The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 579: The kindness back then, today ends

"Luo, you will definitely let me go, right? You love me so much, even if I have done something wrong, but I believe you will definitely let me go."

When Luo Xia raised his head and looked at Shirley, the latter's face showed excitement, "Luo, come and let me go. Your friend has already left. You can let go before he comes back. I."

"You can abandon even the identity of the human race for me, you will definitely let me go."

"Luo, you love me, and I love you too, as long as you let me go, will we stay together in the future?"


Following, Luo Xia walked towards Shirley step by step.

Shirley is getting more and more excited, only feeling that the so-called pain she has suffered during this period can be relieved.

She knew that Luo Xia's love for her was selfless, even if she knew that she had been using him, but he still loved her very much and was absolutely unwilling to kill her.

Luo Xia didn't speak, but lowered his head, volleying step by step towards Shirley.

"Luo Xia, don't be fooled by her." Kong Shuai quickly shouted aside.

"Leave him."

Zhou Wang shook his head, looking at Kong Shuai with a rare serious look, "He uses too much affection, unlike you, with this vampire just a few days of dew, water, affection, fate.

The reason why Boss Xiao wants him to do it himself is to get him to get rid of the devil in his heart. As for how to choose, it all depends on whether he can get out. "

Although he was serious, Kong Shuai on one side frowned and showed uncomfortable expression, "How do you guys talk, actually said that I and the female vampire were just a few days of dew, water, love, fate... .."

"Oh, forgot, you must have communicated deeply, I don't know how many times." Zhou Wang'suddenly realized', the serious smile on his face disappeared instantly, but he looked at Kong Shuai with a grin, "Come, talk about it," How do you feel when you are doing that? Deep. In. Shallow. Out or shallow. In. Shallow. Out?"

"Did she transform, yours is too short to reach? Ahahaha..."

"Asshole, you die for me."

He said that Kong Shuai gritted his teeth and was furious, and was about to rush to chase King Zhou.

When the two were fooling around, Luo Xia had already arrived in front of Shirley.

"Luo, come, let me go, I miss you..." Shirley was shaking with excitement.

Everything is under her control.

She was so excited that she couldn't wait to grin out.

I just felt that Emperor Xiao Qing was so stupid that he even let Luo Xia make a choice.

She is very clear about the man's feelings for her. She knows that even though this man hates her, he will choose to let her go.


However, at this time, Luo Xia raised his head, the blood-colored light flowing in his eyes, he waved his hand, and a blood-colored vortex appeared in his hand.

Muttered in a low voice, "Shirley, do you remember the first time we met that year?"

"Remember...what are you saying about this? Hurry up and smash his energy and let me go out." Shirley remembers so much, she just wants to get out of trouble at the moment.

"Yeah, how could you remember? Even if I was your number one target, you forgot..."

Luo Xia whispered, and at the same time, the whirlpool in his hand suddenly broke away from his hand and flew directly towards Shirley.

"Yes, crush his imprisonment and let me out." Shirley looked at the **** whirlpool excitedly.

However, in the next moment, her face changed, "No..."

The whirlpool fell directly on her body, shrouding her body, not to crush the energy that Xiao Qing Emperor imprisoned her, but to shred her body little by little, and turn into flesh and blood energy for absorption.

"No no, Luo, what are you doing?"

"Stop, you can't kill me... No no... Luo, you are so cruel..."

Shirley screamed, however, the blood-colored vortex did not show any mercy at all. At the same time as it was spinning, a terrifying force burst out, directly crushing her whole person.

After her whole person was crushed, all the pieces of flesh and blood were absorbed by this **** vortex.

Then, the **** whirlpool carried all the flesh and blood energy of Shirley back into Luo Xia's body.


The next moment, there was a roar in Luo Xia's body, but the aura in his body became stronger and stronger.

Luo Xia completely transformed into a blood clan about three feet tall with blood and dark golden light circling each other.

Although he was too short in size compared with the real bodies of the other blood races of the William Clan, at this moment, the breath that he exploded was unparalleled.


In the rear, when the nine cardinals saw Luo Xia swallowed Shirley and turned into a blood race with dark gold and blood runes circulating, their faces all changed.

"People from that line have appeared again!"

"Asshole, he can't be completely transformed, otherwise he will be another bloodthirsty monster."

"However, this vein does not swallow humans, but feeds on the blood race. They are heretics among the blood races, and they are the most powerful existence in the blood race. After the true transformation is successful, they will have terrible combat power."

"Whether he feeds on blood or not, he can't let him grow up and kill him."

At this moment, the nine cardinals burst out of powerful force at the same time, and rushed towards Luo Xia amidst the roar.

"I rely on..."

When both Kong Shuai and Zhou Wang, who were arguing, saw this scene, their faces changed greatly.


The two of them rushed towards the nine cardinals without needing to say anything.

"Step aside."

The nine cardinals are standing in a peculiar position, their strength is integrated and condensed into one body. Above their heads, a hundred-zhang sacred sword of light is gradually becoming solid.

Even if Kong Shuai and Zhou Wang rushed over, they were directly bounced off.

The power of light was surging, with a powerful force moving towards Luo Xia to suppress it.

And at this moment, it is the critical time of evolution after Luo Xia swallowed Shirley. If he can evolve successfully, he will become the true blood power of the line of the owner of the Prince.

That is, the bloodthirsty blood race.

If it is interrupted and fails, it will be completely destroyed.

"Boss Xiao, help, these nine old things are going to kill Luo Xia."

After Kong Shuai was shocked and flew out, with a wave of his hand, countless space blades slew towards the nine cardinals, and at the same time, he yelled at Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Weaver, Luo Xia is the brother of this king, you dare to do something with him, wait, don't you want to live?"

The nine cardinals continued to kill Luo Xia, but the low voice of Emperor Xiao Qing with murderous intent came from their ears.

As the voice rang, their eyes showed dignity, but they looked at each other and shouted in a deep voice, "Don't stop, shoot it out, absolutely can't let him transform successfully."


The nine people screamed at the same time, and the light holy sword that had been completely condensed into a substantive shape on the top of their heads lifted up, and slashed towards Luo Xia who was undergoing transformation with the power of overwhelming light.


"You guys, looking for death!"

However, the next moment, accompanied by a deep voice, a Nine-Colored Sword Dragon roared and impacted, and in a crash, directly impacted on that bright holy sword.

Not far away, Emperor Xiao Qing, who was fighting against the blood races, raised his hand, pointed his sword at the holy sword of light, and shouted, "Cut!"

In a crash, Nine-Colored Sword Dragon, with the power of terror, slashed towards the Holy Sword of Light.

In an instant, the Sacred Sword of Light roared, and in the incredible eyes of the nine cardinals, the Sacred Sword of Light, which was formed by the power of the nine of them, exploded directly.

"No, how could his strength be so strong?" The faces of the nine cardinals changed drastically at the same time.

"Stabilize the formation. Although his strength is strong, he can't cause too much damage to us. He continues to shoot and kill the bloodthirsty blood." Weaver roared.

The nine cardinals once again took action, and each raised the scepter of light in their hands, bursting out an extremely powerful holy light, illuminating the dark place below.

All of them burned with holy flames at the same time.

That is the sacred fire produced by the condensed power of light to the extreme.

Although it can't be compared with the holy fire that Xiao Qing Emperor got last time, it is also no small thing.

Especially when the dark creatures such as the blood race met, they must die or not.


The nine light sacred flames gathered together and blasted towards Luo Xia with unparalleled power.

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