The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2111: Long-lived old man

"finally reached."

Next, the group did not encounter any danger and hurried back to the village as quickly as possible.

The time wasted, really took two days.

Moreover, along the way, I have not encountered any villages. It seems that the distance between the villages is so far.

At this moment, even Emperor Xiao Qing was shocked, "This world is a bit interesting."


He whispered.

According to the inheritance given to him by the three elders, it is reasonable to say that the creatures in the wizarding world should all be tall, and even the tall men after transformation are just like children of the wizard tribe.

However, the creatures in the witch world that I have seen seem to be different.

"Is the bloodline degraded, or is the power sealed?"

He muttered to himself, with a solemn and incomprehensible color in his eyes.

Following the people into the village, the earthen fortresses swelled up, forming earthen huts, which are the houses of everyone.

The population of the village is small, only more than 2,000 people. Seeing the earth dragons appear, they all rushed out very excitedly, and some children with mud and dirt rushed over.

Some elderly women also came out, quickly helping to untie the beasts tied to the earth dragon, and then dragging them away, they were very quick to help decompose these beasts, and separate the flesh and blood.

There was only a gray-haired old man walking on crutches. He walked out tremblingly, raised his head and looked at the sky above his head, and found the blue bird flying with surprise in his eyes, "This is the blue bird following you back. Yes, what benefits have you promised to Blue Bird?"

"Grandpa Taizu, it's me, Alai."

The blue bird flew down, folded its wings and landed on the ground. Alai looked at the old man excitedly, "Look, grandpa, Qingqing is my good friend."

"What, Alai surrendered the blue bird?"

The old man looked at Alai in horror.

"Azu, it is the adult, he is the divine envoy." Alai's father, the strong man, simply explained everything about the encounter with Emperor Xiao Qing.

Hearing the words, the old man looked at Emperor Xiao Qing who had walked down from the back of the blue bird. When he noticed that Emperor Xiao Qing was polarized and different in color, his face changed even more severely, "Is this lord an envoy?"

"Yes." Emperor Xiao Qing did not answer, and Alai came to the old man with excitement, "Grandpa Taizu, adults are very powerful. If they were not adults, Qingqing would not follow me."

"Besides, the lord can smash the stone swallowing beast into pieces all at once.


The little girl said excitedly. The more he talked about Emperor Xiao Qing's skills, the more shocked the old man was. He hurriedly saluted Emperor Xiao Qing, "I have seen an adult."

He quietly raised his head, glanced at the nine-color light on Emperor Xiao Qing's body and the other side of the pitch black, and quickly lowered his head.

"The elderly don't have to be polite." Emperor Xiao Qing smiled slightly, and if he looked at the old man deeply, "I heard that the old man is the oldest in the village. If there is any nagging later, I would like to ask the old man to give him advice."

"The old man has lived for thousands of years."

The old man sighed and said, "The others are dead, only I am still alive, but the half-dead can only know something."

As he said, he glanced at Emperor Xiao Qing with a ray of light in his eyes.

"Thousands of years."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded. To him, it's only a few thousand years old, and it can't be regarded as living too long. However, compared to these people in the village, perhaps this old man can indeed be regarded as living a very long time. Up.

"Boss is weird. Each of these guys are physically comparable to true gods, but no one can live long. Only this old man can live for thousands of years. It seems to be a very strange thing. Could it be that it is restricted by the rules of this world? Is it immortal?"

Grasping Xiao Qingdi's ears with all four feet, he whispered.

"It should be related to the world's rules of heaven and earth."

Emperor Xiao Qing had discovered this a long time ago. Adult men in this world possess the power of qi and blood comparable to the realm of true gods. However, the strength that can be exerted is not strong, and even life cannot be long, obviously. Subject to the physical limitations of this world.

Next, the group of brawny men who followed back started to help deal with the beasts they brought back. Alai was also very happy to take the blue bird to eat, leaving only Emperor Xiao Qing and the oldest old man standing together. .

The old man smiled at Emperor Xiao Qing and said respectfully, "My lord, can you have a chat?"

"I think so too."

A smile appeared on Emperor Xiao Qing's face.

As the two of them walked towards the village and chatted, the old man said leisurely, "My real name is Tu, dare you to ask where did you come from?"

When the two were alone at the moment, he was not as respectful as before. It seemed that there was a mysterious smell.

The eyes of the four feet showed incomprehension.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing smiled indifferently and pointed at the top of his head, "Since you already know, why ask more?"

"Just make sure." The old man smiled slightly, "Actually, you are from the outside world, and it is correct to call it a messenger. However, the people in the village are ignorant and only think that the messenger is the messenger of the temple."

"Old man, this king belongs to an outsider. It stands to reason that you should not welcome this king, but why didn't you say anything?" Emperor Xiao Qing looked at him in surprise.

"There are good and bad outsiders, and not all outsiders are bad people."

The old man said, "The reason why I can live so long is because I once met an outsider who was seriously injured. Before dying, because I took care of him, he gave me something that allowed me to live so long. , Become a rare longevity in the village and even the tribe."

"However, other people, people who have never benefited from outsiders, and even their ancestors have been hurt by outsiders. If they knew you were an outsider, they wouldn't be so polite."

The old man stopped and turned to look at Emperor Xiao Qing’s distinct appearance with different colors on both sides. He smiled and said, “However, your appearance is somewhat similar to the people of this world, but if you don’t want us There is only one way for people in this world to discover your differences."

"What way?" The four feet on Emperor Xiao Qing's shoulder asked curiously.

"Kill a person in our world, preferably the person with the strongest bloodline, plunder his bloodline and integrate it into your body, and you will become a person in this world."

The old man looked at Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes with an inexplicable light, and his voice seemed to be a little seductive, and went straight to Emperor Xiao Qing's ears, "This is the easiest way. Only in this way can you fully integrate into this world." , So that everyone won’t be beaten as an outsider."

"Of course, for you, there are many methods. Even if there is no way to find the person with the strongest bloodline, as long as you kill the entire village and refine their bloodline, you can also achieve the same effect."

"Why now, there is a village in the county seat, with more than two thousand people in front of you, as long as you are willing to do it, they will definitely die."

"Moreover, in the whole village, including me, no one is your opponent. You can completely integrate into this world without knowing it."

"Do you want to?"

The old man kept talking.

Emperor Xiao Qing squinted at the old man, and did not speak for a long time.

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