The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 2141: War of the Witches

In the high altitude, the dragon chants constantly.

The four-legged flesh swelled to ten million feet, and even continued to grow.

Its whole body, the power of the bloodline continued to boil, bursting out a vast and boundless aura. Because of the power of the bloodline of Emperor Xiao Qing, the power of its bloodline was evolving, even surpassing the bloodline possessed by the Nine Heavens Dragon Race.

"Not enough power."

With a thought of Emperor Xiao Qing, a finger of the ancestral witch energy seal on the top of his head, the twelve powers came suddenly, all of which were integrated into the body of the four legs.

In the next moment, the four-legged body swelled again, and stopped after reaching the limit of 99.99 million feet.

Its whole body was dripping with blood and its scales were shattered, because the rapid expansion of the flesh caused the flesh to burst, and layer after layer of skin fell off. The new scales became stronger than the original under the solidification of the power of the twelve ancestors I don't know how many times the scale armor is stronger.

The power of the Witch is the strongest in the flesh.

The power of the twelve ancestor witches merged into the four-legged body, making up for each other with its dragon body, making it even more terrifying.

"Never mind, this king will fulfill you and see how far you can reach." Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, his fingers flicked, and eight drops of blood fell into the body of his four legs.

Adding the previous drop, a total of nine drops of blood containing eternal blood were sent to the four feet.


In an instant, the four feet screamed frantically, the blood boiled all over, and a boundless force burst out.

Its physical body broke through the final ten feet, reaching a hundred million feet long.

"Finally grown up."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, and ignored the four legs, but instead entered the palace with his thoughts. At this moment, the ten dragon guards were all out of the palace. Seeing Emperor Xiao Qing appeared, they all showed surprise, "Lord ."

"Meet the prince."

"Leave this king out, and this king will give you a chance."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled, and while waving his hands, directly let the ten dragon guards come from the palace.

"Wang Ye, where is this? How do I feel like it is not in our universe?" As soon as Pu appeared, Xiao Wu held Xiao Qingdi's arm with a curious look on her pretty face.

"This is the witch world that has disappeared in ancient times."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly and told the ten dragon guards everything about the witch world.

They were dumbfounded, "In other words, we have been in retreat for a hundred years?"

It's incredible.

Originally, although they had always been in retreat in the emperor hall, they were not very sensitive to the passage of time. They only said that they had been retreating for a year or two.

Unexpectedly, a hundred years passed in the blink of an eye.

"Your cultivation has reached the peak of the true god, and each has been inherited from the Imperial Palace. Today, this king will help you break through."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, his fingers split, and a drop of blood dripped from his hand, and then, the ten dragon guards each sat in the void, and everyone did not give the nine drops of blood to Emperor Xiao Qing.

In an instant, the vast aura exploded, the human blood of the ten dragon guards was boiling, the terrifying aura circulating, and the strength of the whole body was evolving rapidly.

They are the human bloodline themselves, and they can be said to be the closest to the eternal human bloodline of Emperor Xiao Qing. Even if they only get nine drops of the blood of Emperor Xiao Qing, it is enough to make their bloodline evolve to an unparalleled level.

At the same time, Emperor Xiao Qing drove the power of the twelve ancestor witches to refine their bodies, causing the cultivation of the ten dragon guards to instantly break through the peace of the realm of true gods and reach the realm of heavenly gods.

Moreover, the power of the twelve ancestor witches is constantly submerged in them, continuously tempering their bodies. Moreover, Emperor Xiao Qing used the method of ancestral witch cultivation to help them temper their bodies into comparable The realm of great witches.

Anyway, when he was free, he sat cross-legged in the void, helping the ten dragon guards to temper their bodies, and at the same time inspiring the power of the twelve ancestors to practice.

At this moment, the Taiji diagram in his body is getting bigger and bigger. Under the power of the twelve ancestor witches, the origin of the gods and the origin of the nine quiets are gradually controlled by him, and the stronger the power he can exert.

"Now I, if I face the three masters, I don't know if it is their opponent."

Emperor Xiao Qing said to himself, "It's a pity that I can't become a **** here, otherwise, if I can become a god, I'm afraid there will be another transformation in my strength."

Becoming a **** is a transformation of the level of life.

This is a unique leap given by the Chaos Heavenly Dao to the born creatures.

No matter how strong Xiao Qingdi is, as long as he can become a god, his own power is enough to grow to a very terrifying level.

However, at this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing surpassed the gods, but because the witch world was sealed by the power of the twelve ancestor witches, the chaotic heavenly rules could not be reached, making him unable to become a god.

"Well, I'll talk later."

He plunged his mind into the emperor hall, trying to see if the women went out, but found that the women were still practicing, and they were still practicing in deep retreat. In a short time, it was impossible to go out. .

Helpless, he had no choice but to help the Ten Dragon Guards and the four-legged cultivating while practicing by himself.

At the same time, the war in the witch world broke out completely.

With the terrifying power fluctuations erupting on the ground between the Witch tribe and the alien Witch tribe, the Twelve Witch Kings led an army to kill them. On the opposite side, there were also Twelve Witch Kings.

That's because the Witch King who actively accepted the strange power and transformed his own power into the Witch King, although not the Witch King in the true sense, is not weaker than the Twelve Witch King.


The great elder of the temple, the old man also brought the temple guard to kill.

Although the old man is not the Witch King, he has lived for too long, and his strength has long been unpredictable, comparable to the top Witch King.

It is precisely because of this that only half of the remaining power of Zhu Rong Witch King and Xuan Ming Witch King can barely block each other's two Witch Kings.

"Chat, the witch world should respect us, you old stubborn, today will be completely annihilated."

On the opposite side, the gray mist filled, and while the twelve witch king powerhouses started to kill, there was a powerful and unparalleled powerhouse in the distance in the void, surrounded by gray mist, standing proudly. .

At the same time, there was a young human with his hands on his back and smiled and watched the scene, "No wonder the Twelve Ancestor Witches want to seal the Witch Realm. You are too weak. It is really sad that the Twelve Witch Kings appeared in these long years. ."

"who are you?"

The Great Elder of the Temple took action against the twelve Witch Kings of the alien witch race, his eyes were on the Human Race youth, when he saw the group of Human Race youth who followed him surrounded by gray mist, their strength was terrifying, not at all. When the strong man was weaker than the Witch King, his face changed.

"Alien Witch Clan, more than Twelve Witch Kings."

Something happened!

Originally, although the strength of the alien witch race was not weak, only the twelve witch kings appeared, which made the witch race feel that everyone's strength was equal. Unexpectedly, when the battle really appeared, the opponent would have countless powerful witch kings. .

How do you fight this?

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