The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2078: Arrived in time

"The eldest sister can't come out to rescue, then, what should we do?"

"All of our spirits and spirits have been swallowed. If this continues, even the inner world may be destroyed."

"What to do, are we going to be finished like this?"

The four killers all screamed.

They are helpless to the gray figure attached to their body, no matter what means they use, they can't get rid of the other party, and can only allow the other party to attach themselves to their body and devour their energy.

"Sister, help, Wang, come on."

These four guys are usually silent, and this time they screamed even more.

In the entire Palace of the Three Kings, they heard the screams of these four guys.

"Can I help?"

At this time, the little girl Xiao Qingyan couldn't help but walk out of the void. She looked at the four people and the powerhouses of the Three Kings Palace, showing a sense of loss, "What can I do to help you?"


At this moment, the gray figures who were originally lying on the powerhouses of the Three Kings Hall turned their heads to look at Xiao Qingyan, Qi Qi smiling weirdly.

"not good."

Xiao Qingyan's face changed, "Sister Susu told me not to run out. I came out privately, as if something went wrong."

She was so fast, she was about to return to the void again without thinking, however, it was too late.

The endless gray silhouettes all rushed over, rushing towards the little girl Xiao Qingyan together.

The King of the Four Killers also changed his expression, "The big sister wants us to protect this eldest lady. If this eldest lady has an accident, we will be finished."

"But what to do, let me wipe, we can't help these weird things at all."

"Boss, work, hack these quickly."

"It's useless..."

These four guys rushed into the sky with murderous intentions, holding the killing sword and using various magical powers to slash at these guys, but it was useless.

These gray figures are really weird, they are not afraid of any magical powers, no matter how they attack, it is useless, all kinds of magical powers seem to fall in the void.

In the end, one could only watch the infinite gray figure immerse into Xiao Qingyan's body.

"The most perfect parasite."

Even the gray giant holding the Three Kings Palace also turned his head, staring at Xiao Qingyan with evil eyes.

Xiao Qingyan felt it, it was the feeling that he was being stared at by them, and it seemed to be parasitic on him.

Her face turned pale, even if her cultivation reached the pinnacle of the fourth realm of longevity, or even reached the half-step true **** realm, it was useless.


At a critical moment, Xiao Qingyan was like a helpless little girl, shouting her brother's name in her mouth, and her figure was cautiously retreating towards the back.

"It's useless, your brother can't control you."

At this time, in the void, a sword light suddenly appeared, revealing a figure.

It was the figure of a young man with a magnificent aura. He had reached the pinnacle of the fourth stage of longevity with an evil smile on his face. It was the emperor Li Hong.

Li Hong stared at Xiao Qingyan and said with a weird smile, "Little girl, Emperor Xiao Qing's sister, not bad, not bad. After Emperor Xiao Qing appeared, she discovered that her sister had become the spokesperson of the adults. What kind of expression."


At this moment, as his laughter sounded, all those weird gray figures turned into a plume of gray smoke and plunged into Xiao Qingyan.

"Don't struggle, right away, you will find that after surrendering to the adults, you will gain unimaginable power. The entire universe, under the God Realm, will be unmatched."

The emperor Li Hong smiled strangely and looked at the helpless Xiao Qingyan triumphantly, "No one can save you."


Suddenly, a gray sword light exploded, and directly split the emperor Li Hong in half in the roar.

An evil figure came out from the void and appeared in front of Xiao Qingyan. The whole body was like a whirlpool. A terrible suction exploded, and all the gray breath that was about to rush into Xiao Qingyan's body Swallowed.


With excitement on Xiao Qingyan's face, she was about to rush forward.

"Don't move, this is just an incarnation of me, and it's still an incarnation made by refining the evil and weird. The body is with Sister Susu, you go find my body."

With a wave of Emperor Xiao Qing, an invisible force exploded, sending the little sister directly into the Three Kings Palace.

Then, the whole body burst out with terrible gray power, and the whole person exploded directly into a whirlpool, swallowing all these gray figures in an endless stream.

Even the huge gray figure holding the Three Kings Palace felt its figure shake, and a strong suction force swallowed it.

It stared at Emperor Xiao Qing, chattering and grinning, "I have delivered it to the door, good, very good..."

Then, directly let go of the Three Kings Palace, the whole body burst open, turning into a large cloud of gray mist and rushing towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

A large piece of gray mist merged together, one part was the incarnation of Emperor Xiao Qing, and the other part was originally these weird gray things.

The two constantly vibrated, collided and melted with each other.

In the distance, the flesh of the emperor Li Hong, who had been split in half, was once again condensed, and the strange gray aura on his body ran in the direction of Emperor Xiao Qing uncontrollably.

With a look of panic on his face, he shouted, "No, no..."

"Emperor Xiao Qing, you dare to **** my chance, damn, why do you have to fight against me, this is mine, it's my chance to become the Supreme God King..."

Li Hong tried his best to swallow the gray things that others could not avoid, not wanting them to escape from him.

However, it didn't work.

Emperor Xiao Qing turned into a gray vortex, the vortex circulated, swallowing all the gray aura, and at the same time was wiping out all the gray aura, even if the emperor Li Hong had the energy in him, he couldn't stop it.

In his physical body, a series of sword aura suddenly exploded, and at the same time that his physical body was smashed, another burst of light broke out, slicing his whole person into countless pieces.

Although the emperor Li Hong's body was healed again, countless gray energy was sucked away.

He roared, and his figure rushed towards the distance, but the sword intent in his body broke out again, smashing him again and again, causing the gray energy of his body to continue to escape.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, I'm never ending with you..."

In the distance, only a loud roar of unwillingness came out constantly, and occasionally there was a sound of earth-shaking sword roar.


The powerhouses of the Three Kings Palace were all dumbfounded.

"The king's avatar has turned into a gray and weird thing?"

"How is this going?"

"Could it be that the king made these strange things?"

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