The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1981: Holy Magic Academy

Boom boom boom!

Within the punishment, the mighty power of thunder continued to bombard the past. The bodies of the four ace killers were blown up many times. They screamed, pained and happy.

Every time their bodies were blown up, they felt unparalleled pain, but when the bodies were successfully healed again, they felt an indestructible power generation.

Even, there is a force that specifically pulls the vitality from the depths of Heaven's Punishment into their bodies, making their bodies constantly stronger.

Originally, they were only traditional practitioners, and their physical strength did not surpass the general fourth-level strong person of longevity.

However, after this tempering of Heaven's Punishment, not only the aura belonging to this universe was refined, it also helped them refine the impurities and killing aura in their bodies, and their physical bodies also became stronger a little bit.

"I feel it, my Dao Heart is more psychic, and I see the way forward."

"Hahaha, come on, come on more violently."

Next, the four ace killers who tasted the benefits didn't need Emperor Xiao Qing's orders at all. They directly sat cross-legged in this thunder.

"Yes, these four ace killers are indeed worth training."

Emperor Xiao Qing showed satisfaction on his face.

No longer caring about the four ace killers, but looked at the blood-devouring temple in the distance.

At this moment, the Temple of Blood Devouring has become a crystal clear crystal palace, with an incomparable sacred aura circulating, and it looks like a treasure.


Emperor Xiao Qing's big hand grabbed it, and suddenly, in the void, the nine-color divine light and thunder turned into a big hand, directly grabbing this palace.

At the same time, he placed this palace in the Thunder Sea of ​​Heaven's Punishment, causing the entire temple to be constantly bombarded by Thunder Sea.

Boom boom boom!

"No, you dare..."

The most violent thunder bombing entered it, and faintly, a scream of unwillingness could be heard in the Crystal Palace.

Immediately afterwards, everything disappeared completely.

"The Lord of the Blood Devouring Temple..."

That scream was obviously that the consciousness incarnation left by the Lord of the Blood Devouring Temple was completely destroyed.

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, but his eyes flickered with cold light, "It won't be long, we will settle this account sooner or later."

"However, this day's punishment is indeed a good thing, but this king can let everyone practice well within the day's punishment."

An idea came up in his heart, and he directly controlled Heaven's Punishment and headed towards the origin of the universe.

Ever since, at this moment, the entire universe was flying and jumping, and countless powerful people all discovered in horror. Suddenly, there was an incomparable, tens of millions of miles in size, thunder roaring by their side, it was terrifying. .

One by one the strong, all fell to the ground tremblingly.

Do not dare to move.

Especially, some powerhouses in the world of gods and demons were almost scared to death.

The entire universe is completely messed up.

At the same time, Saint Demon Universe, that is, the universe on the other side of Tianyuan, a huge and immense temple is constantly rising and falling in the starry sky, and an endless world of stars is circulating around this temple.

The concentration of stars in it makes this temple even more powerful, becoming the center of the entire universe.

Here is the Holy Magic Academy, the core of the Holy Magic Universe.

A strong man was practicing, and suddenly a mouthful of blood came out, his eyes with an incredible color, and the whole person stood up instantly, "How could this be?"

"Who can actually refine the deity's temple? This is a big trouble."

He is the master of the Blood Devouring Temple.

"Can not go back."

There was a look of horror in his eyes.

That blood-devouring temple, in fact, was not successfully refined by himself, but a supreme temple once found in the Tianhe flowing down from the Nine Heavens God Realm.

Later, after his refining and putting on a **** coat, it became a blood-devouring temple.

And the biggest function of the crystal temple is to penetrate the universe, and he can enter the universe on the opposite shore without passing through the sky. He has always been the owner of the crystal palace and can use the power of that temple. , Across two universes.

Even if the Blood Devouring Temple is not carried, he can still attach himself to himself with the power of the Temple and walk freely.

But, now that the temple is taken away, he can no longer walk freely between the two universes.

"Who is it, is it that the three old guys have returned? Impossible, the three old guys have clearly gone along the Tianhe to the Nine Heavens True God Realm, and they will never come back again."

The head of the Blood Devouring Temple had a confused look in his eyes, "Could it be that a new powerhouse who can destroy my Blood Devouring Temple has appeared in that universe?"

It can break his consciousness in the Blood Devouring Temple, and even if he doesn't surpass him, he can definitely be compared with him. Originally, in that universe, the three elder kings of the Three Kings Palace had that ability.

"This is a little troublesome."

He kept muttering, "Daughter, I hope you can survive, after all, you are my only daughter."

Close your eyes again and sink into practice.

At the same time, in this academy, there are three women looking blankly at a group of powerful people from different races around them. Their eyes are blank, "These guys..."

"Sister Ruoyan, are we really unable to go back?"

"We have all left our universe, what should we do now?"

Liu Pingting and Fang Wanqing hugged Su Ruoyan's arms with horror on their faces.

"It's okay, I believe Brother Qingdi will definitely come back to save us."

Su Ruoyan comforted softly, remembering that her three daughters were stupidly taken away by the fake Emperor Xiao Qing. Afterwards, they couldn't resist at all. They were helpless when they were brought directly to this universe.

However, fortunately, they were only allowed to join this academy to practice well, and promised that if they can reach the peak, they can even return to their own universe.

Of course, they all agreed, but in fact, they were waiting for Emperor Xiao Qing in their hearts.

They knew that their man, their brother Qingdi, would definitely come to rescue them.

Even if they were separated by the distance of two universes, Xiao Qing couldn't stop Emperor Xiao Qing from finding their way.

"This is actually a very good place for spiritual practice."

Su Ruoyan looked at the Saint Demon Academy, her aura was so strong that there were runes circulating everywhere, and even infinite universe rules were imprinted in the void.

As long as you want to practice, there are even endless exercises in front of you.

The mystery of heaven is at your fingertips.

"We can take the opportunity to practice well, and we won't have to worry about becoming a drag on Qingdi brother in the future."

The three women looked at each other, all eyes showing firmness.

It's just practice, it's not that you haven't left the house.

All they have to do is practice hard and wait for Emperor Xiao Qing to come to rescue them by the way!

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