"We haven't fully awakened the bloodline before it can block our attacks. If we wait for her bloodline to awaken, we will all be dead."

At this moment, the eight tribesmen of the Dijiang tribe with wings on their backs gathered together, and their eyes looked at Alai, who was awakening the bloodline power, with a solemn color in their eyes.

Can't let it go.

Those who are able to awaken their bloodline power on their own are peerless Tianjiao. As long as the people of the Houtu tribe find out, they will immediately pick up Alai. At that time, Alai's identity is definitely not low, just talk to the people of the Houtu tribe. After talking about today's affairs, the eight of them are finished.

Crossing the tribe and coming to the Houtu tribe to behead a Tianjiao who has awakened the bloodline power of his own accord. This behavior has already been regarded as Hong Guoguo's provocation.


The eight powerhouses shot together, and the spatial power of the eight of them gathered together and condensed into a vast void of space blade, slashing towards Alai's head with terrifying power.

This time, they would join forces to kill Ah Lai anyway.

Alai's figure vibrated, her eyelids trembled and opened, she instinctively felt a life and death crisis, even if the bloodline power had not been awakened yet, at this moment she tried her best to mobilize the strength in her body to resist the blow.

The serpentine shape transformed by the two khaki energies roared and rushed up, trying to block the blade of a thousand-square-meter space, but it was useless.

The power that this space blade erupted was extremely powerful, and the indestructible force cut it down, instantly splitting the two soil snakes, and the tumbling energy re-submerged into Alai's body, causing Alai's figure to tremble, and blood spurted from his mouth.

She raised her head and looked at the blade of invisible space that was cut down with a reconciled face. "You guys bully more and less are what you can do. I won't lose if I succeed when my blood is transformed."

There was a natural wildness in her bones, but at this moment it broke out completely, like a female leopard, glaring at these eight people.

As for the spatial blade that was chopped off from the top of the head, it was not in her eyes.

Because she knows there is another person by her side who will protect her!

"Your bloodline cannot be awakened, go to death."

The eight people breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this blow smashing Alai’s supernatural powers. Fortunately, Alai’s strength was not as strong as imagined. The eight people’s full blow was enough to completely kill Alai. Up.

As for Emperor Xiao Qing, they really didn't take it seriously. Even if Emperor Xiao Qing blocked the attack of one of them, they didn't think that Emperor Xiao Qing was so difficult to deal with this ‘ugly monster’.

Seeing that this powerful space blade was about to be killed on Alai's body, all eight people smiled.


At this moment, a pitch-black hand appeared on Alai's head from a long distance away, and he grabbed it directly in the air, and directly grabbed the thousand-foot-long space blade in his hand.


The expressions of those eight people changed instantly.

"Why is he so powerful?"

The eight people originally didn't put Emperor Xiao Qing in their eyes. Even if Emperor Xiao Qing could block one of the attacks, they looked at it, but it was only a mere appearance. One person's attack could be blocked, but it is impossible to block two. personal?

I was thinking about cutting Alai, the awakening peerless Tianjiao, before going to deal with Emperor Xiao Qing. What they didn't expect was that Emperor Xiao Qing who had been ignored by them was so terrifying.


Emperor Xiao Qing squeezed his hand and directly smashed this thousand-foot-long space blade, looked at Alai, and whispered, "Don't worry about them, just awaken your blood."

"Yes, thank you sir."

A Lai's face showed excitement, and he stopped talking, but continued to concentrate on awakening the power of blood.

"We are wrong, he is a super strong."

At this moment, the faces of the eight guys on the opposite side all showed nervousness, *looking at Emperor Xiao Qing.

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the eight people with a calm expression, raised his right hand, halfway up, and the expressions of all the eight changed drastically. They instantly fluttered their wings and retreated madly towards the distance before stopping.

However, he discovered that Emperor Xiao Qing just grabbed the four feet on his shoulders, threw the little guy in the direction of Alai, and said calmly, "Get a good understanding of how the power in Alai's blood comes from."

"I understand."

The four feet were originally yelling and preparing to leave. After hearing the words of Emperor Xiao Qing, they stood directly on Alai's shoulders and used his spirit to understand Alai's breath.

At this moment, Alai had a vast earth energy burst out of his body, which was completely different from the origin that Four Feet and Emperor Xiao Qing knew.

It is one of the twelve forces contained in this world.

In this world, the four feet can hardly use its power, so they can only get close to Alai like this. By analyzing the earth energy laws of this world, they try to break the power of the world's imprisonment.

But Emperor Xiao Qing, in fact, at the moment Alai's bloodline awakened, he had already researched some magical effects of the earth law of this world.

Although it is still impossible to break the twelve powers of this world from the rules of heaven and earth, they can barely use some of the power of the earth system.

For example, at this moment, after the eight tribesmen of the Dijiang tribe with supernatural powers in space fled hundreds of miles away, they were thinking whether to continue to deal with Emperor Xiao Qing, or to turn around and run. Suddenly, there was a roar. , On all sides of them, each has a wall rising up.

In an instant, whether it was in the sky, the ground, or the surroundings, everyone was trapped by the wind.

As if shutting down a small black house, they were sealed in it.

This scene is so similar to that not long ago.

Just now, they used the supernatural powers of space to create a space cage to trap Emperor Xiao Qing and Alai in it. Now, these powerful men of the Dijiang tribe with supernatural powers of space have been turned by Xiao Qing. The emperor used the magical powers of the Houtu tribe to trap them.

"This is the power of the Houtu tribe. We must rush out, otherwise, we will be crushed."

The eight people trembled, and one after another displayed the strongest spatial supernatural powers against the walls in all directions.

But it didn't work.

Emperor Xiao Qing's thoughts moved, only to feel that in the vast sealing layer on the dome, the power of the laws of the earth system descended, turning into stronger and stronger forces to trap the eight people in it.

"I understand."

At this moment, an enlightenment rose in my heart.

Whether it is Alai of the Houtu tribe or the eight fellows of the so-called Dijiang tribe, their bloodline awakening is not their own supernatural power.

The power of their awakened blood is just a medium, used to control and mobilize part of the energy of the vast and boundless layer above the dome.

At the same time, although the power in them is extraordinary, it is mainly the power of the flesh.

"I don't own magical powers, but through the transformation of blood, I feel the power of the law above my head."

Emperor Xiao Qing showed a look of surprise, "As long as I can sense all the twelve powers above my head, then I will surely be able to penetrate that layer of energy and leave the world. Then, I will know that I am in Where is it."

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