The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2098: Above the nine heavens, below the nine quiets


The world is turned upside down, and nothingness collapses.

The terrible black tide, like an overwhelming mountain, surged from a distance.

Everything was swallowed up wherever he went, as if nothingness had been completely refined in half.

At this moment, there was a serious picture of Emperor Xiao Qing. Two men stood in their positions and also encountered the boundless black tide. They tried their best to display the strongest swordsmanship and sword art. Condensed into thousands of sword energy and sword energy.

But it didn't work.

They are still involved in the trend until they disappear.

Then, after they disappeared, in this void space, a strange aura emerged, and a sword aura was generated out of thin air, with terrifying power.

"What kind of water is this?"

Emperor Xiao Qing showed a strange look in his eyes. With a wave of his hand, a sword aura hovered on the top of the little holy queen, protecting the little holy queen, but he did not have the slightest defense, just let the black tide flood over.

"The water of Tianhe, no, this is the water of Xuanming."

All four feet exclaimed, "Under the nine heavens, is Jiuyou, is this the place leading to Jiuyou?"

"What do you mean?"

Everyone has always said in words, above the nine heavens and below the nine yous, but as the cultivation base becomes stronger, Emperor Xiao Qing only knows the true **** realm above the nines and has never heard of anything under the nines. .

"That is a history that has been submerged."

Standing on the shoulders of Xiao Qingdi on all fours, its entire body was shining with nine-color divine light, and it seemed to become extremely serious, "In ancient times, the Nine Heavens True God Realm and the Nine Nether Realms were side by side."

"The Nine Nether Realm is as huge and magnificent as the Nine Heavens True God Realm, and even more terrifying. It is equivalent to the yin and yang in this world, each controlling a different territory."

"However, afterwards, for unknown reasons, the Nine Nether Realm was suddenly completely destroyed, and the passage leading to the Nine Nether Realm was completely destroyed. From then on, all the legends about the Nine Nether Realm were also destroyed. Unless you have the supreme existence that has been passed down for a long time, it is almost impossible to know the existence of the Nine Nether World."

The four feet stretched out their claws and grabbed a handful of black tide water. Suddenly, the tide water submerged in its claws and even corroded the skin of its claws.

"What a strong Nine Nether Water."

Four feet whispered to themselves, "In my memory of inheritance, it doesn't seem to be so strong. Has the Nine Nether Waters mutated during the endless years of being blocked?"


The little guy turned his head to look at Emperor Xiao Qing, only to see Emperor Xiao Qing's expression of pain, the nine-colored divine light shining all over his body, as if he was fighting against the water of Jiuyou.

It was stunned.

"This is... not good. Boss, your supreme source body is tempered with the power of the source of the gods. The gods and Jiuyou are two opposite energies. If you are in the waters of the Jiuyous , For you, it is equivalent to involving a dispute between the God Realm and the Underworld, and you will not be able to bear it."

Then, the little guy showed nervousness and hurriedly shouted, "Boss, go back, you can't touch these Nine Nether Waters."

"That's too late."

In the emptiness, a weird laugh sounded.

I saw a gray figure looming in the black tide, and its figure seemed to be completely integrated with the black tide. In it, the figure was constantly changing, and for a while, it became a mighty and mighty body. The appearance of a young man turned into a domineering man for a while.


"The Great."

Little Saint Emperor exclaimed.

These two figures are exactly what the Xuanyuan Holy Emperor and the Wild Emperor looked like.

At this moment, the little holy emperor's heart was shaken, and his eyes showed horror, "How could this be, what happened to the father and the emperor?"

Originally, when he saw the sword aura of Saint Xuanyuan and the sword aura of Wild Emperor, he felt that the two of them must have gone deep into it, and there was no danger.

Now that he saw this weird figure constantly changing to become two people, he was very worried.

Most likely, something happened to the two.


That weird figure kept laughing strangely, and even at this moment, it turned into the appearance of Emperor Xiao Qing, sometimes the appearance of a little holy emperor, and then turned into a four-legged snake.

This is a real little snake with no dragon horns on its head, and the dragon scales around it look dull and gray.

Seeing his four feet furiously, "Asshole thing, you change from time to time, you are just like other people, why it is the turn of the dragon king to be so different, are you deliberate?"

"Chatter, it's too late, it's over."

"That's too late..."

However, the gray figure just kept laughing strangely, saying that it was too late.

"Not quite right."

Emperor Xiao Qing showed pain on his face, and said in a low voice, "This is just a program, or it is just proactively simulating anyone it has seen. No matter who it encounters, it is too late to say, it is not true. Conscious."

"Boss, are you okay?" Four Feet asked quickly.

"These Nine Nether Waters conflict with my origin."

Emperor Xiao Qing snorted, spouting a mouthful of old blood, and said helplessly, "Two different powers are fighting against each other in my body. Now I can't even want to leave."

At this moment, he completely lost the active control of his physical body.

It was really because the origin in one's own flesh conflicted with the origin of the Nine Nether Waters, and the power of the two was too terrifying, even Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't stop it.

The powerful and incomparable supreme source divine body, under the impact of this terrifying black tide, unexpectedly felt vulnerable.

The mighty and boundless force kept on impacting, causing Emperor Xiao Qing's body to tremble constantly, and cracks appeared on the surface of his body. At this moment, even Emperor Xiao Qing felt painful.

Two extreme forces are the most terrifying existence in this world, and the confrontation of this kind of power can be said to be the most terrifying means in this world.

At this moment, even Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't bear it.

He *said, a vast and boundless divine might burst out, and a blast of terrifying light burst out of his body.

The terrible emperor's might erupted, making Emperor Xiao Qing's whole person as if he had become a nine-day **** emperor at this moment. When the little holy emperor on one side saw this, his heart trembled, and he couldn't help but directly worship Xiao Qing on the spot.

"It's terrible, why is Xiao Qingdi's aura so strong, because he is the Sword Emperor? No, it's impossible..."

At this moment, the little Sage Emperor was terrified.

Emperor Xiao Qing is terrible.

Moreover, he felt that as long as Emperor Xiao Qing gave an order, even if he were to die now, he would not hesitate to execute Emperor Xiao Qing's order.

This is a kind of surrender from the heart.

However, at this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing did not have time to pay attention to him, but was immersed in the struggle within his body.

The original body, which was originally vast and surging, became a reminder for Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Now, the trouble is big."

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