The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1999: Weird mystery

"This king asked these people to swear that they must restrain the powerful stars of the starry sky and not invade others at will. They thought of the blood family, so they called you."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Xue Yan, and after a brief explanation, Xue Yan swears very directly and sends the origin into it.

Then, looking at the golden devil with gloomy eyes, "Golden devil, one of the nine devil, this emperor has heard your name."


The Golden Devil is only the size of an ant, not to mention that he is suppressed by Emperor Xiao Qing, even if his strength can be fully displayed with all his strength, he will definitely not be able to compare with the strong like Xueyan.

At this moment, he sucked in a sigh of relief, and hurriedly showed a flattering smile, "The Blood Race Master is truly incomparable, and Xiao Jin worships the Blood Race Master."


The sound of Xiaojin almost made others laugh.

Ai Wen couldn't help but smiled, "This Mr. Golden Devil is really polite, Xiao Jin, ha ha..."

"In this universe, the strongest is respected. This blood race ruler is stronger than me. I am naturally a junior."

The Golden Devil didn't care at all.

This guy can be considered calm, knowing that his strength is not as good as others, he should pretend to be a grandson.

At this moment, even Xiao Qingdi had a smile on his face.

"Is there any problem?" Xiao Qingdi looked at the strong players in the field.

"No problem."

Everyone salutes respectfully.

"The Nine Demons belong to and stay, everyone else can return individually."

Emperor Xiao Qing waved his hand, and all these powerful men immediately left as if they were amnesty.

The speed is unparalleled.

Xue Yan saluted Emperor Xiao Qing, "Congratulations to the master, the strength is even higher. Now, the entire universe is no one can rival."

At this moment, Xueyan sighed in her heart.

When I first saw Emperor Xiao Qing that day, Emperor Xiao Qing was not even an immortal, and his strength was stronger than he was in the half-step blood emperor at the time.

But now, how long has passed since Emperor Xiao Qing's strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has reached the pinnacle of the universe. No one in the entire universe can compare with Emperor Xiao Qing.

Do you see, these old immortals are also trembling at Emperor Xiao Qing, respectful?

"Genesis has been sealed by this king, this king gives you a sword aura, and you can enter it ten times."

Emperor Xiao Qing integrated a nine-color light into Xue Yan's body, and after giving him the sword energy that entered and exited the Origin Star, he ignored Xue Yan, but looked to the Golden Demon who looked aside.

The Golden Demon looked terrified, "Your Excellency Dragon King, I have done what you want me to do..."

Emperor Xiao Qing specially left him, he was really afraid that Emperor Xiao Qing would do something to him.

"Don't be nervous, this king just wants to help you recover."

With a gentle smile on his face, Emperor Xiao Qing waved his hand to help restore all the seals on the Golden Demon.

The latter returned to a normal human size, and only felt that his cultivation was completely restored. The color of surprise on his face flashed away, and he cautiously saluted Emperor Xiao Qing, "Your Majesty Dragon King, then I will leave."

"Not urgent."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled and stretched out his hand, "This king is very curious about the origin of your Nine Demons. Can you tell me more clearly?"

"We don't actually have any background, it's just that the demons were cultivated after the universe was opened, and the other few of our nine demons can be regarded as disciples of the demons."

The Golden Demon whispered, "The real first demon is the strongest existence."

The other demon also nodded.

They are just the younger brothers of the Nine Demons, and they don't know the others. If you ask, it's just the result. Anyway, this is the truth.

"Your origin is somewhat similar to innate gods such as the God of Light and God of Darkness." Xiao Qingdi smiled.


The expressions of these demon heads changed, "Actually, this question should be asked about the demon, we are the demon created by the demon by collecting innate origin."


Emperor Xiao Qing nodded, with his eyesight, even if these guys didn't say anything, he could tell.

After asking casually, he looked at the other demon heads, and a beam of light appeared in his hands, "Come on, put half of your origins into it."


At this moment, the faces of these demon heads all changed, "Didn't we have given you our origin just now, why do we want it again? And it's still half of it."

Half of the origin is not comparable to a little bit.

Even if the strength of the Golden Demon reached the fourth realm, he couldn't help giving Emperor Xiao Qing half of his origin.

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the demon heads indifferently, "You'd better think carefully before deciding whether to give it to this king."


All the monsters sucked in cold air.

They can not give it, but do they dare not give it?

"I give."

Headed by the Golden Demon, he almost sent out half of his origin with tears in his mouth, and he was swearing in his heart.

After this time, more than half of their cultivation base will be lost, and if they want to recover, they don't know how many years it will take to cultivate.

"Also, you said that if this king does not leave this universe, something strange will come, so make it clear." Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes became cold.

The Golden Demon trembled for a moment, and said in his heart that what should have come is coming after all.

On the surface, he whispered, "This is just a legend. In the legend, if the strength exceeds this universe too much, there will be weird situations. It is said that the Xuanyuan Holy Emperor and the Wild Emperor met weird and didn't know their lives."


Emperor Xiao Qing frowned, looked at the starry sky and saw the Little Sage Emperor and the Dean of Tiandao Academy who were rushing in the sky. As his thoughts turned, the stars shifted and sent them back directly.

"Little friend, you let us leave, and what do you call us back for?" At this moment, the faces of the two powerhouses showed helplessness.

"The Golden Devil said that the Xuanyuan Holy Emperor and the Wild Emperor disappeared because of a strange encounter. Is it true?" Xiao Qing asked.


The Little Saint Emperor and the Dean of Tiandao Academy heard the words, but after looking at each other, they nodded and said, "It's true, my father and the Wild Emperor have indeed encountered some weird situations."

"What's the weird situation?" Emperor Xiao Qing showed a look of surprise.

"I don't know, but after my father disappeared, my brother and I went to investigate and got some inferences."

Little Saint Emperor's face showed a solemn expression, "It may be related to the formation of the universe."

"What do you mean? Didn't it mean that this universe was created by the creation of the Temple of Origin?" Emperor Xiao Qing frowned.

"No, according to the legend, the Temple of Origin only allows the primitive creatures of this universe to open up spiritual wisdom, but this universe has already existed."

The dean of Tiandao Academy said, "I have studied a lot over the years and even discovered some things. Maybe it is possible that there was a brilliant period before this universe."

"In the same universe, there are also strong practitioners. After reaching the peak, it is very likely that some strange situations have been encountered, and the entire universe has died."

"Is that possible?"

Emperor Xiao Qing's heart was shaken, and an incredible color appeared in his eyes.

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