu, who had completely turned into a gray-haired old man with dry skin, roared, his voice full of endless anger.

Wolf Nine soared into the sky, and a terrifying force burst out of his body, which was stronger than before.

"Today, I will never die with you... Roar..."

The roar shook the sky and the earth, the wolf's body was filled with **** qi, and his hand was wiped on his waist, and suddenly, accompanied by a sword roar, he pulled out a three-foot green peak.

It is a soft sword.

Jian Guang Senhan cut the void with a terrifying sword aura.

Holding the sword in both hands, he leaped up into the air, a surging sword aura brewing, and he was slashed towards Emperor Xiao Qing with terrifying power.


A **** sword energy of a hundred feet long condenses, descending from the sky as if it had opened up the earth.

It seems that even the world has to be cut open by him.

"Hi...This guy is going to work hard."

After Ying Thirteen saw it, his expression changed drastically. Without hesitation, his whole body shot out in an instant, away from the two who were fighting.

Although Long San's reaction was a little slower, he also followed Ying Shi 13 and rushed out quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them ran to a kilometer away, staring wide-eyed as they watched that a hundred feet of **** sword aura sandwiched the incomparable power towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Not bad, it's getting more and more interesting."

Emperor Xiao Qing laughed and looked up at the sword. Not only did he not worry at all, but he was very interested, "This is a bit interesting, just like the ninth wolf king of the Sirius Department."

This will make him take it seriously.

Talent, aroused his blood.

"I can still laugh now, and I will kill you later."

Up to now, Langjiu had truly inspired the killing intent in his heart.

He can't lose.

Therefore, we can only fight with fate.

With this sword, I tried my best, even if it killed Emperor Xiao Qing?

"It's a little too close."

However, when he felt that his sword would definitely be able to kill Emperor Xiao Qing, he saw Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head slightly, with regret, "This sword's popularity is a little bit worse. Level power, otherwise, with your strength at the peak of the eighth stage, you can make this sword even stronger."

Feel free to comment, just like the elders of the teacher's school comment on the practice of the younger disciples.

Without any pretentiousness, Lang Jiu almost vomited blood when he saw it, and roared, "You dare to be rampant, go to death."


All the power of the whole body poured into it, with the breath of the weather, making the Scarlet Sword Gang rise again and again, and in a crash, it cut towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

This time, the blood was shining, the dust was lifted, and the entire mountain was suppressed by the infinite sword energy and cut off a lot.

However, whether it is the dragon three and the eagle thirteen who are watching, or the wolf nine who is shooting, all have an incredible color.

I saw that the sky was full of dust, suddenly being rolled up by a force, and then disappeared.

When all the dust dissipated, the situation inside was revealed.

I saw Emperor Xiao Qing standing still at will, with **** outstretched in his right hand, the steady soft sword of the Patriarch, and a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth, and a lighter in his left hand, lowering his head to light the cigarette. Up.


The sound of pressing the lighter sounded so crisp!


The three bigwigs of Yanhua Three Departments stared at Emperor Xiao Qing blankly at the same time.

This person was so arrogant that he dared to light a cigarette easily after receiving the sword of Langjiu with two fingers...

By the way, Emperor Xiao Qing's movements were very casual, without any special pretentiousness, which made them unable to feel any disobedience.


Emperor Xiao Qing smoked a cigarette and suppressed the evil spirit aroused by Lang Jiu's murderous aura, then raised his head and looked at Lang Jiu with a flat expression, "After three days, I will receive the intelligence department of the Sirius Department. Can it?"

The language is mild, there is no superiority of the victor, and no compulsion.

However, his words changed Langjiu's expression drastically, "This..."

The intelligence department of the Sirius Department can be said to be indispensable to the Sirius Department, and even a pair of eyes of the Sirius Department. Not to mention that he has no right to give the intelligence department to Emperor Xiao Qing. If the intelligence department is given to Xiao Qing Emperor, then, what is the Sirius Department?

Are you blind?

"Remember, I only give you three days. At that time, if you don't see the intelligence department, I will go to the Sirius Department to pick it up."

However, Emperor Xiao Qing did not speak to Lang Jiuduo, but said faintly. At the same time, the **** of his right hand flashed with a faint light, gently rubbing...

Bang bang bang!

The next moment, the three people were so shocked that they opened their mouths and their heads were blank.

The sword of Langjiu turned into iron powder little by little, and it disappeared with the wind.

Emperor Xiao Qing, as if doing a trivial thing, replaced Xiang Yang with his right hand, gently shaking off the soot, and stepping up in the air like a **** like a fairy.

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