The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2105: This world is a bit strange

"Where is this?"

At this moment, when the four feet looked around, they were stunned.

I saw a dark void in all directions, without any aura. Although it was only in the void space, it was obviously different from the universe before.

"Spirit world?"

All four feet looked around blankly, "No, the God Realm in the inheritance memory does not seem to be like this, where is it?"

It looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, "Boss, where are we?"

Emperor Xiao Qing was also helpless, "This king doesn't know where this is, anyway, when I woke up, I appeared here, it should be the water of Nine Nethers that is flying me everywhere."

"Let's go and see if you can meet a creature."

He took out a set of robe and covered himself with a wave of his hand. In this way, only two different looks were left on his face. Although it looked a bit scary, it was barely acceptable.

"It looks like it's okay."

Four feet also mumbled.

One person, one dragon, just volleyed in the air, his clothes fluttered, and strode towards the distance.

After walking for a long time, they discovered that this void came from the deep void space, even with their strength, it was not so easy to break through this void.

"No wonder there is no one inhabited."

Emperor Xiao Qing whispered to himself.

Without doing anything, he threw his four feet directly out, letting the four feet that were almost an adult split into the void and walk out.


Layers of voids were continuously blasted away by four feet.

Streams of light continue to break open, even with four feet, you must do your best to break open.

In the end, when even four feet were about to get tired, they finally opened the last layer of void, and the two stepped out and appeared outside.

"Appeared, appeared, here it is."

"Haha, did I just say, there must be treasures hidden here, and it really appeared?"

"Hey, that's not right, why did someone show up?"

As soon as they appeared, they heard countless cheerful voices.

Immediately after that, all the voices disappeared, and in the end, there were only countless eyes left all staring at Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Fortunately, it is human."

Emperor Xiao Qing followed these gazes, and saw a group of strangely dressed guys staring at him, and he was relieved.

Although the clothes he was wearing looked a little weird, at least it should be a normal thing for humans.

"Why do these guys still wrap their bodies with bark?"

Four feet also stared at this group of people blankly, and they were so different from the people it saw. The guys were wearing animal skins and tree bark as clothes.

One by one is simply primitive.

"Ahem, this may be an uncivilized savage zone."

Even Emperor Xiao Qing showed a look of surprise, although he knew that the possibility of himself still in his own universe was not very high, but he did not expect that he would appear in such a wild land.

"It shouldn't be the God Realm."

He muttered to himself.

I was able to meet three masters before. Obviously, it was very likely that Nine Nether Water rushed into the God Realm with him and was sensed by the three masters.

Then, it should have been rushing around again, and finally reached this unknown place.

"Several people, may I ask..."

When Emperor Xiao Qing came forward and was about to ask what place it was, he saw these people, headed by a small woman, directly worshipping Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Envoy, great envoy, you are finally here."

"Meet the envoy."

Immediately afterwards, everyone worshipped Emperor Xiao Qing, making him stunned.

With a wave of his hand, a nine-color light rolled up, and everyone was about to help him.

However, this time, Xiao Qingdi's face changed again.

Although these guys are barbarians, each wearing animal skins and bark, but their physical power is extremely powerful, and there are even a few that are not weaker than the realm of true gods.


Emperor Xiao Qing looked at these people in surprise.

"No, not a practitioner."

Then, he immediately shook his head, "It should be just born with a strong physical body. If you really are a cultivator, you can't even have clothes."

"Boss, it's weird."

The four feet also grabbed Xiao Qingdi's ears and shouted, "Or, just search for their souls directly?"

"No way."

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head, "The damage to soul searching is too great, and they have not made a mistake. We are outsiders and cannot hurt them."

Then, he helped everyone up, walked over and asked, "Where is this place?"

"My lord, Houtu tribe."

The strong man in the lead showed strong muscles, and his earth-yellow skin was like steel and iron bones.

He said loudly, "My Lord God, our Houtu tribe is one of the twelve clans in the land of Jiuli. Although we are only people in the small village of the Houtu tribe, we can contact the adults of the tribe. ."

"My lord, please come to the village to rest with us first. We will send people to the tribe and invite the tribe's adults to come and see you, okay?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with nervous expressions, for fear that Emperor Xiao Qing would not follow them back to the village.

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at them in surprise, and then nodded and agreed, "Okay, then it will be troublesome."

"Great, sir, please go to the dragon's back, and we will return to the village."

Everyone yelled out of joy, and then, the strong man who was in the lead waved his hand, and the ground bulged not far away, and a hundred-foot-long earth dragon came out and moved in front of them.

"No, you can go up, this king can follow you behind." Xiao Qing emperor stepped up in the air, looked at the slimy appearance of the giant earthworm, and straightly rejected the enthusiasm of these people.

"My lord, this, isn't it?"

The brawny man showed hesitation.

"This is an order." Xiao Qingdi narrowed his eyes, and there was a natural burst of majesty on his body.


After that, everyone did not dare to say more, and hurriedly saluted respectfully. A group of guys wrapped in animal skins all jumped on the backs of the earth dragons neatly, just sat down so casually, all talking with a smile, that The strong man headed respectfully saluted Emperor Xiao Qing, "My lord, our village is right in front. It only takes two days to get there."

"Two days?"

Emperor Xiao Qing was startled, "Your village is far away from here?"

These thickenings are comparable to the existence of true gods, even this giant earthworm is also very large and extraordinary, and the speed of the journey should not be slow. If it takes two days to walk, does it prove that their village is located away from here far away.

"It's not very far, it will be there in two days."

The brawny man tried his best to sign the distance, but found that it was not something he could sign, so he could only say it cheerfully.


Emperor Xiao Qing had no choice but to follow them to the front, only to find that the earth dragon really moved at an extreme speed.

At this speed, it would take two days to arrive. So, how big should this world be?

"Boss, how do I feel, this world is a bit special."

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