The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1984: End of day

Heaven's punishment is a punishment for the gathering of the rules of heaven and earth in the entire universe to kill a person who dares to go against the sky.

Under the punishment, no one can escape.

Unless the opponent's strength is so powerful that it can really exceed the limits of this universe.

In the beginning, Xiao Qingdi's strength naturally had not reached that level, but now he has reached what level, even he himself is not clear.

He only knew that the tempering of Heaven Punishment helped him thoroughly temper the Dantian world in his body into an inner world.

His primordial spirit heaven and earth are constantly tempering and shrinking, and at the same time constantly swallowing the power of Heaven's Punishment and Thunder to become bigger, so, in the constant change of size, the primordial spirit heaven and earth once again recovered to the size of a million miles.

The physical world was melted into the physical body by him, and it was destroyed, turned into hundreds of millions of small worlds and integrated into every cell in the body.

"The Supreme Divine Body, only to cultivate and grow all these inner heavens and earths into heaven and earth, at that time, my physical body and power are enough to reach a level that no one can match."

Emperor Xiao Qing muttered to himself.

At this moment, he raised his hand, every time he moved, there were countless shrinking bodies of heaven and earth providing powerful power for him to mobilize.

"Can't make further progress."

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing had truly reached the limit that the universe could bear, and could no longer break through.

God's punishment can never hurt him anymore.

Even Tianchao seemed to feel tired, so he took the initiative to slowly disperse and never dealt with him again.

However, his primordial spirit world opened up and swallowed a large part of the heavenly punishment. In this way, his primordial spirit world almost became a reduced version of the heavenly punishment.

In the blink of an eye, the punishment disappeared like a low tide.

Regrettably, everyone has not been able to completely refine the Inner Heaven and Earth, but the ten dragon guards have refined them almost. The aura on each of them is terrifying, and they can completely transform into the fourth longevity. Strong in the environment.


After all the Lei Jie dispersed, the Ten Dragon Guards respectfully bowed down to Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Enter this king's Yuanshen world to practice, and after you have completely integrated your inner world, follow this king to the Holy Demon universe to fight."

With a wave of his big hand, Emperor Xiao Qing directly collected the ten dragon guards into the soul of the soul.

As for the others, he also didn't let go, but everyone who got the inner world was sent to the soul of the soul by him.

At this moment, the mighty one million li of the soul of heaven and earth appeared, and everyone could clearly see that there was an infinite thunder walking in it, and its power was not even weaker than that of Heaven's Punishment and Thunder.

"His soul world?"

The Little Sage Emperor, the Dean of Tiandao Academy and others were completely confused.

How could Emperor Xiao Qing have not transformed the Primordial God Heaven and Earth into Inner Heaven and Earth?

Where does his strength come from?

Moreover, the thunder contained in the heaven and earth of the soul, clearly turned into a reduced version of the punishment, this...

"The two have recovered well from their injuries. It is gratifying."

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing turned his head and looked at the two with a smile.


The two smiled reluctantly.

Everyone was fighting against the blood emperors of the blood clan at the same time. As a result, Emperor Xiao Qing's cultivation level continued to advance, but they were badly injured. At this moment, they did not dare to see Emperor Xiao Qing.

What a shame.

In vain as the strongest of the human race.

On the other side, the emperor Li Hong floated in the starry sky with a sad face, he was completely desperate.

Emperor Xiao Qing is really terrifying, he is not comparable to him at all.

On the contrary, it was Ji Xinyao, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing happily, "Emperor Xiao Qing, can I also enter your soul world and continue to practice?"

She is addicted by the tempering of the gods.

"No way."

Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at her and said calmly, "There are many ways to practice, and Tianyuan is a good place."

"I want to go to Tianyuan, too, but if I go, I'm going to die. I don't want to die so soon."

Ji Xinyao curled his lips.

Being strong is important, but she is not the kind of person who goes to extremes in order to be strong.

"It's a pity, otherwise, we can go to Tianyuan together."

Emperor Xiao Qing laughed loudly, and rose up into the sky, step by step into the starry sky and disappeared.

"What? He will go to Tianyuan to practice?"

Ji Xinyao was stunned and turned to look at his elder brother, "Big Brother, isn't this guy crazy, right? Do everything possible to cultivate, this is a suicidal practice."

"Because Tianyuan will not exist soon."

Little Saint Emperor frowned and said, "Perhaps, I understand the purpose of his desperate cultivation."

As he said, he and the dean of Tiandao Academy looked at each other, "If Tianyuan is destroyed, the gods and demons in the opposite universe will rush over, and then our universe will be in danger."

"Originally, there were peerless powers like the Thirteen Emperors of the Blood Clan who could appear to resist one or two. Now, the Thirteen Emperors of the Blood Clan have all been annihilated. If there are only a few of us, it may not be able to stop it.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, righteous."

The two sighed, only feeling ashamed.

Ji Xinyao on one side was dumbfounded, and only felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't think of what was wrong.

However, when thinking of Emperor Xiao Qing's invincible strength, and the hazy affection for Emperor Xiao Qing rising in his heart, Ji Xinyao at this moment also felt that Emperor Xiao Qing was really a perfect person.


At this time, the big brother and big sister of Tiandao Academy came at the same time.

With a look of helplessness on their faces, they looked at the dean of Tiandao Academy cautiously, "Master, is there any treasure in your treasury? Can you take it out for emergency?"

"What's wrong?" The dean of Tiandao Academy was stunned. "What's the situation? Doesn't the Academy have its own treasure house? What happened?"

"That, Master, didn't you tell us to move Tiandao Academy to Origin Star? We just tried to find a way to buy a piece of land from the Dragon King Xiao Qingdi." Senior Brother said in a low voice.

"Buy land?"

The dean of Tiandao Academy was stunned, "Who let you grab the site with Emperor Xiao Qing, won't you find an unowned island or *? Our Tiandao Academy formation is enough to actively consume the energy of the starry sky. Feeding back to the Academy can even make Origin Star's aura more abundant."

As he said, he waved his hand and said, "Forget it, just buy it. How many spiritual veins were spent? Ten or twenty?"

In his opinion, buying a piece of land at Origin Star is just the site of the Dao Academy, and it is not a big price. It costs 20 spiritual veins to reach the sky.

"Ahem...Two thousand spiritual veins." Senior brother said embarrassedly.

"Two thousand, almost, as expected...what?"

At first, the dean of Tiandao Academy heard that it was twenty, but he immediately reacted, looking at his two proud disciples with shock, "What did you say?"

"Master, don't be angry. This is what the Dragon King Xiao Qing said. If you want to relocate Tiandao Academy to Origin Star, you must pay him two thousand spiritual veins to buy land, otherwise, you will not be allowed to move to Origin Star. "The master sister explained in a low voice.


The dean of Tiandao Academy touched his heart. He felt that his heartbeat was speeding up and it was a little difficult to breathe. "You two bastards, he said that he wants two thousand spiritual veins, so you really give it to him?"

"Didn't you say that Tiandao Academy must be moved to Yuanxing?" Both of them were depressed.


At this moment, the dean of the Tiandao Academy, the strongest of the human race, couldn't help it. He sprayed out a mouthful of old blood on the spot, with a look of grief and anger on his face, "You, you..."

"Master, wake up, don't die, first help us make up for the deficit in the academy..."

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