The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2072: Definitely have a problem


Accompanied by a roar, a vast and boundless breath erupted.

Emperor Xiao Qing completely destroyed the consciousness of this gray figure, and then, with a flick of his finger, a nine-color ray of light fell into it. Suddenly, the eyes of this gray figure were circling, unexpectedly came back to life again.

"It's interesting, this flesh body, terrifying and evil, seems to be substantive, and it seems to be illusory. It can swallow the evil and desires that exist in this universe at any time to strengthen itself."

At this time, in the stunned Four Feet and Sheng Yun, the gray figure spoke.

It was Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Boss, have you refined it into an external incarnation?"

All four feet stared at Emperor Xiao Qing blankly, "Or, you just entered it temporarily?"

"This king is also considering whether to completely refine it into an external incarnation."

Emperor Xiao Qing frowned and fell into a state of contemplation, "If you want to fully understand this weird thing, you must become like it, but if you really refine it into an external avatar, this king will again I'm afraid I will be affected by it."

At this moment, when he really entered this weird gray figure, Emperor Xiao Qing really felt embarrassed.

Very strong, very evil, very scary.

If this thing really broke out at this time, even Emperor Xiao Qing wouldn't have the slightest certainty about it, and even he was afraid that he would be assimilated by the evil contained in this thing.

"Is it so scary?"

The four legs don’t care, "It’s not just an external avatar, it’s a big deal to give up at any time, but if you can use this external avatar to deal with that weird thing, or even die together, wouldn’t it be simple? ."

"It makes sense."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded, the light in his eyes flickered, and the nine-color flames that originally burned around the gray silhouette were all submerged in the gray silhouette at this moment.


In an instant, the gray figure was completely deformed, becoming a bit similar to Emperor Xiao Qing.

However, what is different is that he is constantly changing in illusion and reality.

An extremely evil aura rose up, causing Four Feet and Saint Cloud's complexion to change greatly. They clearly felt that a vast and boundless existence of evil had exploded.

This evil force made them feel sincerely afraid.

"This power is so evil."

Sheng Yun looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a look of fear on his face.

Even if he was a true god, when facing the gray mist incarnation of Emperor Xiao Qing, he felt a sense of fear rising from his heart.

"The entire universe is full of evil."

The gray mist incarnation of Emperor Xiao Qing rose into the sky, his eyes looked in all directions of the universe, and his eyes showed solemnity.

"Boss, this is also your chance."

Although the four feet were a little afraid of the incarnation of Emperor Xiao Qing and did not dare to step forward, they stood on the shoulders of Emperor Xiao Qing's body and grabbed Xiao Qing's ear and said, "Boss, since your incarnation has also become That thing, then you grab energy from it, as long as you become stronger than it, you can swallow it."

"At that time, this thing will be swallowed by you. As long as you can control this evil breath, then, what do you want to do is not your business?"

The four-legged words made Xiao Qingdi's eyes brighten, "You kid finally came up with an interesting idea, and this is what the king thought."

The reason why he wants to transform this weird gray mist into an external incarnation is not just because he wants to become like the other person. Can he use this external incarnation to study ways to deal with this stuff?

Four feet is a good solution.

Returning to the other body in the way of the other is exactly what I said.

"someone is coming."

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes flashed, and the gray mist incarnation instantly disappeared into the void.

"Brother, are you back?"

A white-clothed Suying stepped out of the void, wherever it passed, the void, the unparalleled rules of heaven and earth were used.

It is Sister Susu.

At this moment, the breath of Sister Susu's body seemed to be different from before. Even if Emperor Xiao Qing saw it, he felt a little surprised, but he couldn't tell exactly where exactly changed.

He frowned, then immediately stretched out and smiled to meet Susu sister, "Sister, I'm back, I want to kill you."

With that said, I must give Sister Susu a big hug.

"Little guy, I miss you too."

Sister Susu allowed Emperor Xiao Qing to hug her and whispered in a low voice.

At this moment, Wen Xiang Nuanyu, Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes became serious.

"Something's wrong!"

Emperor Xiao Qing knew very well that the relationship between himself and Sister Su Su did not reach such a level that he could hug at will.

She didn't dare to blaspheme Sister Shenxian, and Sister Shenxian couldn't accept her embrace either.

However, Sister Susu not only didn't stop her, she let herself hold her, just like a couple, holding herself backhand.

This is not right.

"True God."

Sheng Yun on one side looked at Sister Su Su, and was shocked, but not too shocked.

He is also a true **** powerhouse after all, and more true gods have been seen in the holy demon universe.

It just made him feel strange that at this moment, Sister Susu seemed to have a different breath bursting out all over her body. That breath was a bit evil and a bit sacred, making him a little uncertain.

"You sensed it too?"

With all four feet lying on Sheng Yun's shoulders, his voice rang directly from Sheng Yun's heart.

"Master, have you also noticed that something is wrong?" Sheng Yun hurriedly transmitted a voice to Four Feet.

"Sister Susu has an accident."

The eyes of the four feet were solemn, "She should have been invaded by weirdness, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to become like this, but I don't know if the boss is aware of it."

The little guy looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a worried expression, but saw that Emperor Xiao Qing's face was filled with excitement. He just hugged Sister Susu so tightly, he didn't seem to notice it.

It suddenly panicked, "It's over, the boss is about to be recruited."

"This is a lot of trouble, do I want to remind the boss? No, if I remind, I will definitely be noticed by Sister Susu. Then, if she directly deals with the boss, the boss will really be unable to avoid it."

All four feet carefully looked at Emperor Xiao Qing and Sister Su Su, for fear that Sister Su Su would suddenly have trouble at this time, and Emperor Xiao Qing would really be over.

However, what made it a little relieved was that from beginning to end, Sister Susu just held Emperor Xiao Qing and did not make any trouble.

"It seems okay."

All four feet whispered, and suddenly saw Sister Susu look up, her face suddenly changed, looking at Sister Susu stiffly, and whispered hello, "Sister..."

"Little guy, strength grows very fast."

Susu smiled softly, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

The nine-colored rays of light on the four feet were scared and disappeared, "There is a problem, there is definitely a problem, Sister Susu must have something wrong, the boss is over, and dead."

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