The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2091: Sad big brother

"Master, our thousands of spiritual veins are wasted."

"Hey, although the aura of this Origin Star has recovered, it is still many times worse than the Heavenly Dao Star where the Heavenly Dao Academy is located. It's like a heaven and an underground."

"Yes, how about we move Tiandao Academy back again?"

"Otherwise, the juniors of Tiandao Academy will soon have to regress because of lack of spiritual energy cultivation."

At this moment, on a small island a million miles away from Dragon King Island, a temple was shining with a faint light, and it was Tiandao Academy.

Due to the lack of aura, it is impossible to absorb enough powerful aura from the outside world to supplement the energy in the Tiandao Academy, so that the original aura in the Tiandao Academy has almost been absorbed by the people in the Tiandao Academy.

Even the Academy of Heaven, which was originally standing in the starry sky and shining brightly like a sun star, has turned into a faint candlelight. It seems that a gust of wind will blow out all the light above it.

At this moment, in the high air outside the Tiandao Academy, the big brother and the big sister stood in front of their master, the dean of the Tiandao Academy, with bitter expressions on their faces.

The dean of Tiandao Academy's injury is almost healed. At this moment, his face is blank, "Did I make a mistake when I moved Tiandao Academy to Origin Star?"

"Impossible. Master once said that in the future the Origin Star is destined to re-emerge and become the core of the entire universe, and the true God of the universe will also be born within the Origin Star."

"It's just that, although the aura of the current Origin Star has increased, it is far from enough for the emergence of the fourth realm of longevity, and even these auras cannot support the emergence of a longevity."

He stared at Origin Star in all directions.

At this moment, the source star, the fire of the human race is extremely flourishing, that is the fire of hope, the earth-shattering terrifying and boundless power possessed by the real human race.

This flame of hope can see the strength of a race, and it is certain that the human race of the future Origin Star will rise rapidly in a short time.

However, this aura made the dean of Tiandao Academy a bit unconfident.

"Look, that is Dragon King Island. Ninety-nine percent of the aura of Origin Star has banned Dragon King Island."

The big brother pointed in the direction of Dragon King Island, his face showed dissatisfaction, "Emperor Xiao Qing is really too domineering. Relying on his strength, he gathered all the aura of the entire Origin Star on Dragon King Island. Makes other people unable to absorb the aura, does he want to dominate the entire Origin Star?"


The master sister was also furious, "Emperor Xiao Qing has already dominated the entire Origin Star. He will definitely attack the entire universe in the future, and he must not be allowed to do so."

"Master, you are a strong person at the pinnacle of the fourth stage of longevity. You are only a little too close to becoming a god. As long as you invite Master Uncle to take action, you will definitely be able to contain Emperor Xiao Qing."

The big brother turned to look at the dean of their Master Tiandao Academy.

The dean of Tiandao Academy sighed, "Emperor Xiao Qing has become a reality, and the strength is not something I can resist."

"Impossible, no matter how strong his strength is, as long as he has not yet become a god, it is impossible to surpass the strength of the joint efforts of you and the uncle, right?" The senior brother's face was filled with unbelief.

"It's useless if you don't believe it. Emperor Xiao Qing is a monster, I am afraid that he has surpassed your master." The dean of Tiandao Academy exclaimed, "Back then, Master used his own power to shake the entire universe starry sky, even if Those old antiques that have existed for endless years and originated with this universe are not your master’s opponent."

"Emperor Xiao Qing has done it now, and Emperor Xiao Qing is even stronger."

Looking at the two disciples with uncomfortable faces, the dean of Tiandao Academy sighed, "Back then, when your master faced the Supreme Thirteen Emperors of the blood clan, you could not really kill all the 13 emperors. Now, even one person can’t fight the thirteen emperors at the same time, and can only force the thirteen emperors into a deep sleep state.”

"Emperor Xiao Qing is different, he really wiped out all the 13 emperors of the blood clan, including the new 14 emperors."

"With this level of strength, in the entire universe, there is no rival, unless there is a true **** who is strong, but the true god..."

He hesitated for a while, "It is unlikely that someone will become a **** before Emperor Xiao Qing."

"By the way, a few days ago, I once saw a young man walking in the Void of Origin Star. His strength is very powerful. The breath of his body surpasses the longevity realm. He may be a true **** powerhouse."

Suddenly, the elder sister spoke, and her eyes showed a look of worship, "That young man is very likely to be a true god."

"How could it be a true god?" The dean of Tiandao Academy showed a shocked expression on his face.

"Master, this is true. At that time, I still left his contact information. Why, I will invite him over?" The master sister said with a smile.

"Well, as a teacher, I want to see what kind of existence the other party is like. Could it really be a true **** powerhouse?" The dean of Tiandao Academy showed a solemn expression on his face.

"I also want to see who has such a terrifying strength that can make you admire so much." The big brother on one side said with a full face.

"I will invite him over."

At this moment, the elder sister did not put the gaze of the elder brother in her eyes, but with an indifferent color on her face, just sent a message directly.

Soon after, a young man's body was shining brightly, and he stepped directly out of the void.

"Brother Sheng Yun."

The master sister took the initiative to greet her, with a look of excitement on her face, looking at each other in admiration, "You are finally here, let me introduce to you, this is my master."

The person who came, the whole body was shining brightly, a vast and boundless breath burst out, even the dean of the Tiandao Academy was shocked.

He could see clearly that this was a true true **** powerhouse who had surpassed the fourth realm of longevity.

At this moment, his mind was shaking, and an incredible color appeared in his eyes, "How is it possible that there is really a real God powerhouse, how can there be a real God realm in this universe?"

The big brother on one side was full of jealousy. It was very uncomfortable for the Taoist priest to see this true god, but when he thought that the other party was the supreme existence of the true god, he didn't dare to say anything. .

"I have seen the Lord True God."

At this moment, the dean of Tiandao Academy hurriedly worshipped the other side.

There was a look of shock in his eyes, and his heart was trembling.

This is a strong man in the realm of true gods, an invincible existence that surpasses his master, the first holy emperor of the human race, and the key is that the opponent is still the human race!

"What's the matter with me?" Sheng Yun looked at the senior sister casually, and he didn't even glance at the dean of the Tiandao Academy.

It's just the pinnacle of the fourth stage of longevity, and in the eyes of such a god-world arrogant, it's nothing.

"My master heard about your existence, so I want to see you..."

Before the master sister had finished speaking, she was interrupted by Shengyun, "Is there anything to pay you? The contact information is not for you to call this young master at will, I am busy over there."

"It won't take up too much of your time." Senior sister said cautiously.


At this time, the light on Longwang Island in the distance was shocked, and a nine-color breath swept across the world.

That was Dragon King Island's unbridled release of its own coercion, in order to frighten the entire Origin Star, and even the powerhouse of the universe.

"It's too much, Dragon King Island is so unscrupulously releasing a powerful coercion, this is not to put the Holy Cloud True God in his eyes." The senior brother found the opportunity and said loudly.

He believed that no true **** could tolerate the arrogance of Dragon King Island.

The dean of the Tiandao Academy on one side also showed expectation. Emperor Xiao Qing's strength was too strong and too rampant. If this true **** could be sent to frighten Emperor Xiao Qing, it seemed good.


The next moment, Sheng Yun squinted his eyes and slapped the big brother with a slap. The powerful force imprisoned the big brother, and this slap directly slapped the whole person.


"My master's boss, you dare to talk nonsense, don't you want to live?" Sheng Yun said angrily.

Big brother, "???"

Dean of Tiandao Academy, "..."

Master sister, "???"

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