"Brother Xiao."

It was Luo Xia and his sister Luo Jing who stopped Xiao Qingdi from leaving.

During this period of time, Luo Jing had been living with her brother, and even after Emperor Xiao Qing gave her a portion of Inner World, she did not enter the Heaven Punishment tempering, but just followed Luo Xia.

After not seeing it for a while, Emperor Xiao Qing was surprised to find that Luo Jing had completely integrated the inner world and became a strong man in the fourth realm of longevity.

"That's amazing, you are the first person to completely integrate the inner world with the uncle's accident."

Even Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

"It's mainly my elder brother and master's help." Luo Jing whispered.

"The fourth stage of longevity, won't it drag you down?" Luo Xia said aside.


Emperor Xiao Qing was startled.

"My sister, I want to follow you." Luo Xia said directly, "Take her, otherwise, after you leave, she might be crazy."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Luo Jing carefully. The latter blushed and lowered his head, but he didn't mean to refute Luo Xia. Obviously, she asked Luo Xia to bring her over.

"it is good."

After being silent for a long time, Emperor Xiao Qing nodded, pulled Luo Jing over, looked at Luo Xia and promised, "As long as I'm still alive, Luo Jing's life and death are safe."

"I know."

Luo Xia laughed, "The relationship between us, don't I know what kind of person you are? Since you took her from my side, you should know what all this means."

Emperor Xiao Qing took Luo Jing's hand, nodded and said, "I understand."

The words were sonorous and powerful, making Luo Xia and Luo Jing both smiles.

"It's all right, let's go, everything is fine."

After that, Luo Xia stopped blocking him, and even waved his hand to let Emperor Xiao Qing leave.

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, holding Luo Jing's little hand in one hand, and preparing to leave.

"Wait a minute, we have to go too."

At this moment, several women rushed up and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing expectantly.

Isn't it just Okura Linglong, Ji Xinyao, Li Xiner, Xu Yanping, Wei Zixuan and other women?

I don't know when, these women have already mixed up.

"you guys?"

Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at them, "I'm not going to travel, you should stay here and practice hard."

Shaking his head, he turned and left.

The women behind them were red with eye sockets and their faces were unwilling.

Emperor Xiao Qing saw it, but he didn't feel relieved, but tore the void and left.

"This cruel fellow, don't think this is over. This girl will definitely not just give up like this."

Ji Xinyao gritted his teeth, clenched his small fist, snorted, rushed directly into the seabed cultivation base, and chose a heavenly **** blood pond to enter it.

As for the other women, they also sighed and left in sadness.

"Why don't you bring them together?" Luo Jing and Xiao Qing emperor walked in the starry sky together, her soft eyes kept on Xiao Qing emperor's body.

"Why are you taking them?" Xiao Qingdi asked back.


Luo Jing was stunned, and then suddenly understood what it seemed, and smiled happily.

"What are you laughing at?" Xiao Qingdi puzzled.

"I do not know."

Luo Jing smiled and replied, "Women? Sometimes it is so inexplicable, but suddenly I feel that I am so happy, Brother Xiao, thank you."

"Silly girl."

Emperor Xiao Qing rubbed her little head.

Luo Jing had a happy smile on her small face, and she even had an impulse to turn her head and kiss Emperor Xiao Qing’s face, but at this moment, her four feet blinked and said untimely, "Boss, you guys. Are you planning to make offspring?"


As soon as this guy's voice fell, he was thrown directly to a place unknown by Xiao Qingdi.

However, this guy's strength has also improved a lot, just for a moment, he yelled and rushed back, smiling at Emperor Xiao Qing, "Boss...you just treat me as if I don’t exist, after all, he is not yet an adult. It."

"If you talk nonsense, I will throw you away."

Emperor Xiao Qing yelled, his feet shut up quickly without speaking in fright.

Being so disturbed by this little guy, Luo Jing's face flushed, and it was boring to hurry here slowly, and Emperor Xiao Qing directly tore the void to the Three Kings Palace.

At this moment, Susu sister and younger sister Xiao Qingyan are already waiting.

Of course, standing on one side was the Saintess of Tianluo who had been in the Temple of the Three Kings during this time.

"Sister Shenxian, everything on my side is ready, and I plan to go to the Holy Demon Universe."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Sister Susu, with a soft color in his eyes.

With his help, Sister Susu became the true **** of the universe. It is reasonable to say that the life-saving grace of the year was paid off. However, he knew very well that if he did not fish himself out of the sea back then, even if he got the emperor. Temple inheritance is useless.

Without Sister Susu, there would be no future for me.

How to compensate for his life-saving grace, not to mention, this holy and gentle fairy sister has been deeply imprinted in his heart.

"Really not let me go with you?" Sister Susu stepped forward to help Xiao Qingdi tidy up his clothes, and said warmly, "I am really worried about you."

"Sister, don't worry, I will be fine."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, "Even if the Holy Demon Universe really has true gods, it's useless, I can kill them."

"Brother, I want to go too."

The younger sister Xiao Qingyan frowned and walked forward.

"Hey, don't make trouble, stay with Sister Susu."

Emperor Xiao Qing pinched the little sister's nose, and then directly sent the Tianluo Saintess to the Yuanshen Tiandi, and then waved his hand at Sister Susu and the little sister Xiao Qingyan, which brought Luo Jing tore. The void is gone.

"My brother doesn't want me after he has a few sister-in-laws."

Little sister Xiao Qingyan wrinkled her face, her face full of unhappy.

Sister Susu touched her little head helplessly, "Don't be unhappy, there is an older sister with you, didn't the younger brother also abandon the older sister?"

"Hehe, how dare he abandon his sister? My brother is actually afraid that my sister has become the true **** of this universe. If he arrives in the Holy Demon Universe, he may be spotted by the strong real body of the Holy Demon Universe." Xiao Qingyan quickly explained for her brother.

"You girl, don't sister understand."

Susu squeezed Yan'er’s Qiong nose, and smiled, “In fact, my little brother’s strength is no longer weaker than me. Even if I meet those true gods in the Holy Demon Universe, I’m not afraid of it. Even if I start, It is very likely that the younger brother beheaded them, and directly captured the Godhead."

"Is my elder brother so good?" Xiao Qingyan, the little girl, widened her eyes.

"Very strong."

Sister Susu smiled, "At least, don't worry about his safety. You have to practice hard, otherwise, when your brother and Sister Susu both go to the Nine Heavens True God Realm, you will not be able to become a god, then I really can't take you away with you."

"Ah, then I will go to practice immediately..."

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