The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2113: Space magician

The blue bird crowed and flew high.

Emperor Xiao Qing and Alai stood on the back of the blue bird together.

The size of the blue bird is not huge, but in this world where even a four-legged nine-day dragon can't fly into the sky, with its unique wings, it can spread its wings and soar high in the sky, which has proved its extraordinary ability.

"Alai, besides the blue bird, what else can fly at high altitude?" Xiao Qingdi asked.

"Boss, do you need to ask? It must be gone."

Alai hadn't answered yet, and Four Legs said with great certainty, "I believe that there are only creatures like the blue bird in the world that can fly high in the sky. As for the others, it is absolutely impossible to have this kind of ability."

Even it, the great Nine Heavens Dragon King, can't fly high. It doesn't believe that in this world, besides the blue bird, there is nothing else that can fly.

Emperor Xiao Qing ignored the little guy, but turned his gaze to Alai.

Alai tilted his head and thought for a while, then replied, "It doesn't seem to be much."

"It's not much, it must be gone." Four feet said quickly.

If there are other creatures that can fly in this world, doesn't it seem that it is too useless for the Nine Heavens Dragon King?

"It seems that many people with wings can fly, and there is also a tribe. I heard that everyone in the entire tribe has wings behind their backs. They can fly freely in the sky."

Alai looked at the four feet on the shoulders of Emperor Xiao Qing with a weird face, and said, "There are also some powerful ones, such as the patriarch of our Houtu tribe and other strong men. Although they don’t have wings, they can Flying in the air."

Four feet, "Impossible, absolutely fake, you little girl has never left the village, and you haven't seen it with your own eyes. It must be nonsense."

It doesn't believe that there is anyone who can surpass the great Nine Heavens Dragon King.

"Really, everyone knows that the strong of the Dijiang tribe has wings on its back and masters the power of space. The strongest has six legs and four wings, and the two wings vibrate. They can instantly cross infinite distances."

A Lai suddenly became anxious, "If you don't believe it, we can let the blue bird take us to the Dijiang Tribe."

"Dijiang Tribe, is it far from us?" Xiao Qing asked.

On the four legs, he did not believe it and hummed, "Impossible things, I don't believe that the whole tribe can fly."

"It's very far, if the blue bird takes us to fly, it should be possible to arrive when Alai is like Abba." Alai said seriously.

Emperor Xiao Qing, "..."

Alai has just turned sixteen. In this world, she has just grown up, and her father, that is, the strong man, looks very young and strong, but in fact he is already forty or fifty years old. Doesn’t it mean that he has to fly for decades at least? ?

"I found out that your girl's bragging ability is quite powerful." All four legs looked at Alai cheerfully, but instead of worrying about what the little girl said about the Dijiang tribe.

How could it be possible to go to a place that took decades to fly to?

By then, it and the boss will have already left this world.

"This world is huge."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked around thoughtfully. Although it hadn't been long since he entered this world, he didn't seem to make any movements on the surface, but in fact, he has been analyzing the rules of the world.

He firmly believes that even in the witch world, even on the dome, there are twelve weird powers that seal the world, and this world absolutely has special rules.

As long as he can resolve it, he will no longer be able to exert his physical power.

"Look, it turned out to be a blue bird."

"Unexpectedly, we came out this time and found a blue bird here, luck."

At this moment, several surprised sounds came from the front.

Emperor Xiao Qing and the others raised their heads and looked over, and saw that in the distance, seven or eight figures were gradually growing in the sky, and they turned out to be people with wings on their backs.

They are flying!

"how can that be?"

The four feet looked at the seven or eight guys in the distance like a ghost, and their eyes were full of disbelief, "Impossible, how could I actually meet them? Are these guys from the so-called Dijiang tribe?"

"I don't know what tribe they are. In short, they are not from the Houtu tribe."

Alai frowned, watching the seven or eight people flying straight towards this side and then spreading out to surround the blue bird, her face was unhappy, "What are you doing? I am from the Houtu tribe. Come, don't block our way."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that we came to the Houtu tribe." The headed man was tall, a dozen feet tall, and he looked at Alai with a smile, "The Houtu girl looks pretty good, but It's just a bit vulgar, why do you wear animal skins."

"Okay, don't make trouble, hurry up, after surrendering the blue bird, let's leave. After all, this is the domain of the Houtu tribe."

One of the women frowned.

"Just kidding, don't be angry, this girl, who is all black, is just a little country girl, how can she compare with you."

The man hurriedly laughed, then looked at the blue bird, his eyes gleamed, "What a blue bird, it hasn't fully grown up yet. If we can surrender, the absolute value is infinite."

"Maybe all of us can get a chance to change our blood in the clan."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone else was full of surprises, "Is it really okay? Then hurry up, I will surrender this blue bird, and I will go back quickly. I have long wanted to carry out the second round of transformation."

"Yes, after we transform again, we will be truly supremely powerful, and we will be able to participate in the decision-making of tribes."

"Let's do it together and surrender the blue bird."

Everyone was extremely excited, and without even looking at the Emperor Xiao Qing and Alai on the blue bird's back, they were ready to surrender the blue bird.


Sensing the bad intentions of these people, the blue bird screamed and tried to spread its wings and avoid these people, but it was useless.


At this moment, these seven or eight people shot instantly, and Emperor Xiao Qing only felt that the stars were moving and the void was moving, and the entire space was sealed by the space magical powers displayed by these seven or eight people.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes, "It's kind of interesting, it turned out to be the supernatural powers of space. It seems that it is not that it is impossible to use any supernatural powers in this world, but must be the supernatural powers of creatures in this world."

"It seems that the power of space, one of the twelve powers on the dome, is the source of the supernatural powers of space displayed by these people."

He squinted at these people, "If you study these guys carefully, you should be able to let this king master the supernatural powers of space."

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