The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2048: The sorrow of the true god

"Is this the universe my grandfather opened up? It's kind of interesting."

The young man named Shengyun is the descendant of the holy demons in the Nine Heavens God Realm, and the most outstanding descendant.

The holy demon, after all, is only a god, his strength is not too weak in the Nine Heavens True God Realm, but it is not strong enough, and the things he can reach are limited.

After receiving the request of the dean of the Saint Demon Academy, the Saint Demon sent the best Saint Cloud among his descendants.

Sheng Yun walked in the starry sky with a smile and looked at the holy demon universe, always feeling that there was no problem.

"No matter, let's go to the Saint Demon Academy first. My grandfather boasted every day how powerful the Saint Demon Academy is, integrating the strongest resources of several universes. Moreover, the Saint Demon Academy is still a divine artifact refined by my grandfather. It."

Sheng Yun thought with a smile, and walked away directly based on his own induction of the magical artifact of the Holy Magic Academy.

His cultivation reached the peak of the true god, and he was still the Tianjiao true god, and his strength was definitely not comparable to that of an ordinary true **** like the lower realm.

It's not too easy to drive in the holy demon universe.

It didn't take long before he appeared outside the Holy Magic Academy, lazily speaking, "Who is the dean of the Holy Magic Academy, the envoy of the gods is here, come out and see you."

His voice, Su Ri'an, was not loud, but it spread out from afar, so that all the powerhouses in the entire Saint Demon Academy heard his words.

Even Huang Qingyuan, who was in retreat and firming his cultivation base, was startled, "Divine Envoy? Could it be that the **** came to the door by himself?"

"It's really great. In this way, I can catch you directly without me looking for you."

"You'd better come here obediently."


A vast and boundless breath burst out.

As Sheng Yun was dumbfounded, Huang Qingyuan rushed out along with several gods and demons in the realm of true gods and directly surrounded him.

"The deity is a divine envoy from the Nine Heavens True God Realm, named Shengyun, and the Holy Demon is my grandfather."

Sheng Yun carried his hands on his back, and his face showed a hint of pride.

"Not that guy."

Huang Qingyuan frowned, then his eyes became fierce, "It's up to you whether you are that fellow, as long as you are a so-called divine envoy from the upper realm, it is not a good thing, just kill it directly."

"Come on, cut."

Following Huang Qingyuan's order, several gods and demons in the realm of true gods started to work together.


The violent force bombarded Sheng Yun's body together, causing his whole person to burst directly.

However, his cultivation base was really strong, and his physical body was equally tyrannical. Although he was blown apart, he immediately returned to a normal state.

Then, after the physical body reintegrated in the distance, he came and looked at the powerful true gods with an angry look, "What are you doing? Your principal cried and called me to come from the Nine Heavens True God Realm, just to investigate. In a weird situation, how dare you do something to the little master?"

He was very angry.

Although he didn't really want to help Saint Demon Universe do things.

However, he apparently came to the Holy Demon Universe because of the request of the dean of the Holy Demon Academy.

As soon as he appeared, he was besieged by a group of true gods, how could he give up?

"Asshole thing, if you don't give me an explanation for this matter, Xiaoye will destroy your Holy Magic Academy."

When Sheng Yun was furious, when he said that he came to investigate the weirdness of the universe, Huang Qingyuan was even more furious, "It turns out that you came here to investigate the weirdness. It's another rebellion. Damn it. he."

In the subconscious, Huang Qingyuan had been affected by the weird gray mist, turning herself into a weird part.

At this moment, someone suddenly jumped out and said to deal with him, how could he bear it?

"kill him."

In an instant, these true **** powerhouses all exploded with stronger power, and the mighty attack blasted towards the holy cloud.

This time, not only the magical powers were used, but even their magic weapons were used, and all kinds of big killer moves did their best to explode.

"Damn it."

Sheng Yun's face changed drastically, and his figure suddenly retreated far away.

He was really stunned.

This force was too strong, it was not what he could resist at all, a vast and boundless force suddenly bombarded him.

Even if Saint Cloud is the true **** of Tianjiao in the realm of gods, it is definitely not an opponent to deal with several strong real gods at the same time. In addition, there is a strong one of the realm of gods who is watching.

At this moment, his figure exploded again.

The magic weapons on his body burst one by one, and the whole human body recondensed from a distance, revealing the color of anger, "You, bastards..."

"You forced me."

He roared, infinite runes burst out all over his body, and a mighty breath spread out in all directions.

"Drive me."


At the next moment, the middle-grade artifact of Saint Magic Academy vibrated.

A huge breath broke out.


The holy cloud roared exhaustedly, bursting out terrifying power.

Inside the Saint Demon Academy, endless rays of light circulated, suddenly rose in the air, and smashed towards Huang Qingyuan amidst the roar.


Huang Qingyuan's face changed drastically, and he didn't expect that Sheng Yun could directly mobilize the entire Holy Magic Academy to make the strongest blow.

Even if his strength reached the realm of the gods, facing a blow from the Saint Demon Academy, he did not dare to underestimate it, but did his best to resist.


Amidst the roar, the Saint Demon Academy slammed into Huang Qingyuan's body, causing his whole body to explode directly.

After that, the Holy Magic Academy broke out again, smashing toward the other True God powerhouses.

"Do not..."

Even Huang Qingyuan, a strong heavenly god, could not stop the bombardment of the Saint Demon Academy, let alone these strong true gods.

At this moment, accompanied by a roar, the Holy Magic Academy burst out with an incomparable sacred light, and in a crash, directly smashed the three true gods.

These three true gods, even the godheads were directly destroyed.

"Drive me."

Sheng Yun roared, and continued to drive the Holy Magic Academy towards Huang Qingyuan.

"damn it."

Huang Qingyuan was furious, exerting his full strength and once again blasted towards the Holy Magic Academy.

After one blow, both Huang Qingyuan and Sheng Yun vomited blood and retreated, and cracks appeared in the Saint Magic Academy.

"Dare to use the Holy Magic Academy against the deity?"

Huang Qingyuan's eyes were fierce, and the gray mist enveloped his whole body. Suddenly, his figure rose up and became a demon **** with a height of ten million meters.

"Today, if you don't pinch you to death, the deity is not a strong god."

He took a volley and rushed towards the holy cloud, opened his big hand, and just grabbed the holy cloud.

"Damn it, if you don't kill you, Xiaoye wouldn't be called Tianjiao True Holy Cloud."

Sheng Yun also gritted his teeth and roared, his figure also turned into a multi-million-foot-tall demon god, driving the Holy Magic Academy to fight Huang Qingyuan.

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