The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2133: Ancient truth

"He really entered the temple, that is to say, he is the person predicted by Master Zu Wu."

"Haha, great."

"God bless my Wu Clan."

The Twelve Witch Kings all showed surprise.

At the beginning, although they invited Emperor Xiao Qing to come over, there was no bottom in their hearts. In case, Emperor Xiao Qing really did not have the blood of the ancestor witch and could not enter the temple, they would invite Emperor Xiao Qing over with such enthusiasm. Isn't it the same as slapping one's own face if you still vowed to promise?

Fortunately, Emperor Xiao Qing can really enter it.

"I actually went in."

The old man murmured, "It is reasonable to say that it is impossible. I have not sensed any ancestral witch blood aura in his body."

"The elder meant that he really doesn't have the blood of the ancestor witch?"

The face of the Twelve Witch King changed.

Not only was this elder not weaker than them, but he was also a scary old man. In the entire Witch Clan, no one generation could compare to this one.

"It's not the blood of the ancestor witch, but the blood of the human race."

The old man shook his head and said, "However, the power on his body is very strange, it seems that the power of the Nine Nether body is the same as the power of the gods."

"Divine Realm and Nine Nethers, didn't they appear after our Witch Realm?" The Twelve Witch King looked at the old man in surprise, "In this case, the power of God Realm and Nine Nethers should be the power of Ancestral Witch. Power evolved."

"I lied to him."

The old man said with a sneer, "The witch world was the first strongest world to appear after the ancient ancestor witch opened the world. However, after the human race appeared in those days, it was the destiny of heaven. The speed of cultivation is much faster than ours. Soon. The human race supreme nine-day emperor appeared, and his strength was comparable to that of the ancestor witch. They alone blazed a different path from the witch tribe’s practice, gained the approval of the chaotic heaven and condensed the gods."

"Similarly, the formation of Nine Nethers is similar to that of the God Realm, and they all appeared at the same time."

While the Twelve Witch Kings were dumbfounded, the old man slowly revealed the secrets he knew, "In those infinite years, although the Witch Realm is still the oldest existence, it is only because of the God Realm and Jiu Netherworld. The strongest of the world respects the twelve ancestral witch-sama for his pioneering work, and coupled with the twelve ancestral witch fusion, no one can match."

"Otherwise, the strength of the God Realm and the Nine Nether Realms actually surpassed our witch realm."

The old man looked depressed, "There is no way, we can only practice by blood, and they can devour external forces to cultivate, and the power of chaos is continuously transformed into various energy, which is just suitable for their cultivation, and the human race is naturally suitable for contacting the chaos avenue. Cultivation, how do we compare with them?"

"Well, then why did the Witch Clan be the only one who was unlucky after that strange thing appeared?" Xuan Ming Witch King asked puzzledly.

"This is not right. It's not that the Wu Clan is unlucky, but that both God Realm and Jiuyou are almost destroyed, and the Wu Clan is even the most complete one."

The old man shook his head and said, "Millions of years ago, a avatar of the **** king of the gods entered the witch world. At that time, because he could not leave, he settled down in the witch boundary. I talked a lot with me. I know some outsiders. Case."

"Infinite years ago, after strange things appeared, the God Realm suffered heavy losses and was almost destroyed. Even the Supreme Emperor of the God Realm had an accident. Especially, the strong human beings who became gods were almost destroyed. Exhausted, today's **** realm giants are almost all alien races supported by weirdness."

"As for Jiuyou, needless to say."

The old man shook his head and said, "The Nine Nether Realms are the worst of the Three Realms. Originally, the strength of the Nine Nether Realms is the strongest in the Three Realms, so it is the most conceited, facing the strange and unknown things, without the slightest defense. I was caught off guard, and the entire Nine Nether Realm was destroyed."

"That battle was horrible. The powerhouses of the Witch Realm and the God Realm tried their best to rescue Jiu You, but it was too late."

The old man shook his head, "My grandfather, who was also a powerful Witch King at the time, was also involved in rescue operations, but when the Witch Clan and the God Realm army arrived, Jiuyou was completely destroyed. The entire Nine Nether World is shattered."

"Even Nine Nether's Heavenly Dao was shattered, and the origin and everything disappeared."

"Then the war for a long time, the witch world couldn't hold it, the twelfth ancestor witch master decided to seal the witch world, and our witch world was isolated from the world for endless years."

"The outside world nowadays doesn't know what it is like again."

The Twelve Witch Kings were silent.

Originally, they only knew that the twelve ancestor witches opened up the world. The witch world was the only orthodox in the ancient times, and was the most powerful existence that controlled the heavens and the world.

Unexpectedly, the God Realm and Jiuyou that appeared later were so terrifying.

Of course, all this is history after all, and they haven't really been shocked yet. What shocked them was that Jiuyou was destroyed, the God Realm was in chaos, and after the Witch Realm was proclaimed himself, Emperor Xiao Qing seemed to have the origin of the God Realm and the origin of the Jiuyou, and The power of the witch family.

"He bears the origin of the God Realm and the origin of the Nine Nethers, and now he has mastered the power of the Twelve Ancestral Witch, which is the son of destiny calculated by the Twelve Ancestral Witch."

The old man looked at the shimmering temple and whispered, "I guess, after he comes out, it's time for us to fight to the death with the strange witch race."


The look of the Twelve Witch Kings changed, "Did the fight come so quickly?"

They are not ready yet, especially Zhurong Witch King and Xuan Ming Witch King are even more depressed. With their current situation, they are going to fight to the death with each other. This is obviously looking for death.

After all, the alien witch race, but appeared for the witch race, there are also twelve witch kings, and their strength is not weaker than the peak period.

"If the alien witch race is not completely destroyed, the weird things will soon know that the person predicted by the twelve ancestor witches will appear. At that time, it will be very troublesome."

The old man said solemnly, "Now, you are going to prepare immediately, arrange everything, and only wait for the witch emperor to inherit everything from the twelve ancestor witches before launching a war."

"The Emperor Wu?"

The Twelve Witch Kings were shocked again.

"This is set by the Twelve Ancestor Witch. As long as we can get everything that the Twelve Ancestral Witch can do, it is the highest control of my Witch Clan, the Witch Emperor. From now on, the Witch Clan will respect him." The old man said. .

"Wait, if anyone dares not obey the order of the witch emperor, the temple law enforcers will not show mercy to your men."

The old man's voice with a cold and stern killing intent made the twelve witch king's mind shake, and he hurriedly saluted, "Yes."

"Okay, go and prepare."

The old man waved his hand and the Twelve Witch Kings dispersed.

Then, the old man turned his gaze to the densely packed Wuzu powerhouse standing on the endless stars, his face showed excitement, "After infinite years, Wuzu, finally going out."

"The Emperor Wu..."

Looking at the temple again, the old man sighed.

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