The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 703: Pretending to be acting

"From today, you are the son-in-law of the Xiao royal family."

When Xiao Zhengjing said this, both Ning Jin and Xiao Hong's faces were shocked.

"No, father, he is just a proton. The Ning Empire is about to be destroyed. What kind of thing is he, how could he be worthy of being the son-in-law of the Xiao imperial family?"

Xiao Hong exclaimed, "I don't agree that this trash will become the son-in-law of the Xiao imperial family, and he is not qualified."

Xiao Zhengjing did not answer Xiao Hong. Instead, he looked at the stunned Ning Jin, and said slowly, "I don't know, what does Emperor Ning Jin feel?"


At this moment, Ning Jin had a complex color on his face. He looked to Xiao Zhengjing to one side, and realized that the latter did not seem to be joking, so he hesitated.

Because he didn't know whether Xiao Zhengjing was genuine or fake.

"What? Isn't the girl of my Xiao royal family worthy of you?"

Xiao Zhengjing said slowly.

"no no..."

As soon as he said this, Ning Jin's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly said loudly, "Not so."

He looked at Xiao Zhengjing with a serious and guilty expression on his face, "Emperor Xiao, in fact, Ning Jin knows himself, Ning Jin is just a trash, although my mother is a member of the Zhou royal family, my father is the previous emperor. , But I am not reused in the Ning-style imperial clan, otherwise, the father would not hand over the throne to Ning Yu, but to me."

"I am such a trash, if I can form a family with the Xiao Emperor, I will naturally be willing to do everything possible, but I am afraid that I am not worthy of the little princesses of the Xiao Emperor."

He sighed, with bitterness on his face, as if he wanted to enter the Xiao imperial family and become the son-in-law of the Xiao imperial family, but he did not dare to delusion because of his low skills.

"Pretend, in fact, my heart is full of joy."

Xiao Hong looked at Ning Jin disdainfully, "Ning Jin child, although you are a little bit witty and know that you are a trash, but you are so good at acting, my father is aloof, and you can see the point in your heart at a glance. Little trick."

"Let me say, since you know that you are a trash, then you should be hit to death on the ground, so as not to waste the strength of my Xiao imperial family and kill you with a knife."


However, before Xiao Hong had finished speaking, he was slapped and slapped by Xiao Zhengjing.


Xiao Hong was knocked into the air, covering her face, bleeding from the corner of her mouth, and looking at his father Xiao Zhengjing with an incredible color in her eyes, "You, why hit me like this?"


Xiao Zhengjing smiled furiously, "Trash, why did you say I hit you? You are so incompetent, you can't even understand this point. Go down and reflect on it."

After speaking, he waved his hand and shouted, "Come here, take Prince Xiao Hong back to reflect."


Outside the door, two guards walked in and directly took Xiao Hong out.

"No, why, why are you arresting me? I didn't do anything wrong, Father, what are you doing?"

"Why are you doing this..."


Xiao Hong yelled, until now, he still couldn't understand why his father treated him this way.

Hearing the unwilling cry from his son in his ears, Xiao Zhengjing's face was disappointed.

This is his own son.

Not to mention that Emperor Xiao Qing, the biological son of his second brother, has already reached a level that the older generation can’t compare, so he aimed at the Ning-style emperor in front of him, who was just a wasteful Ning Jin, not his own. The son can compare.

Seeing this scene, Ning Jin already had an idea in his heart, and a ray of joy appeared in his eyes.

On the surface, he lowered his eyebrows and looked at Xiao Zhengjing cautiously.

Xiao Zhengjing raised his head, looked at Ning Jin, and said with a calm smile, "From now on, you will be the son-in-law of my Xiao royal family. If someone bullies you and someone wants to **** your things, you can tell my Xiao royal family clearly. .

I, Xiao Zhengjing, as the acting emperor of the Xiao family, will naturally help you get back everything you deserve. "

When Ning Jin heard this, his eyes blinked, almost without any hesitation, and he knelt down on the ground with a'poof', "Father-in-law, ah no, the emperor, I am wronged. These years, I have been in the emperor's clan and I have been caught by Ning Yu. That **** suppressed and suffered from no backing. I was so wronged. I beg you to be the master of my son-in-law."

He cried, and two lines of tears flowed down like two small clear streams.

Those are tears of excitement and tears of grievance.

He held Xiao Zhengjing's legs in both hands, snot and tears, and he cried like a tearful person.

Xiao Zhengjing's face showed kindness, and he lifted Ning Jin with both hands and said warmly, "Jin'er, don't be sad. From now on, if you have any grievances, I will be the master."

"Uuuuu, great, I finally have someone help me call the shots."

The grievance Ning Jin cried was like a child who was bullied outside and saw an adult at home. He cried out all the dissatisfaction that he had received in the Ning-style clan for the past two decades.

"Get up, good boy, first find a good daughter from the clan, let you talk about it after you get married."

Xiao Zhengjing acted in a real manner. After supporting Ning Jin, he sighed, "In order for you to be closer to me, I must find a woman in my line to marry you."

"Only in this way can I stand for you."

He was very emotional.

Looking at Ning Jin in front of him, who could imagine that with such a rumors that everyone was rumored, he would be able to mention himself in one sentence, giving himself an upright excuse to oppose Ning Yu?

As long as you hold Ning Jin in your hands, and you are good at serving, then, even if Ning Yu's child ascends the throne of God?

The Xiao imperial family can also help Ning Jin, the son-in-law, to take back everything he lost.

Really, a wonderful plan.

"My father-in-law, see you my son-in-law."

Ning Jin was agitated, and the tears had not been wiped away. He had just been lifted up and was ready to worship again.

"Oh, you are welcome."

Xiao Zhengjing grabbed him, and after thinking for a while, he suddenly slapped his thigh, "Yes, this emperor has a very suitable candidate. At that time, even if you call me the father-in-law, you can barely call me."


Although Xiao Zhengjing said at the beginning that he would be the son-in-law of the Xiao royal family, Ning Jin also burst into tears, but both of them tacitly knew that both were acting.

Ning Jin thought that Xiao Zhengjing just mentioned it casually, and it was absolutely impossible to find a daughter of the Xiao royal family for himself.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhengjing's goods actually got the money.

"Don't give it away for nothing."

Ning Jin muttered to herself, with excitement on the surface, "My son-in-law, thank you father-in-law, in the future, I will be your biological son. I will certainly listen to you and be filial to you."


What a good boy, obedient, sensible, and very smart.

Rao is Xiao Zhengjing, and I think Ning Jin is really good.

Perhaps, in the entire Ning-style emperor family, Ning Jin hides the deepest, and no other disciple can compare with Ning Jin.

"I have a younger brother."

Xiao Zhengjing sighed, "Unfortunately, he died eight years ago, but he left a son and a daughter, living alone, alone, and being bullied. It is very pitiful."

"Pretend, just pretend." Ning Jin sneered in his heart.

However, in order to save his life, he still looked at Xiao Zhengjing obediently, unblinking, and even when he heard Xiao Zhengjing say the words'extremely pitiful', he still showed compassion, "Really Poor, as a member of the Xiao imperial family, he should have enjoyed the glory and wealth, but he wanted to live outside."


Xiao Zhengjing also sighed, "Fortunately, even though their siblings have been bullied outside these years, I found them after all."

"It's really a great event." Ning Jin looked surprised.

"Their brother and sister are in the East China Sea. I decided to marry my niece to you. At that time, I hope you can take good care of her."

Xiao Zhengjing said unhurriedly.

"My son-in-law, how can you be so important to marry your niece to me."

Ning Jin looked surprised. This time, she was really excited.

He didn't expect that Xiao Zhengjing would marry his niece to himself, which was simply unexpected.

If he really satisfies his identity as the son-in-law of the Xiao imperial family, some things he hadn't dared to dream of before would also have feasible possibilities.

"As long as you treat her well." Xiao Zhengjing waved his hand and said with a smile, "Well, you will set off later, take someone to the East China Sea, and bring your fiancee back to your marriage."

"Yeah, yes, my son-in-law must live up to your expectations."

Ning Jin nodded excitedly.

Xiao Zhengjing went out with satisfaction.

Suddenly, before Xiao Zhengjing went out, Ning Jin thought of something, and his face instantly paled, "What, Dong, Donghai...I'm Cao, no, no..."

"It's over..."

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