The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2119: Local powerhouse

"You must pass the news of that messenger to the tribe and let the tribe send the strongest."

When Emperor Xiao Qing and Alai left the village together, the oldest old man called the village chief and solemnly handed him a stone, "Activate this stone, and please come to the strong tribe."

"What? This is a survival stone sent by the tribe. It is only used when the tribe is in crisis of life and death." The village head's expression changed.

"If you recognize me as Grandpa Grandpa, just do what I said." The old man said solemnly.


Although the village head was shocked and felt that he didn't need to use this stone to invite the superpower of the tribe to come, but seeing the old man so serious, he realized that the old man must have discovered something.

At the moment, I stopped talking nonsense, but after bathing and changing clothes, I found a quiet place, then took out this stone and injected my own strength into it.


The next moment, accompanied by a roar, a strange wave passed from the stone, and then the stone was directly turned into powder.

"I don't know when the power of the tribe will come."

The head of the village, the brawny man of Alai’s father sighed and stood up. His eyes showed hesitation. He always felt that it was wrong for Taizu Grandpa to let him use this stone to summon the strong to come, but since it has been If you do, you can only wait patiently.

At the same time, it happened to be when the strong man who stepped on the earth dragon to chase Xiao Qingdi but did not catch up was about to leave.

He sensed a miraculous wave spreading, and his expression suddenly changed, "Some villages are in danger of extinction, who would dare to attack my Houtu tribe?"

"I want to see, who dares to be so rampant."

The earth dragon at the feet of the middle-aged man turned directly towards the village.

He was very fast, and after a short period of time, he came to the village and shouted, "Who is it that dare to act aggressively in the field of my Houtu tribe?"

A powerful force exploded, and on the sky above his head, the power of the earth also descended, making his whole person more and more terrifying.

"No, where is the danger?"

The next moment, the middle-aged man's face changed.

He looked at the whole village. The villagers were busy cooking various kinds of food. The beasts were being divided, and all of them were smiling. Where is the danger of destroying the village?

"Damn it, who dare to use that stone at will."

The middle-aged man was furious, and the breath that erupted from his body was as horrible as a mountain, so that all the villagers saw this strong man standing on the earth dragon volley, and their faces changed.

"Meet your lord."

"grown ups..."

A group of villagers all came over and bowed down to the man.

Men can stand on the heads of earth dragons and fly in mid-air, and the clothes they wear are made of silk instead of animal skins like this. They know that they are the big figures of the tribe.

"Who is it that moved the survival stone indiscriminately?"

The middle-aged man shouted angrily.

"My lord, it's me."

At this time, the strong man village head rushed over and respectfully bowed down to the middle-aged man, "I am the village head of this village. I used the survival stone to invite adults to come."

"the reason."

The middle-aged man was furious, "If you don't say anything good or bad, don't think about it, your entire village will be better."

Survival stones are distributed to every village by the tribe, and can only be used when life and death are in danger.

Whoever dares to use the survival stone indiscriminately, the most serious consequence, even the entire village may be razed to the ground.

"My lord, there is an outsider in our village."

At this time, accompanied by a trembling voice, the oldest old man in the village walked over and bowed down to the middle-aged man across a long distance, "The opponent is too strong, I'm afraid it will be against us. The tribe has an impact, so I let the village chief use the survival stone."

"What about people?"

The middle-aged man's expression changed and his eyes swept across the village.

"He just left, but will be back later."

The old man said quickly, "That person is very weird, half of his body is black, and the other half of his body has nine colors..."

He told everything about Emperor Xiao Qing, and the village head on one side also told the middle-aged man about the process of encountering Emperor Xiao Qing on the road. The latter said in a deep voice, "It can't be a messenger from the temple. It is impossible for the temple to send messengers to this remote small village of you."

"That is no doubt outsiders."

In recent years, it is not that there have been no outsiders who do not belong to this world. Of course, there are good and bad, and the good is praised by the strong in this world as guests, and the bad bones have long been rotten.

The middle-aged man is not afraid of the strength of the opponent, because he knows very well that outsiders, no matter how powerful they are, in this world, they will not be able to use their powerful power.

"In that case, I want to see what that outsider is like."

The middle-aged man looked cold and did not leave. He just stood on the head of the earth dragon in the air, waiting for the arrival of Emperor Xiao Qing.

This wait is ten days and ten nights.

"Damn it, has he already run away?"

Even this man wanted to leave many times and didn't want to wait for Emperor Xiao Qing here, but after all, he stayed.

Because the ruler of this world has regulations, as long as a strong man like them encounters an outsider, he must find the opponent, bring the opponent back to the tribe, and finally hand it over to the temple for disposal.

Regardless of whether the other party is good or bad, they must be brought back.

This is their mission, and no one can destroy it. If you want to pretend not to know, unless all the people in the village are killed, otherwise, no matter how long, he must stay here and wait.

"Grandpa Taizu, will he really come back?"

Everyone in the village has asked the oldest old man more than once.

The old man was not sure, so he could only shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I hope he can come back. At least, Alai will come back too."

"The blue bird is the holy bird. Alai can surrender the blue bird and is the holy woman. There must be no deviation."

"Damn, there is a saint in your village?"

At this moment, when the old man said this sentence, it was when the middle-aged man was about to give up and no longer wait. His face changed drastically. He originally wanted to seal up everyone in the village and leave by himself. What I thought was that there was a woman in this village who could surrender the blue bird and become a saint.

"Keep waiting."

In desperation, the middle-aged man can only continue to wait.

So, after more than ten days, finally, a huge blue bird flew from a distance, a man and a woman standing on the blue bird's back, the man was handsome and handsome, and the woman was youthful and lively.

"finally come."

The middle-aged man showed surprise on his face, and directly drove the earth dragon to rush over, "I want to see what you are."

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