The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2125: Witch King

"you you..."

Houtu Chenshan looked at Emperor Xiao Qing in horror, "Have you already evolved to such an extent? No, no..."


Emperor Xiao Qing slapped him and slapped it, causing Houtu Chenshan's face to explode, and then quickly healed because of the powerful Great Witch's body.

Emperor Xiao Qing waved his hand, and all the power of the earth disappeared from the top of his head. The earth dragon that was ten million feet long was still flying forward with a terrifying aura.

"Say you are stupid, you are not stupid, but also know how to make a suspicion, say you are not stupid, you are extremely stupid, can't it be seen that this king is not that weird thing?"

He shook his head and looked at Houtu Chenshan helplessly, "If I am really a weird and unknown thing, do you think you can live for so long? Do you think that all of you can live? That weird thing, really Has it been possible to refine and purify your bloodline power?"

"Then, who are you?"

Houtu Chenshan asked dryly.

At this time, after thinking about it carefully, he realized that he really seemed to be wrong. The person in front of him seemed to be different from the weird things he knew.

If weird and unknown creatures can really swallow the power of Houtu and purify the blood of Houtu people, it would be too terrifying, and it would be impossible for the Wu Clan to survive until today.

"Only people passing by."

Emperor Xiao Qing stared at this guy, really wanted to slap this guy to death, whether he was acting stupid or really stupid...

"Then how can you master the power of Houtu?" Houtu Chenshan recovered a lot, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with shocked eyes.

After thinking for a while, Emperor Xiao Qing said in a deep voice, "Maybe I am too genius."


Houtu Chenshan is helpless, it is strange to believe you, but if Emperor Xiao Qing is really not a weird, unknown creature, he is just a passing outsider, and he has mastered the power of Houtu. Too genius.

There is nothing wrong with this excuse.


Houtu Chenshan coughed a few times and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, a little scared, what he wanted to say, but he didn't know what to say.

"Take this king to see your Witch King." Emperor Xiao Qing said first.

Now that it is clear, it is obvious that Tuchen Mountain is not as foolish as others, it is better to go directly to meet the Witch King of the Houtu tribe. Many things may only be known to the Witch King who masters a tribe.

"What do you see the Witch King?" Houtu Chenshan looked at Emperor Xiao Qing warily, wondering whether or not to agree to it.

After all, Emperor Xiao Qing’s strength is even more terrifying than him. I am afraid he is no weaker than the Witch King. If Xiao Qing wants to deal with the Witch King, then he will personally take people to find the Witch King. He is a sinner forever. .

"Ask, how should I leave the witch world." Xiao Qing said casually, "Of course, if you know how to let this king leave the witch world, this king may not go to the witch king."

"Can't leave."

Houtu Chenshan shook his head and said, "Since the establishment of the witch world, the twelve ancestral witches have transformed the power of the twelve ancestral witches into the power of the ancestral witches on the dome, providing power for the entire witch world. At the same time, it also blocked the entire witchcraft world. Some people accidentally entered the witchcraft world, but they could not leave."

"What's going on on the battlefield?" Xiao Qingdi asked in surprise.

"It's just some weird assimilation of the witch race, we call it the alien witch race, they have been trying to destroy us, the war has been going on for endless years."

Houtu Chenshan's face showed a solemn expression, "Today's battle situation can be said to be getting more and more severe. The entire 12 tribes of the Wu clan, most of the strong are on the battlefield."

As he said, he felt that he had said too much, and quickly closed his mouth and stopped talking.

"Didn't you say that witch power is the nemesis of weird and unknown creatures? Why is there another witch race?" Xiao Qing emperor frowned.

"The strange witch race is not assimilated by the weirdness, but the believer who becomes the weird creature, and takes the initiative to accept the weirdness. I don't know the specifics. Anyway, witch power is indeed the nemesis of weird and unknown creatures."

Houtu Chenshan replied.

"Take this king to see the Witch King." Xiao Qingdi said.

"No, I can't let you hurt the Witch King, unless you can prove that you have no malice." Houtu Chenshan said.

"How do you want this king to prove?" Xiao Qing said.

"I, I don't know." Houtu Chenshan was suddenly stunned. Although he is a great witch, he has never left the witch world, nor has he seen any outsiders. How do I know how to prove that Emperor Xiao Qing did not Malicious.

"You stupid boy, saying you are stupid is extremely stupid."

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head, "Fine, since you refuse to take this king to see the Witch King, then this king will let the Witch King take the initiative to see me."


The next moment, Xiao Qing emperor's body burst out with a terrifying force, a Tai Chi diagram spreading for thousands of miles emerged, the Tai Chi diagram rotated, and the terrifying suction exploded.

Above the dome, in that thick layer of strength, it is no longer a single layer of the power of the earth rioting, but all the twelve kinds of power have erupted in the most terrifying wave at this moment.

Emperor Xiao Qing rose into the sky, standing on the Taiji diagram with his hands on his back, the twelve beams of light falling from the sky, all being swallowed and refined by the Taiji diagram.

At this moment, the entire witch world was shaking.

It was many times larger than the movement caused by Emperor Xiao Qing's rushing into the power layer above the dome.

At this moment, the tens of thousands of feet long earth dragon was crushed directly, and all the people in the entire village fell on the ground, and the village was completely spread out, as if it were just here to take root.

Over a hundred young strong men also looked forward with shocked expressions on their faces.

As for Alai and Houtu Chenshan, the two looked at Emperor Xiao Qing blankly. Alai's eyes were full of surprise and admiration, "The teacher is really amazing."

"Great is great, I don't know if the Witch King is his opponent."

Houtu Chenshan muttered to himself, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with horrified eyes, only feeling that the whole person was not good.

At the same time, when Emperor Xiao Qing broke out, within the entire witch world, one by one strong people appeared. They looked over, with extremely shocked expressions in their eyes, "What a strong power, who is it? Could anyone break through? Witch King, have you reached the realm of the Supreme Ancestor Witch?"

"Impossible, since ancient times, no one can break through and become an ancestral witch."

"Houtu tribe."

A peerless and powerful man, no longer stays, but rushes toward the direction where Emperor Xiao Qing is located at the fastest speed.

At the same time, the patriarch of the Houtu tribe is also the strongest witch king in the entire Houtu tribe. He also appeared high in the sky, frowning and looking at the direction of Emperor Xiao Qing, "Who triggered the force layer, it seems Is it calling this king over?"

"This king would like to see, who would dare to run wild in my Houtu tribe."

He stepped directly out of the way, and the whole person stepped into the force layer, using the force layer to drive the road, the speed was extremely fast, even if the witch world was vast and boundless, he rushed to the place where Xiao Qing emperor was in an instant.

At a glance, he saw the Emperor Xiao Qing standing above the Taiji Diagram, like a bottomless pit, devouring twelve kinds of magic powers.

Emperor Xiao Qing turned his head to look at the Witch King and smiled softly, "You are finally here."

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