The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2034: The Dragon King is here!

"When did this king have an older brother, why don't I know?"

When Kong Kongzi yelled and wanted to kill Xiao Qing emperor at the Saint Demon Academy, he heard a calm voice, the void cracked a crack, Xiao Qing emperor and Ai Wen walked out holding hands.

"Boy, who are you, dare to come to our Star Thieves Alliance, do not come to visit the invitation, do you want to die?"

A group of thieves rushed over and surrounded Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Take everything off of him first."

"Yes, coming to our Star Thieves Alliance with such an open mind, obviously doesn't put us in the eyes, **** it, you must show him something good."

"Fuck him."

This group of thieves were so arrogant and unscrupulous.

Since Kong Kongzi united all the thieves in the starry sky, with such a powerful true **** as the backing, these thieves have become even more unscrupulous.

If something happens, the boss is responsible.

Can't beat it, the boss.

Who dares to make trouble, the boss will slap you to death.

"Star Thieves Alliance?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at this group of thieves with great interest, and his gaze was over this group of little thieves, looking at the empty space in the distance, "The God of Thieves, empty space?"

"Are you... the so-called divine envoy?"

Kong Kongzi was startled.

He was not stupid, he knew very well, Xiao Qing emperor suddenly rushed out and asked him when there was an older brother, who was obviously the envoy of the so-called holy demon.

At this moment, he looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a surprised look, "Isn't the divine envoy very powerful? They killed a true god, why is it just a little guy?"

"The master, how could this guy be a divine envoy, I guess he is just a small follower of the divine envoy."

"Yeah, the master, let me come and detain this guy directly. I won't be afraid that the so-called divine envoy will not come by then."

"I come."

A group of thieves all leaped and tried to show themselves in front of the emptiness.

"Never mind."

Kong Kongzi's eyes flashed again and again, and with his hands on his back, he said indifferently, "Who is going to take him down, the deity himself helps him condense half of his godhood."


The other thieves were all excited one by one, "The master is mighty."


In an instant, dozens of experts at the pinnacle of the fourth stage of longevity surrounded Emperor Xiao Qing.


When the Emperor Xiao Qing saw it, he shook his head, stepped out, appeared directly in front of a starry thief in the fourth stage of longevity, and blasted out a punch.

In an instant, the power of the physical body was terrifying, and the other party was trying to resist, but felt that the physical power attached to Emperor Xiao Qing's fist was too terrifying, so powerful that he couldn't resist.

Before he could figure out what was going on, this punch had already shattered his whole person.

Emperor Xiao Qing grabbed the opponent's inner world and soul directly, and the powerful sword intent roared in, instantly destroying the opponent's consciousness.

Then he raised his head to look at the other guys who were ready to take a shot but were dumbfounded, and smiled, "Who else wants to take a shot?"


Originally eager to try, the hundreds of thieves in the fourth stage of longevity who wanted to capture Emperor Xiao Qing alive with excitement all sucked cold, their faces turned pale and retreated to the rear.

At this moment, a strong man in the fourth realm of longevity was bombarded and killed, taking away the opponent's inner world and soul.

These methods are definitely not what they can imagine.

These thieves were originally mobs, and it would be okay for them to fish in troubled waters, but if they were desperate and piled up several lives to fight Xiao Qingdi desperately, they would never be willing.

"Big master, have ideas."

"Master, you can do it."

For an instant, all the starry thieves looked at Kongkongzi.

Kong Kong was so angry that his nose almost crooked, "He is just a person, and he has not become a god. It is nothing more than a stronger physical body. You rubbish, why don't you dare to fight him?"

"Isn't it just a punch to kill a person? Don't fight him in close combat, use your flying swords and your magic weapons to kill him."

"Damn, if you are not a true god, don't ask Lao Tzu to take action."

He is the true **** powerhouse, the leader of these star thieves, not the thugs of these guys. What's more, these guys are spoiled by him. Call him whenever there is a strong one.

"Yes, kill him remotely, use flying sword."

"I have a bow."

"I have supernatural powers and can kill the true **** remotely."

A group of thieves in the fourth stage of longevity all roared and rushed towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

This time, they no longer fought directly directly, but used their tricks against Emperor Xiao Qing from a long distance.

Moreover, dozens of powerful players shot together, this scene is really earth-shattering.

At this moment, the four feet standing on the shoulders of Emperor Xiao Qing were full of disdain, "It's just a few dozen. In the Saint Demon Academy, there were tens of thousands of guys of this level. They weren't killed by the boss. People, even a true **** was beheaded."

"Really looking for a dead end."

Especially, when seeing some directly driving the flying sword towards Emperor Xiao Qing, his four feet couldn't help shaking his head.

The Supreme Swordsman is here, just with these guys, dare to use his sword against Emperor Xiao Qing?

This is clearly looking for death.


The first flying sword arrived in front of Emperor Xiao Qing. Emperor Xiao Qing raised his eyebrows, pointed out his right index finger, and directly blocked the flying sword. Then, with a light flick of his finger, the flying sword burst open.

In the distance, the thief who used the flying sword vomited blood and flew out with a pale face.

At the same time, other attacks also came in front of Emperor Xiao Qing, and the power that each erupted was indeed very good.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing still didn't have any extra moves, just greeted the enemy with his right index finger.

At this moment, the index finger of his right hand seemed to be transformed into a peerless divine sword. Between swings at will, a series of terrifying sword aura shot out, but all the magical powers were broken by the sword aura.

All the magic weapons of the flying sword were flicked by his fingers.

Then, he volleyed through the sky, like walking in a leisurely courtyard, and came to a strong man in the fourth realm of longevity. With five fingers spread out, the five rays of nine-color divine light pierced the void and directly used the strong of the fourth realm of longevity. Are tied up.

Without hesitation, he pointed at dozens of other points.

Qiang Qiang!

In an instant, in the void, there was a sound of sword screams, and a series of nine-color sword auras were generated out of thin air. With the boundless power exploded, these nine-color sword auras turned out to be all dozens of strong men in the fourth stage of longevity. String together.

There are three or four in every sword qi.

This picture changed the face of the empty space on one side.

Fast, it is too fast.

Emperor Xiao Qing trapped dozens of strong men in the fourth stage of longevity in an instant, even if Kong Kong did not react.

"Next, it's your turn." Xiao Qingdi turned his head to look at him.

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